Probably a lot, because they are your person, after all. Get feedback from your friends, co-workers, and Fans. You are constantly thanking your lucky stars that you have this person who just gets you, while also providing you with the wisdom and advice you couldn’t give yourself. What would your best friend do if they won the lottery? If we’d met earlier, what would our relationship have been like then? What does your best friend think about the most? Well at least we think so. What three movies does your best friend love the most? Hello Giggles is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. If the whole world were listening to your best friend at ne go, what would your best friend say? But, how well do you really know your best friend? Name the song I love singing to in the car with you most. Carpe diem! How well do they remember your blunders? If your best friend were deserted on an island, what are the three things she/he could not live without? What's your best friend's favorite kind of sandwich? If you could go any place on earth, where would it be and why? |, A purple shampoo hack that will truly keep your blonde hair from going brassy, 10 reasons why you're dreaming about your ex, 7 ways to clean gunky earrings to make your bling sparkle like new, 10 tricks to make your hair look super shiny and healthy, Fire, water, earth, or air—here's what your zodiac element reveals about you, 15 ways your relationship changes after the honeymoon stage ends, 15 movies about love that are actually super depressing. 31. We’re going to let a celebrity be in our group of friends — who would we ask? 10. 20. Has your best friend ever voted in a presidential election? 39. 23. If I became president, what do you think I’d do first? And when were you most disappointed by me? Which is your best friend’s favorite season and why? 38. What's your best friend’s favorite TV show? Video for more best friend tag questions: Please Log In or add your name and email to post the comment. 35. Credit: What’s the first thing I would do if I won the lottery? Which fashion decision was my biggest mistake? Is your best friend allergic to anything? Has your best friend ever been outside the country? What part of your best friend’s body is their favorite? If we were stuck on a desert island, why would I be an asset? 18. 13. Who was my biggest crush when we were younger? 9. This is one of the must-ask best friend tag questions! How would you describe your best friend’s ideal partner/spouse? 5. What is the one thing your best friend would want for their birthday? If I were a board game, which would I be? 40 Questions to Ask Your Best Friend to Find Out How Well You … What is your best friend’s favorite animal? And if you were to be asked, you would probably say you know them more than anyone else. Which part about your best friend that you admire most? Improve your relations by finding your qualities, Strength, and zones of Improvement. What picture does your best friend currently have? Copyright © 2020 Meredith Corporation. Hello Giggles is part of the Meredith Beauty Group. 3. So text your person, make plans to meet up, and ask your best friend these questions to find out if you know each other as well as you think you do. What is the meanest thing someone has ever said to your best friend? What are the two things your best friend does not know about you? 33. Once your friends attempt friendship dare quiz , you will see the results on a friends board list. What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to me? 14. Here's a list of tag questions for best friend to test how well you know each other. Where does your best friend want to live when they get older? What is your best friend’s greatest achievement? 7. Who would I invite to my fantasy dinner party? 19. Create your friendship dare quiz and Share it with your friends on Facebook or Whatsapp. Name three things we completely, 100% agree on. I have one hour to spend $5,000. How do I comfort myself after a rough day? If I died, what would you want of mine? Where would we go if we could go on any vacation? Which two fictional BFFs are most like us? Pexels, 40 questions to ask your BFF to find out how well you know each other. 29. 11. Would your best friend watch a chick-flick, action, comedy or a horror movie? 12. 40. If you were out together, what would your best friend eat? What’s been my greatest accomplishment? Worst case? You think that you know everything there is to know about your best friend. 50 Extremely Good Best Friend Tag Questions To Ask Your Friend … If so, who? Do you know their food preferences? Does your best friend sing in the shower? Can you describe your best friend in one word? And more importantly, how well do you remember each other’s highest highs? 15. If your best friend could meet anyone at that time, who would it be? Was your best friend named after anyone? 17. Play and have fun. 32. Which game or reality show would I do best on? 16. What was your best friend’s favorite show as a child? A sports lover who thinks health and family comes before all other things. So you feel like you have known your best friend your whole life - and maybe you have. 26. Does your best friend like loud music or music that is at a much reasonable level? Am I a cookie, ice cream, or cake person? Which game does your best friend like most? What is the one thing that annoys you most about your best friend? However, while your BFF likely knows what you wore on your last date, what you made for dinner, and what you’re bingeing on Netflix, we’re challenging you to go a little deeper. What is the last book your best friend read? What is the name of your best friend’s crush? Offers may be subject to change without notice. Between the two of you, who takes longer to get ready? Is your best friend a spendthrift, or do they like to save their money? When we’re 85 years old, what will be doing together? You learn a little more about your platonic soulmate. Server responsed at: 11/08/2020 6:56 p.m. We want you and your BFF to find out just how well you know each other. How many children does your best friend want and what will be their names? If I could be an animal, which would I be? If you would like to know, these tag questions for BFFs are the best to use to your advantage. What are the three items your best friend always carries with them? 36. Sigh, what was my most embarrassing moment? Hello Giggles may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Where would I go? 21. 28. FYI, based on who asks the question, the way the questions are phrased can be different.Harvard.