Sadly, we won't find it here. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film … Turned it off pretty quickly because it ceased to be even good background noise. I also can get behind a movie about a large man chasing his cheating wife and her lover through the swamp with a like a most dangerous game…. Not even close to his best, or even his most entertaining in a bad way. One of my All-time-favorites.....not only by Roger Corman. But I'd still buy it if it was released on blu ray. Don't expect too much from this movie, made by an independent filmmakers. I can't help but think I would've enjoyed this a lot more if the stream I was watching it on was at least a little bit clearer. It has an arc, but I was getting a bit bored with the same people trying to figure out what was going on. All the films from my exploitation lists, bundled into one mega-super-list-to-rule-them-all! This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. Who decided on these creature designs?! Oh the charm of bad old monster horror flicks. Photo Credits: Netflix; Pop TV; Robert Viglasky, Hartswood Films; Fred Hayes/Disney+, Fox, PopTV; Bettina Strauss/Netflix; Nicole Rivelli/Amazon, Netflix, Frank Masi/Apple, Disney, Jasper Savage/Hulu; Diyah Pera/CW, Here's What's New to Stream in November on Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Disney+, and More. But... if you have rubber toy fear, then it is very scary movie! The Bad Taste List. I even kinda like the charm of the swamp people reality TV drama that starts it all off. . Meet the cast and learn more about the stars of Attack Of The Giant Leeches with exclusive news, pictures, videos and more at Of course, when your above-ground routine includes being nibbled on by Bruno VeSota, perhaps the torment is all relative. Anyways, I can get behind any movie that has giant rubber suited leeches. The giant leeches were cool in a bad way at least. Some of these…, A fine collection of cinema's underbelly, from trashy horror and grindhouse pictures to creature features, nudie cuties, sexploitation...and a few…. And i can´t really say why, because it´s just a basic creature-feature-flick with a bunch of rednecks. Fandango helps you go back to the movies with confidence and peace of mind. Murkily filmed, more, Sign up and add shows to get the latest updates about your favorite shows - Start Now. A backwoods game warden and a local doctor discover that giant leeches are responsible for disappearances and deaths in a local swamp, but the local police don't believe them. In this movie’s case, the giant leeches look like creatures you’d kill in the water temple in a Zelda game. Attack of The Giant Leeches feels like standard fare for him. Giant leeches here are rubber toys. The title summing up a story that revolves around a Southern community beset by the titular blood suckers, the work sees men-in-suit leeches carrying away townsfolk to a murky lagoon. Faux-bayou looks greatThose Corman bros sure could doLots with a little! Not a great film by any means but made entertaining by the new show in Cleveland, The Big Bad B Movie Show. There's just something about distinctly regional Horror films that get me, especially when they're old, and especially when they're from the South. Bernard L. Kowalski's Attack of the Giant Leeches is…. My rating of two out of ten stars is solely because of the leeches. © Letterboxd Limited. Read the Attack of the Giant Leeches plot and find out who is in the cast and crew at It's short,the monsters are men in rubber suits, and its kind of dull. Daily Horror Scavenger Hunt 1 – July 2018 ( ). Funny when they’re on the screen but otherwise pretty uneventful. Attack of The Giant Leeches feels like standard fare for him. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1959 But i loved these characters. Earn 125 points on every ticket you buy. Good for a putting on in the background to half watch while drinking with friends. Directed by Bernard L. Kowalski. Yes, we can say that this movie is ahead of it's time and technical abilities at that time are like they are. Made by fans in Auckland, New Zealand. I have a huge soft spot for this movie, but it’s a tough to watch. IMDb No. Ken Clark Yvette Vickers Michael Emmet Jan Shepard Tyler McVey Bruno VeSota Gene Roth Dan White George Cisar, American International Pictures Gene Corman Productions Anglo-Amalgamated Film Distributors, El ataque de las sanguijuelas gigantes, Demons of the Swamp, O Ataque das Sanguessugas Gigantes, The Giant Leeches, 62 mins Every Horror Film Made from 1895 - present, I’m in my room alone bored and I will be making a list of every movie that comes to my mind until I get bored with that, The Chronological History of the Cinematic Macabre, Low-Budget & Lurid: A List of Exploitation/Grindhouse Fare (Every Movie on the Grindhouse Cinema Database, Almost), Genre: Exploitation (100 Years: 1896-1995), The (Almost) Complete Psychotronic Encyclopedia Of Film. This one didn't work for me, but I didn't hate it in the least. This…, Rocky LaForge 18,788 films 2,339 59 Edit, The Grindhouse Cinema Database is an online database of cult/exploitation/grindhouse movies from the '30s to the mid/late '80s. Review by Count Rickula Sarcophagus ★★★½, MST3k Version☕♀️♂️¾"I'll make a coffee sandwich.". another and forces both into the swamp to be eaten. © 2020 TV GUIDE, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. It is a very short movie, just a couple of minutes over an hour. This only deserve it because of that man’s nips and abs. It's what makes me such a push-over for the likes of another Boggy Creek installment. Review by Evan “Kaizō Haya-shill” Pincus ★★½ 1, Whenever the giant leeches are not on screen, all the other actors should be asking “where are the giant leeches?”. For the most part this is your standard-issue Crackers vs. Mutated Animals flick from the Corman camp, but it gets a little boost from its impressive commitment to ugliness. A shame all of that is maybe 20 minutes out of this 60something minute movie, and the rest is a whole lot of nothing. Objectively terrible, but at least in a "MST3K can have fun with this"-kind of way. So it is always a good sign when you feel like a 1-hour movie should have ended 30 minutes ago, right? It’s terribly slow and unfocused, with less than inspired creature design. Exploitation films, B-movie cheese, grindhouse trash, and other assorted cult cinema : A to Z. In this deeply anxiety-ridden period of 2020 (vote! Is it horrific? Or at least I would've enjoyed the scenes underwater, in a cave, or whenever the giant leeches attack....not that there's enough giant leech attacks, but I really love these kind of movies with cheap looking monsters and I couldn't really see them…. You have been warned. Watching Attack of the Giant Leeches is like skinny-dipping in a swamp: it seems like a terrible idea at first, but soak in it long enough and you start to get used to the muck, you no longer mind the toxic smell, and maybe even begin to enjoy it. Suggestions of bayou atmosphere and solid narrative are not enough to sustain "Attack of the Giant Leeches," a horror cheapie that features a lot of people standing around looking at a swamp. This was kind of an odd movie. ), "Attack of the Giant Leeches" was just about my speed. Justin Hullinger 3,163 films 797 32 Edit, UPDATE 7/8/2018: It's been a while since I checked on this list, and I'm happy to see that a lot…, Feeling like your Letterboxd ratings graph is not evenly-distributed enough? Just follow the story and let your fantasy fill visual effects. More details at This was a black and white film and I had to wonder if I might have liked it a bit more if it had been in color. Didn't care that the monsters looked like they fell off the back of a refuse truck; didn't care that many scene segues are abrupt and make you wonder what happened in the previous scene that accidentally got cut from the scene; didn't care that the monster leeches never actually seemed to kill anyone and that most of the human deaths could probably be explained by the dynamite being thrown into the swamp (oops) by other humans; didn't care about the apathetic misogyny (I've seen far worse the last few years from POTUS); and didn't care that the movie just seemed to end ... kinda. Anyways, I can get behind any movie that has giant rubber suited leeches. It was one of the first horror-films from the 50ies that i watched and i always have a good time coming back to it..... To be honest when I think of Roger Corman my mind does easily wander to this type of film. Check out 'Let Him Go,' 'The Informer' and our favorite movie spies, Final girls, scream queens and the fiercest femmes, Find safety procedures announced by your theater, Nat Wolff can shoot lightning in this exclusive clip from 'Mortal', What to Watch on FandangoNOW: Brandon Cronenberg’s ‘Possessor,’ Eva Green in ‘Proxima’ and More, This Week in Movie News: ‘The People Under the Stairs’ and ‘The Painter and the Thief’ Set for Remakes and More. Some of us suffered through it so you don't have to. Film data from TMDb. I found…, Andrew Liverod 11,872 films 430 17 Edit. Rack up 500 points and you'll score a $5 reward for more movies. This is a stinker, guys. Weird, wild, psychotronic cult classics, so-bad-they're-good, and... some of the worst movies EVER. Screen Reader Users: To optimize your experience with your screen reading software, please use our website, which has the same tickets as our and websites. TMDb Day 20: The 1950s gave us a lot of cool things like umm... well we got some cool stuff from that decade. There may be an interesting film here somewhere, but the shrinking narrative and dull approach to the production and make anything compelling impossible to enjoy. Look no further, friends. Some giant leeches attack a few people and keep them around to suck blood from them while people argue if they are real or not. A list that is trying to contain every horror film made that is not lost and is found on the…, Tobias Andersen 8,403 films 16,706 762 Edit, Rules: Generate a number (from 1 to x) via:, See how many number of films there are in the…, Jayce Fryman 18,689 films 2,933 99 Edit, This list collects every film from the Starting List that became They Shoot Pictures Don't They's 1000 Greatest Films.