She has been featured by NPR and National Geographic for her ancient history expertise. As Agamemnon returned to his wife, she and her new husband, Aegisthus, murdered him and Kassandra. He was also an oracular god and a patron of Delphi. He was the god of poetry, art, archery, plague, sun, light, knowledge and music. Apollo with his lyre. Because Daphne did not want him, she asked her father to help her. Artemis and Apollo Piercing Niobe's Children with their Arrows by Jacques-Louis David, Dallas Museum of Art, Apollo and Daphne by Bernini in the Galleria Borghese, Apollo and Hyacinthus, 16th-century Italian engraving by Jacopo Caraglio. Served with your choice of: Grilled chicken breast, sliced gyro meat or baby shrimp, Fresh cut greens, tomatoes, onions, pepperoini, feta cheese & greek olives, served with pita bread, Garlic butter, Gyro meat, onions with feta and mozzarella cheese, Garlic butter, black olives, spinach, mushrooms, onions, green peppers, tomatoes with feta & mozzarella cheese, Garlic butter, onions, green peppers, mushrooms and tomatoes with feta and mozzarella cheese, Garlic butter, green peppers, onions and marinated chicken breast with feta & mozzarella cheese. Apollo was also said to have been the lover of the twin brother of Kassandra, Helenus. Hera was very sour towards her because Zeus was her children's father and Hera disliked that Zeus kept having children with other women and goddesses. Follow us on Twitter He shot an arrow at the Python and it pierced him in the forehead. The games were then held every four years as a tribute to Apollo. Then the raven told Apollo that Coronis cheated. Apollo believed that she was unfaithful to him. On the tenth day, the Gods finally took pity and entombed the children's bodies themselves. Apollo’s mother, Leto, was the goddess of motherhood. Apollo went to the Python’s cave. There was once a satyr named Marsyas. The golden chariot became the symbol of Apollo for he explored the sky using the sun. Hours Sunday—Thursday 11:00AM–10:00PM Friday—Saturday: 11:00AM–3:00AM We offer appetizers, meals, and desserts, all made fresh to order. Find us on Facebook Apollo was the son of Leto and Zeus. Apollo, the Greek God of the Sun, Music, and Prophecy. The Greeks wouldn’t be the last to worship Apollo though. Asclepius exploited his ability to heal by raising men from the dead. After the song was complete, the young boy took the body of his victim and buried it beneath the slopes of Mount Parnassus. History shows that cults in Asia were the first to worship Apollo and it is speculated that his first role was actually as the protector of shepherds. There was a sundisk above it with twenty-one rays made of arrows. a.twitter-follow { To punish them, the god showers the Greeks with arrows of plague, possibly bubonic, since the plague-sending Apollo was associated with mice. People traveled to it from all over the Greek world to divine the future. The son of Leto and Zeus, Apollo was born on the island known as Delos. Then finally Kassandra foretold that Klytemnestra, the wife of Agamemnon, was going to kill him, but he didn't believe her. But Hera, Zeus’ wife, was furious over the affair and made sure that Leto was unable to find a shelter to give birth. vertical-align: middle; rice, two sides or a salad, drizzled with tzatziki sauce and pita bread. The little floating island is called Delos. The Apollo Greek Resturant is an excellent choice for lunch or dinner. Therefore, she was changed into a laurel tree. display: inline-block; He could also become jealous when provoked. It wasn't safe to resist his advances. In a discus throwing contest, Apollo almost killed his fellow companion Hyacinthus. Perhaps the earliest conflation of Apollo and the sun god Helios occurs in the surviving fragments of Euripides' "Phaethon." padding-left: 32px; A long time later, the famous seer called Tiresias came to Telphousa's spring and drank from it but died. It says that he saw Eros playing with his bow, and he insulted him, telling him to "play with his own little bows and arrows" because he had slain a mighty serpent with his bow. Leto searched all over Greece until she found a small island known as Delos. Zeus eventually took pity on the devastated mother and turned her to stone in order to spare her of any more agony. Their names were often changed but their myths and symbolism stayed the same. This angered Apollo and so Apollo challenged Marsyas to a music competition. All locations. Apollo was very wise and calm headed but like his father Zeus, was very quick to anger, especially when anyone disrespected him or his family. Served with Greek Spaghetti. If you hear the word Aries, it always reminds, You should read Facts about Daedalus and Icarus if you are interested with flying. She seduced Zeus and became pregnant with twins. 620 Cullum Ave Richland, WA 99352 Uber. Apollo is the god of the Sun, music, medicine, healing, truth, prophecy, plague, poetry, education, archery, and the protection of the young. The Greek god Apollo was the son of Zeus and the twin brother of Artemis, goddess of the hunt and the moon. This upset Eros, who shot Apollo with one of his golden arrow to make him fall in love with a beautiful nymph named Daphne. Also, like his father, Apollo was known to fall in love with mortal women. Served with Greek spaghetti, Broiled Lamb Chops, Spinach Pie, Dolmas & Greek Spaghetti, Lamb Chops, Gyro Meat, Shrimp Fantasia, Shish-Ka-Bob & Chicken Souvlaki marinated in lemon juice, olive oil, fresh garlic & Select spices Charbroiled & Served with Greek Spaghetti & two soups or salads, Half chicken cooked in select spices, butter & lemon sauce, served with Greek Spaghetti, Chicken breast marinated in olive oil, lemon and select spices - Charbroiled, Chicken breast sauteed in olive oil and white wine with mushrooms & Dijon Mustard sauce, Chicken breast, mushrooms, onions, green peppers & fresh garlic sauteed in olive oil & white wine in marinara sauce & pasta - Topped with mozzarella and feta cheese, Chicken breast marinated in olive oil, lemon & select spices. Another lover of Apollo was Coronis. Apollo was considered to be the most beautiful male god among the Olympians. Leto suffered for nine days and nine nights with terrible labor pains. Apollo won the match. It begins by describing a Python who lived on Mount Parnassus. He was the God of the arts, music, healing, purification, prophecy, oracles, plague, poetry, civilization, the sun, truth, intelligence, logic, reason, and archery, he also showed men the art of medicine. Apollo (left) and Artemis. Facts about Elves make you know more about a supernatural being in the shape of human. Apollo's priestess, or sybil, was known as Pythia. He created his temple and the oracles spoke to the mortals prophecies in which Apollo would give to them to give to mortals. He is a healing god, a power he transmitted to his son Asclepius.