32,722 5,814 | | George Miller, Check out 1983 movies and get ratings, reviews, trailers and clips for new and popular movies. | $309.13M, R Steve Sandor, | Peter Yates Adventure, Horror, Thriller. Scott Glenn, Cliff Robertson, Votes: 134 min | $33.76M, R Stars: Directors: [6], The film carries the dedication credit "To Natalie".[4]. When he returns to work, Michael walks in on Landon and outside technicians going through his research records. 113 min 29,971 | Stars: 71,309 Daniel Stern, Votes: Comedy, Crime, Drama. Stars: Michael bears witness to the afterlife, experiencing a vision of hell before traveling away from Earth and through the universe, even after the tape ends. Stars: Stars: Michael and Karen's son Chris inadvertently views the tape, causing him to have a psychotic experience that results in his hospitalization. Director: Meanwhile, other studios showed interest in buying Brainstorm from MGM to release as their own production. Meanwhile, Luke struggles to help Darth Vader back from the dark side without falling into the Emperor's trap. To prepare for the film, Trumbull took most of the key cast and crew up to the Esalen Institute, an experimental research facility in Northern California known for its new-age classes and workshops. The story of the original Mercury 7 astronauts and their macho, seat-of-the-pants approach to the space program. | Philip Kaufman Terry Gilliam, Director: Richard Lester 114 min Imogene Coca, Peter Riegert, | Karen Fields, Christopher Walken, | Director: $59.95M, R Director: | Gross: A Jewish girl disguises herself as a boy to enter religious training. Director: The team includes estranged husband and wife Michael and Karen, as well as Michael's colleague Lillian. Kurt Russell, | Jonathan Tiersten, | Gross: | Gross: James Sbardellati Stars: Andrew McCarthy, | 93 min Director: Domiziana Giordano, Drama, Horror. Stars: | Jonathan Pryce, A rape victim is exacting revenge on her aggressors in a small town outside San Francisco. Director: | Gross: 101 min The cop test pilot for an experimental police helicopter learns the sinister implications of the new vehicle. Mark Hamill, Patrick Swayze, Votes: "MGM decided to allow Lloyd's of London to offer the film to many of the major studios in town," said Trumbull. | Gross: | 109 min | Dennis Quaid, Stars: Karen leaves the house to meet with Michael. Director: As the two feign reconciliation over the phone, Michael accesses the Brainstorm computer via another phone line while Karen hacks into the system, sabotaging the robots that manufacture the interface terminals. However, Ebert thought the cast was not used well: "The characters take such a secondary importance to the gadget that we never feel much for them.