My dad jokes that the Norwegians created lutefisk as germ warfare against the Swedes, but they liked it so much it became a national dish! I now have many trolls from Anton in my personal collection and only one troll from Otto.’’. ”I collect many large blocks of birch wood and store them for up to three years to make sure they are dry. So when they return to the harbor they can Scandinavian. Antique, Anton Sveen, Artist, Birch, carved troll, Collectable, Gudbrandsdal, hand carved, Jenny Sveen, Lesja, Lora, Norse Mythology, Norway, Norwegian troll, Oppland, Otto Sveen, Scandanavian Folklore, tourist, Troll, Trolls, Trolltunga, wood, woodcarver, wooden trolls, My great grandparents came from Gudbrandsdal. They can make the carvings quicker and cheaper, something that an artist cannot do. Originally posted at ... Read my blog at, Time for pillaging! The norwegian then turns to the danish person and says: "Let's grab the chutes and get out of this thing." We visited a second time in 1983 and took these pictures in his house, and at the table where he made the trolls. Still, I loved them very much! Suddenly, the pilot turns on the speaker and says: 24/50). The slide show below displays different depictions of trolls: Trolls are sometimes associated with particular landmarks such as mountains and rocks, which are said to have formed from a troll turning to stone when exposed to sunlight. You can contact us on Facebook Messenger or get in touch with us via email or by telephone. We buyed a pair of trolls in 1980 and visit him in 1981, we also make pictures in his house, the table where he make the trolls. Norwegian Trolls vector images, illustrations, and clip art. It is harder than other hardwoods, making it difficult to work with when using hand tools, such as carving and chipping. I just rowed in from Norway and boy! Here is my list of some expressions that you will hear while in Norway and which directly translate in a funny way. "Dont you even dare!". "I give up, who vas it?" Loved the article….very interesting individual. Their interview can be seen at 26:24 – 30:14: In 1989 the three Sveen woodcarving brothers; Otto, Anton and Magnus received the cultural award in Lesja for ”Wood carving, combination of art and livelihood, work for conservation and development of wood carving” (Source: Overview of granting Cultural Award in Lesja from 1978). The troll may be in the form of a mountain, forest hill or a giant boulder, covered with moss, and sometimes trees. Browse 20 norwegian trolls stock illustrations and vector graphics available royalty-free, or start a new search to explore more great stock images and vector art. Of course today you’d be put in the airport jail for trying to do that.”. It was a pleasure to research your family’s history and to bring to life this wonderful story about your grandfather’s artwork. The Scream painting. I was lucky enough to find one of Anton Sveen’s trolls last year this article helped me figure out who made it. He has produced his own unique style of trolls and fine art. By now, the man is exhausted. My pleasure. It is said that Anton carved the male and female troll couple from a single block of birch wood, making them a perfect match. She appeared in a norsk skog (Norwegian wood) in the 800’s, challenging the Viking poet Bragi to a gammeldags (old-world) kind of rap battle. funny parody. Donald Trumph Norwegian Words Meanwhile In History Facts Countries Of The World Tumblr Funny Funny Humor The Funny Scandinavian. Maybe I'm Swedish & not Norwegian after all. Otto was famous for creating carvings, sculptures and decorating churches. It's that catfishing is surprisingly easy online. After some further research, I was not able to find a single site or article dedicated to the artist and his woodcarvings. Hans was arrested for speeding... driving 66 miles an hour in a 50 mph zone. Trolls can be scared away by lightning and the sound of church bells. Back in Sioux Falls the Norwegian went into the bar and spotted one of his cronies. They include Norwegian jokes for adults, dirty oslo jokes or clean lars gags for kids.. If you look closely you can see outlines of large and small trolls on the table with the white cloth. According to Magne Sveen, “Anton’s son, Oskar Sveen (born 1942), is the only artist remaining from the family who brought the tradition of carving trolls through to our generation. OK?" Max replied, "I wasn't sure how thick the ice was yet. It's really difficult to pronounce so I can't remember the word, but it's a real tear-jerker. (FYI: Ballard is a community in North Seattle with a very high Scandinavian population. ...when a Cessna 152, a small two-seater plane, crashed into a Norwegian cemetery there early this morning. My mother Oddbjørg Marie is the oldest of his children. Huldrefolk are usually handsome and blond, but are set apart from humans by their long tails. They bought a couple of them there and the owner of the shop mentioned that if they are in Lora, Anton Sveen doesn’t mind visitors. It vasn't my brudder. Mi fermai, mi appoggiai stanco morto ad un recinto. When they got there, they walked right up to his house and knocked on the door and his wife answered and invited my parents in and there he was, sitting at his workbench working on trolls. Most of the cases it did work, but others, it does not. His troll carvings became extremely popular, and their value rose as the worldwide interest in anything “troll” grew in the late 20th century. The girl answers, No, I Norwegian . The finn swims and swims untill he is only 40 meters from the goal but then feeling tired and defeated, he decides that he can't do it and swims back to the start. W - I don't like black finish. Wool clothes and knitwear – sustainable and magical. The farm is located in Lesja, in the very northern part of Gudbrandsdalen.”, “The farm was bought by my grandfather, Ole Leirmo, in the 1890s. ”The first trolls we bought were from souvenir shops in 1980, my uncle speaks Norwegian and he asked where Anton lived. Hi Astrid. ", So there is an American, Frenchman, Norwegian and a Black guy ), letters (A, B, C, D, E, F, etc.) So, a norwegian, a danish and a swedish person are on a private flight. Years later we have a lot of Trolls from Anton and only one from Otto. When it comes to trolls, this was just a hobby and not a livelihood like it was for his father, according to Oskar, ”I carved a few hundred trolls at a young age.”. They had very fun, quiet, and calm personalities. NORWAY'S HOPE FOR GOLD IN '96: 15,000-METER SALMON RELAY. The Trold-Tintern (troll peaks) in Norway are thought of as the remains of trolls turned to stone. Norwegian Links! 64 entries are tagged with troll jokes. To which the norwegian replies: "Relax man, I gave him my backpack.". The Finn had just caught sight of the American coast, when he sighed "I can't make it either..." and promptly swam back to Norway. During my visit to Norway, I had seen many troll souvenirs made from clay with fluffy hair for sale in the tourist gift shops. Norwegian trolls have a special place in the hearts of the local people and this folklore fun has carried on through generations, from the names of the rock formations to children’s bedtime stories. Thanks for the article it was very nice I enjoyed it.. {{filterDisplayName(filter)}} Duration. A: After each house he wrote on the fence about your treats! A brief history of wonderful people, places and things. "It was ME," chortled the Indian. Some Norwegians even like to hide troll figures in friends’ gardens as a joke, with the latter repaying the prank. Because when they came to port they could ScanDaNavyIn, So when they come in to port they can scan da navy in. He spent several years decorating Lesjaverk church in Gudbrandsdalen. You're fortunate to read a set of the 52 funniest jokes and norwegian … And have you seen the Norwegian news? There are many other collectors in this group: This was done in the cellar of his house. They will look at your shoes instead of their own. 1. You take one, we'll figure out who gets the last one." Apparently there's more, but I can't Finnish. Hi Hanny. on top of the Empire state building. ( Log Out / Have to find one now! My pleasure. Thank you very much for sharing those wonderful stories. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Anton produced one set of trolls, with the same colours, fashion, and face in 4 sizes, small, medium, large and then the tall “gubber” male trolls of 50-60cm (or more) in height. Trolls live in small family units far from human habitation in forests, mountains, caves, under bridges or even underground. He must have been a great motivator, as he inspired many of his children to go the art way.”. Norsk Arv Genealogy and More! They include Norwegian jokes for adults, dirty oslo jokes or clean lars gags for kids. According to Magne Sveen, “Uncle Anton was a very kind man with a great sense of humour. "That's Highway 66," the officer said disgustedly. Anton turned his attention to trolls early on and built a career that eventually involved his entire family in the production process. The American says to his wife The trolls of Norwegian myths look like humans, except for their tales, which they sometimes hide in clothing. Where do Norwegians spend their summertime. The three men panic, but the norwegian tells the others to calm down and then says to the swedish person: "Here. So they do it again. "Ok," the Norwegian said, "my father and mudder had vun child. ", but nothing seemed to happen. Today, these collectable wooden trolls can be evaluated using the criteria below: Below is a slide show of photographs of Anton’s trolls found on the internet and a YouTube video: Through my research, I also managed to find a 4-minute video from 22 August 1970 of Anton and Jenny Sveen explaining the different stages of the troll making process. Below are some pictures of the trolls created by Otto Sveen: Anton’s trolls were sold by speciality retailers in Norway, on Norwegian cruise ships and at selected shops around the world. I like to read your story. Anton began the troll creating process by chopping the birch wood block with an axe to create a rough design of the troll. These trolls can still be authenticated by the characteristics/features, quality, type of wood, and unique carving style of the artist. However, it seems that many of his earlier trolls were not signed. I was also told quite an interesting story by a collector (who wished to remain anonymous) regarding their parents’ experience of visiting Anton Sveen in Norway in the 1980s: “My parents were avid collectors and travellers. For 30 years now I have had a solid relationship with a wholesaler selling my carvings. He built and carved the chairs for Pope John Paul II’s visit to Norway in June 1989 and for our Crown Prince when in Parliament. My email address is I am sure you have some great stories and information for me. Funny Jokes Hilarious Humor Grafico Funny Pins Funny Stuff Laugh Out Loud The Funny I Laughed Haha. Get a funny take on today's popular news, entertainment, lifestyle, and video content -- all written by the people who bring you those funny ecards. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. One of the most popular natural tourist attraction in Norway is Trolltunga (translation “Troll Tongue”) which is about 700 metres above the Ringedalsvatnet Lake in Odda, Hordaland county. If you are looking for Norwegian trolls – you have found them.