The Chronicles of the Deryni by Katherine Kurtz. Buy from Amazon. and follows the Seeker of the Truth, Richard Cypher, in his adventures against the dark powers of the world. Chances are you or someone you know has already read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, but did you know the book is part of the series? Her unique world is the result of many years of worldbuilding and illustration. The only problem? Specify that you’re looking for an adult series, and your Bibliologist will hook you up! You get a sprawling, thoroughly researched fantasy world filled with unusual cultures and varied characters. He and his girlfriend run a book review blog at, and he can be found on Twitter @PeterLMcPherson. ), Christmas Movies on TV Schedule: Ultimate Guide, Star Trek Watching Order: Where to Start Watching Star Trek for Noobies, Solving Back to the Future’s Infamous Plot Holes, 21 Best 2-Player Board Games to Play in 2020 (Updated! There’s also something about seeing your favorite ten-book series lined up on your bookshelf. There's a problem loading this menu right now. The Lies of Locke Lamora (Gentleman Bastards), The Magicians' Guild (The Black Magician Trilogy, Book 1), A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (Dover Thrift Editions), Legacy of Ash (The Legacy Trilogy Book 1), The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials, Book 1) By Philip Pullman, Theft of Swords, Vol. Zelazny’s classic, ten-book series is portal fantasy at its best. This book is so wonderful that it landed on both our best fantasy and best sci-fi books lists. It’s one of fantasy’s greatest works, and though it may be magical realism by technicality, all magical realism is fantasy. And, of course, the 1982 animated movie is worth watching as well. . This fifty-year-old series was ahead of its time, and it’s a sign that the genre of fantasy literature still has plenty to explore. In particular, I gravitated towards the best mystery series books, because that meant a chance to savor the worlds I got a chance to enter when I cracked the spine of a new book. Wurts illustrates all of her own covers. Jordan’s epic series (which was completed by Brandon Sanderson after Jordan’s passing) explores a magic-filled world with 2,700 named characters. This is the same book that inspired Disney’s, . In a reversal of the traditional “magic university” plot. 1(Riyria Revelations) (The Riyria Revelations (1)), Wizard's First Rule (Sword of Truth, Book 1) (Sword of Truth, 1), One Hundred Years of Solitude (P.S.) If you’ve never read these classic stories, you’ll quickly discover why Howard’s classic barbarian character has remained a fixture for nearly a century. (Modern Classics), Frankenstein (Second Edition) (Norton Critical Editions), Alanna: The First Adventure (The Song of the Lioness, Book 1), The Curse of the Mistwraith (Wars of Light & Shadow, Book 1), The Master and Margarita: 50th-Anniversary Edition (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition), The Dragonbone Chair: Book One of Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, Assassin's Apprentice (The Farseer Trilogy, Book 1), Gardens of the Moon (The Malazan Book of the Fallen, Book 1), The Great Book of Amber: The Complete Amber Chronicles, 1-10 (Chronicles of Amber), Dragonflight (Dragonriders of Pern - Volume 1), The Princess Bride: S. Morgenstern's Classic Tale of True Love and High Adventure. There are many re-tellings of the legend of King Arthur, but this is one that can’t be overlooked. Written by Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings under the singular pen name Christina Lauren, The Beautiful Series(also known as The Beautiful Bastard Series) is a collection of romance novels and novellas featuring Chloe, a hardworking intern, and Bennett Ryan, her no-nonsense, extremely demanding (and yet extremely attractive) boss. There’s something about quest stories and magical powers that continues to captivate us. This series is often overlooked, but Elliott’s writing and characters make it one of the better series to come out of the 90s. , one of the few fantasy books to make its way onto required reading lists in American schools. With Pullman working on finishing a new follow-up trilogy, this is a great time to dive into His Dark Materials.