When we got our last new troop, the Lava Hound, I got it right away – a tank for air attacks, that’s exactly a troop I was missing. Not really worth it for now. He might be a good addition to clean up a base in some specific cases when an X-Bow is left to cover a certain range.The main and only use I see for him right now is being a good defending Clan Castle Troop. Soviele Truppen wie möglich sollten in Richtung Zentrum geleitet werden. The base it is attacking is pretty much entirely maxed out, Walls and all and is one of those difficult moat bases which is creating problems for TH11s. After one and a half years we finally get a new troop in the March Update. Bowlers & PEKKAs are depending a lot how much value you can get out of your Bowlers in a base. Dunkles Elixier sollte also entweder egal und reichlich vorhanden sein oder als Auswahlkriterium bei Gegnern dienen. will report back…, this guy doesnt look like he’s worth it, but then im only a town hall 8 and dont have experience with high level troops. If you do see a base where many structures in the center are close together, you want to take more Bowlers because you get great value here. I hope you guys find this useful – 3 stars are obtainable at high TH11 level, it is tough and somewhat boring that it seems to be only Bowler combinations that can pull it off but I’m sure this will be set to change in the upcoming December update. Nope, Nope, Nope, so much Nope! What is this, a little kiddie game?). The Bowler has a few characteristics that could be beneficial in your attack: But is it worth unlocking him and upgrading right away? Verzeichnis Auf dieser Seite hast du die Möglichkeit, eine Angriffsstrategie zu verfassen oder zu finden. Aber aufgepasst: Der Name darf keine Doppelpunkte, Hashtags und Slashs… Falls es den Bowlern nicht möglich ist, zum Zentrum zu gelangen und dort die wichtigsten Kerngebäude zu zerstören, sollte ein Sprungzauber o. Ä. verwendet werden. You can see the video here – it is definitely one of the best Max TH11 3 stars I’ve seen in the last few months: You can see from the above video that the first thing that was required was patience. Step two: Release your AQ and Healers behind and either using a jump or wallbreakers make sure you open a gap in the wall for the AQ to go through. © Newspaper Theme by tagDiv - All rights reserved, Bowler Healer – 3 Star Strategy for Town Hall 11, How to use GoHo Without Spells at Town Hall 8. Search for: Search. To me it will become another unused Valk. I’m upgrading my dark Barrack as well and will upgrade the Bowler after I upgrade my Valk to lv5 and my hogs to lv6. Ever since Miners were nerfed, Bowler attacks became almost the only way you could 3 star against an end game TH11. A risky strategy you might think but he pulls it off with plenty of troops to spare. 40% and the t/h. Die Clanburg ist besonders bedrohlich für diese Strategie, da potenzielle Lufttruppen für die Bowler, die keine Lufttruppen erreichen können, eine große Gefahr darstellen. Super Wall Breaker Image via Supercell. Bowler is tactical troop. Very disappointing, especially considering how comically ridiculous it is (a bowling orc? Mehrere Bowler sollten die Gebäude einer Seite attackieren, sodass sich eine Flutwelle aus Steinen über möglichst viele Gebäude ergießt. You should get the Bowler if you like trying out new attacking strategies on your own or if you’re able to gem the Dark Barracks Upgrade.From my first impression, so far the Bowler is a little bit similar to where the Valkyrie used to be. BH6 Base Layouts – Builder Base 6 Designs. Im Idealfall sollten sich der Großteil der Bowler in einem zentralen Bereich befinden, von denen sie aus in alle Richtungen mit ihren doppelt aufprallenden Steinen eine Vielzahl an Gebäuden erreichen können. Which is why he is having as low as possible HP and DPS. If not, rather settle with PEKKAs or go more heavy on PEKKAs. For example, if the Eagle Artillery is in the centre of the base you’ll struggle to succeed, but with a lot of the current moat bases this isn’t the case so you should have a good chance at success. Seriously? Ein Großteil der Bowler wird in einer Reihe nebeneinander (also nicht alle an der gleichen Stelle) gesetzt. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. It was set up nicely for the attacked given the weak walls but the strategy is very simple. they are a little stronger than Wiz’s but nowhere near as good as max valks at th7 and th8 which are gr8.On another note witches are nt nerfed that bad as long as used behind tanks I got attacked today and someone got 2* on my farming baseLevel 133 hero’s 20 /23 the 10 lvl 3 inferno s/ xbow rest maxed or one offRob n stealJockingstoneLvl 8 clan. Wenn vorhanden, sollte die Fähigkeit des Wächters im Zentrum aktiviert werden. Learn how your comment data is processed. Der/Die Golem(s), oder andere Truppen mit einer Schildfunktion, sowie die Helden werden an der Seite zwischen den bereits gesetzten Bowler vorausgeschickt. Man sollte berücksichtigen, dass diese Strategie enorme Summen an Dunklem Elixier im gehobenen zweistelligen Bereich verschlingt. Mauerbrecher sollten eingesetzt werden, um mindestens die erste Mauerreihe zu durchbrechen. You AQ should now heal up as some of the damage is directed at the new troops. Interestingly, the attacker doesn’t drive his bowlers into the center of the map but rather uses the bowler army to go the entire way round the moat before taking down the center Town Hall. Step four: Support the troops with any remaining spells and make sure to use your BK and GW at opportune moments where they will be the most effective. After 1.5 years without a new dark troop, and at the ultra-defensive th10/11 levels I had hoped for a badass troop so this has left a sour taste in my mouth. I have the bowler and its a good troop but I m not donating it to anyone who doesn’t have strong golems . It involves one of the best 3 star attacks I’ve seen in the current meta. One Bowler combination above all others has proved to work best in this scenario and that is the Bowler Healer combo. I believe the bowler could help me funelling the troops when attacking square TH10 bases. When necessary, rage BOTH the Healers and the AQ to get maximum damage and keep her alive. Until then, try this attack out and if you do pull it off let us know. I’m very sure there will be more balancing in the next updates, so taking some time isn’t a bad decision.I will get the Bowler as fast as possible and closely watch how he can be used so I can give you guides and strategies, but for now it’s only a nice-to-have and you can spend your resources and Builder on more important things.Thanks for editing: EnchinsuOcha. Apply the various jump spells and rages necessary to cause maximum damage. One need to use it “wisely” to take full advantage. As many bowlers as possible will need to stay alive to get the 3 stars within the required time limit. Now it’s important to get these 3 groups attacking at roughly the same time. Diese Strategie ist eine der derzeitigen (Stand: Juli 2016) Top-Strategien der Rathaus 10er und 11er. Whether i will use him is another story. I believe dropping 4 bowlers (behind a golen and some wizards) on each side can help the middle golens not to circle the base and go straight to the core… well, let’s see. Even with Bowlers, it has proved to be extremely hard. Gesetzt wird dabei auf die erhöhte Durchschlagskraft der Bowler seit dem Update vom 24. Please don’t forget to subscribe to Chucky’s channel for more strategy and tips in Clash Royale & Clash of Clans. (If you don’t feel free to ask any questions about where you might have gone wrong!). The attacker needed to be very patient before releasing the bulk of his bowler army. After a couple of small balances it was set and a real help.The Bowler is a ranged troop with quite some hitpoints so he will stay alive longer. You can also use the AQ ability if necessary, but it’s better to save this for as long as possible. He can deal with multiple lines of attacking units, especially addressing Witches with Skeletons in front. Stage 1: Split your bowlers into three groups: Left clearers, Right clearers and main push attack. Clash of Clans Wiki ist eine Fandom-Videospiele-Community. One Bowler combination above all others has proved to work best in this scenario and that is the Bowler Healer combo. Clash of Clans. Step five: Enjoy your three star victory and tell your friends how great Chucky’s guide is ;). Sadly, it won’t always be quite that easy. Be prepared for a lot of trial and error attacks.Also, keep in mind, that the Bowler will not be crazy effective at Level 1, so you will have to upgrade to make him really worth the Housing Space!If you upgrade your Dark Barracks and you’re not able to gem the upgrade, you will find yourself short one barracks for some time! This way I will have the Bowler upgraded so when the balancing comes through and new strategies are out, I’m able to test without any delays. In this post, I’d like to give you my personal opinion if he is actually worth the effort to unlock right now. Brute forcing (like witch attack) will NOT help.For now I have not used it so can’t say if it is good or bad. Just remember to be patient and methodical. Ein Wutzauber ist hier sehr empfehlenswert, da die Bowler hier gewaltigen Schaden ausüben. ? If yu're not sure if the Bowler is worth the resources and time please find some advices who should get him now and who should wait. good timing – was able to start bowler and max valk at same time. Zurzeit ist diese Strategie bei Rathaus 11ern einer der beliebtesten, was auf die Verringerung des Wohnraums der Bowler und die Erhöhung einiger ihrer Attribute zurückzuführen ist. By using his Archer Queen to take down several defenses and crucially, the Eagle Artillery, he essentially gave his Bowlers an easy ride – and this was all done barely losing a troop. Yeah it’s not gonna happen but that would be sweet. This is the ‘you really want to get to t/h 10 troop?’… really? The Bowler seems to have very weak stats given its 8 housing space which leads me to believe it’s a tactical troop, perhaps to help with funneling as some have mentioned, not a troop you would use as a main component in your army. Hinter die Bowler werden in gleichmäßigen Abständen die Heiler gesetzt, welche von den Luftabwehranlagen kaum bedroht werden, da sie von den Bowlern meist schnell aus der Distanz getroffen werden.