"Almonds have been studied extensively for their benefits on heart health, diabetes, and weight management," said Jenny Heap, a registered dietitian with the Almond Board of California. An analysis of the Nurses' Health Study showed that frequent nut consumers were 25 percent less likely to need a cholecystectomy, a procedure to remove the gallbladder that is often done to treat gallstones. In this way, these trace minerals help maintain your body's energy flow. You can spread almond butter on celery or an apple; use unsweetened almond milk in shakes, sauces, and eggnog; or make pancakes using almond meal, for example. That said, you should always check with your doctor before making any changes to your diet. Also, antioxidants in the blood increased after the almond meal, while they decreased after the other meals. "Their combination of protein, fiber, and good fats makes them a satisfying snack choice that can help keep you from reaching for empty calorie choices between meals," said Heap. Almonds are a good source of nutrients that are important for brain health, including vitamin E, folate and unsaturated fatty acids, as well as l-carnitine which is known for its neuroprotective benefits. Nutritional benefits of almonds. Replacing almonds with saturated fats may also help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. In 2016, Americans ate an average of 1.8 lbs. While she noted that "numerous studies have shown that choosing almonds as a daily snack does not lead to changes in body weight," substituting them for other snacks may help dieters. Good oils and fats increased significantly, as did magnesium, fiber and protein by a small margin. The first occurs through direct contact and can lead to life-threatening breathing difficulties. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer. According to the Almond Board, the almond industry has programs and procedures to minimize aflatoxins. Combined with the high vitamin E content in the meat of the almond, these flavonoids endow almonds with a unique nutritional package that may have implications for cholesterol levels, inflammation and more. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, An almond allergy is typically grouped with a tree nut allergy (including cashews, walnuts, Brazil nuts and others), and is usually severe. The magazine article cited a study of 12,000 adults, published in Archives of Internal Medicine, which showed that those who consumed 4,069 mg of potassium each day lowered their risk of cardiovascular disease and ischemic heart disease by 37 percent and 49 percent, respectively, compared to those who took 1,793 mg per day. A 2009 article in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN) looked at the evidence on nut consumption and a variety of health issues. In the study of more than 17,000 children and adults, participants swapped all their snacks with almonds and. Almonds are a rich source of manganese and magnesium. Like these relatives, almonds grow on beautiful, flowering trees and thrive in warm, dry climates. Cooking with almonds is a great way to boost the nutrient content of a meal while lowering the carbohydrate content. Discover what makes almonds good for you, from monounsaturated fat to vitamins, and the truth about whether almonds can aid weight loss and boost brainpower. New York, There's good reason for the love affair. Be mindful about servings of almond products as well. And although almonds are naturally high in calories, almond milk is a lower-calorie substitute for cow's milk. "Because gluten-free diets can be low in iron, fiber, B vitamins and protein, and high in saturated fat and sugar, it is important to help fill these gaps and optimize nutrition.