Until the issuance of the 1886 uniform instructions, the only prescribed outer clothing for enlisted personnel in cold weather was a vest and a short blue cloth overcoat or “pea jacket” introduced in 1866. The two Jacks, Rita and Jackie make the movie. You can find more information regarding this film on its IMDb page. If you can see this movie, try to find it, you won't be sorry. Under the 1922 order, the frock coat was to be used for full dress, dress and undress, and this carried over into the 1941 instructions. The comedic genius of The Great One at an early stage. The 1941 double-breasted, finger length pea jacket with its black buttons was very similar to that of 1886 except that the two lower pockets were omitted on the front. Только начинавшаяся жизнь и любовь были отданы в борьбе против агрессора. The pockets now were at the side seams. Этот фильм сделан в 1941г., режиссура: Ллойд Бэйкон. I say unfortunately because these guys never seem to get it right and their ringer turns out to be a guy who is to be discharged a couple days before the competition! Passed | 1h 48min | Comedy, Musical, Romance | 13 September 1941 (USA) On a layover in Hawaii two conniving Navy seamen borrow money to lay down bets that their ship will win the upcoming gunnery practice trophy, having found out that the current gunnery champ... See full summary ». So in summary, Navy Blues is worth a look for seeing early Gleason in action. Flag officers had inch and a half wide lace on the fans and a loop of the same width lace over the black cockade. | Although old ships’ logs indicate that bands had been established in the early days of the Navy, an official uniform for musicians did not appear in the Uniform Regulations until 1886. The cap was stiff framed, standing and flaring throughout its circumference, with a dark blue cover. She Couldn't Say No (1954), https://nl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Navy_Blues_(1941)&oldid=46599420, Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen. After they win they will buy the trophies back before anyone knows they are missing. Nurses still on probation showed no lace on the black velvet.
Unfortunately for them, they get a great tip that they think will help them earn a fortune betting on a gunnery competition. What they haven't learned, however, is that the marksman's enlistment is up before the contest is supposed to take place. Ann Sheridan has a wonderful singing voice, she's up there with Alice Faye and Judy Garland, but today no one really acknowledge her singing. The cloak was to be worn “…on boats, or when epaulets are worn, if rendered necessary by cold or wet weather.” The 1941 boat cloak was dark blue, lined with black silk or a similar material, with a black velvet collar. To make matters worse, they steal the company's trophies and hock them to get the money to bet--and now their fellow sailors are ready to kill them. Navy Blues ( 1941) Navy Blues. Oops. She does a great Hawaiian dance, she looks great dressed in Hawaiian customs. "Navy Blues" offers neither. The scarlet collar showed the letters “USN” in gilt on either side and the pointed scarlet cuffs were closed with three small buttons. Naval Reserve.” The lettering on the black bands was in gold. Lyrics by Johnny Mercer. I was working in The Imperial Theatre in Charlotte,NC in 1941 when this movie was shown. Two, forgotten greats of Hollywood. Actually, a new regulation is never truly “new” but is rather a composite of the earlier order and the many changes made since its initial issue. Продюсирование: Хэл Б. Уоллис, Джерри Уолд, Jack Saper, ©{date}, Startfilm group ver.1.1"Sphyraena" Улучшить проект. External Reviews They are broke and spend almost all the film trying to scheme and cheat their way to a bankroll. This was his film debut. Naval Academy, The Catastrophic Fire On Board USS Forrestal, The Sullivan Brothers and the Assignment of Family Members, The African American Experience in the U.S. Navy, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in the U.S. Navy, Contributions of American Indians to the U.S. Navy, Naval Service of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Personnel, The World Cruise of the Great White Fleet, Navy Underwater Archaeology Return Program, Research Permits for Sunken & Terrestrial Military Craft, Scanning, Copyright & Citation Information, Obtain Duplications of Records and Photos. The collar was closed with hooks and eyes and the cape fastened over the breast with black frogs. Lloyd Bacon. The star of the Line, or the device of a Navy staff corps showed above the lace. | But the real stars are songwriters Arthur Schwartz and Johnny Mercer, who open the film with a ten-minute title song with yards of plot-exposition lyrics and follow it up with unusually funny, incisive, tuneful songcrafting. Directed by : s.n., 1941] This is one of three movies I'm reviewing consecutively featuring a comic who'd make a more lasting impact on television a decade later. 1941 Pour plus de détails, voir Fiche technique et Distribution Nuits joyeuses à Honolulu ( Navy Blues ) est un film américain réalisé par Lloyd Bacon et sorti en 1941 . Navy Blues by Ralph Staub. Navy Blues is een Amerikaanse muziekfilm uit 1941 onder regie van Lloyd Bacon. Пожалуйста, опишите подробно причину, по которой Вы жалуетесь на это изображение, жалоба должна содержать конкретную информацию. In the 1930s Warner Brothers was the tops when it came to musicals with Busby Berkeley. The same coat later was used for dress. Very good musical comedy. | Countries - United States | MPAA Rating - NR. Navy Blues Этот фильм сделан в 1941 г., режиссура: Ллойд Бэйкон. Rounding out the cast are Herbert Anderson, Jack Carson and a very young Jackie Gleason. Dr. | In other than full dress, bandsmen wore the blue or white uniforms of chief petty officers. In 1941, as in 1913, rank was shown on the sleeves with black braid with shoulder marks indicating both rank and corps. here. The sleeve device for all musicians was a lyre surcharged on an anchor, all in gold colored embroidery. When the special full dress coat, cut to the waist in front and with tails, was suspended in 1917 for the duration of hostilities, it was never reinstated. Under the 1941 instruction, only white shoes and stockings were authorized for nurses. This practice was initiated in 1852. Martha Raye and Jackie Gleason were good and certainly added to the fun, but Jack Oakie's double-take humour definitely wears thin over 90 minutes. Created / Published [S.l. The dark blue trousers were trimmed with an inch wide stripe of scarlet cloth piped with yellow on the outer seams. They figure they will clean up so they pawn off the ship's trophies to get even more betting money, figuring everyone is on shore leave and nobody will notice or mind.