That happened to me at my church, and I wasn't alone. W. SOMERSET MAUGHAM, The Bread-Winner, 1930. It is still an idiom that is used a great deal though, perhaps because of its evocative nature. Partridge (1940) suggests that it is a fishvendor's call to advertise his wares. Adam's apple. The usage of this particular idiom is far more expansive than just that narrow reading. The old prejudices were still very much alive and kicking. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, be busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Ben makes sure footy alive and kicking in Africa; GEORDIE HEAD OF CHARITY BRINGING BEAUTIFUL GAME TO KIDS, Meet the charity worker who has Alan Shearer's support in using football to help children in Africa; Ben Sadler's charity Alive and Kicking is changing lives across the world - and Barack Obama has even backed the cause, Oyo NURTW boss, Fele, debunks death rumour, says 'I'm alive and kicking', Singer alive & kicking after heart attack, Pocket-sized guide to healthy living; GROWING up in this day and age can be difficult for youngsters, but students in the North East are being given a helping hand from a new health booklet. Pair Meaning Example; alive and kicking. call to advertise his wares. The same men came in all the time, and they had gotten accustomed to seeing each other. Post an example. No examples to display at this moment.Be the first one to post an example sentence for this idiom below. On the ball: this idiom is typically used to reference someone that is alert, active, or attentive. This is one of those expressions that lend themselves to Hit the books: This idiom simply means to study, especially with particular intensity. Related expressions. alive and kicking idiom meaning: alive and well (healthy) in working condition; Example sentences. Imagine how shocked we were when he walked into the bar the next month! imaginative interpretation. For example, consider the sentence, "The home team seemed to have no hope of winning, but, after scoring 10 points in a row, they are clearly alive and kicking.". The next day, my husband and I went searching for him in the snow for two hours. Romance is still alive and kicking for a couple who will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this week. Meaning. It's alive and We have built a large community where our users can suggest new expressions, post comments, take quizzes and earn point along the way, the users with highest score get to be featured and so it becomes a very powerful advertising engine too. The universe isn't a machine after all. all one. It is said to be there as a reminder that, in the biblical story of the Garden of Eden, Adam ate the forbidden apple, a piece of which became lodged in his throat. Comments. All along: If you have known or suspected something all along, then you have felt this from the beginning. alive and kicking. Example sentences. Alive and kicking. Everyone gasped, and we waited a moment to make sure we weren't seeing a ghost or an angel. @StarJo – It's always creepy and first when you see someone you believed to be dead walking about right in front of you. Stay until your love is alive and kicking.. alive and well. Read on. You've been going to the library everyday for the past two months so I really hope your studying bears fruit this semester. Once the economy took a downward turn, a couple of places around town started using the phrase “alive and kicking” in their advertising campaigns to let customers know they weren't going under. An idiom is a combination of words that has a figurative meaning, due to its common usage. I'm alive and kicking and still going strong. This phrase is malleable enough to be stretched from its literal meaning to include descriptions of sports teams whose chances, at one point seemingly dead, are now alive and well. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase. Next Question. With the scores tied and just three minutes left in the match, it was all or nothing.. an arm and a leg Be the first one to post an example sentence for this idiom below. He didn't come home one night, and I cried and prayed for his safety. I had been worrying about him starving out in the woods somewhere, but all that time, he was alive and kicking! Direction: In the following questions four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase in bold in the sentence. Rating. In fact, the word "kicking" makes it seems that the person or thing in question is doing more than just surviving. Doing well; still existing. all hat and no cattle. The phrase "alive and kicking" came into vogue in the United States in the 19th century. Not only was he home; he was in good shape and his belly was full! As an example, someone might say, "I thought that newspaper had gone under years ago, but I found out yesterday that it's still alive and kicking. See also: alive, and, kick No comments to display at this moment. She had been missing for two months, and everyone assumed she must be dead, since the man would not reveal her location, and he wasn't there to give her food and water. So, when one of them didn't come in for an entire month, they thought he must have died at sea. all in the same boat. Last Modified Date: July 31, 2020 "Alive and kicking" is an English idiom that refers to someone or something that is not only still alive but is still active.