It is just as thought-provoking but without the Hollywood action thrown in. ıv&��V%W��8BC��Q�9ADZ}��:���d�4�҉�O�]���a�=�rq���7��ڝ���Jz��B�dѿ�Ƴ����߮��z��=F=#�ps"8����w��[#�zm
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Does anyone know where I can read the Three Days of Rain script online? The two fathers were long-time friends and partners in architecture; their legacy is the brilliantly daring creation, the 1960's Janeway House. ���A����o�ԓ�̊1})��'m����Z��B˫�����kR��d��d���6)q� They don't have it at my local library, and I don't own a credit card so I cannot order it online. It is just as thought-provoking but without the Hollywood action thrown in. %PDF-1.4
I wish more movies were worth my time and money. Three Days of Rain is a play by Richard Greenberg that was commissioned and produced by South Coast Repertory in 1997. I left the theater with my friends at 9pm and we did not stop talking about it until midnight but could have gone on longer. 426 0 obj
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Screened at Method Fest, Burbank "Three Days of Rain" is an auspicious feature debut for writer-director Michael Meredith and a fitting opener for the fifth Method Fest, which spotlights independent films with an accent on acting. AN OFFICE SOMEWHERE IN NEW YORK OPEN CLOSE on a book printed in CHINESE CHARACTERS, held open under a moving SCANNING BEAM.