Learn more:…, Teaching and learning in an online classroom, When face to face lessons or meetings are not an option, you can use Blackboard Collaborate Ultra to replace the lesson by an online session. Many types of plagiarism exist—from cloning to recycling. The Security code is case-sensitive. Click on "Next" to continue. on March 13th, 2020, From Saxion Video-unit 2020. Saxion offers open online courses to (re)use in education. Legal Disclaimers We're putting learning directly in the hands of your students, so they can stay connected with their educational journey anytime, anywhere. Wachtwoord wijzigen of wachtwoord vergeten? Saxion offers open online courses to (re)use in education. If you have a choice, choose one style and use it consistently. In the right field you enter your existing (old) password. Click on “Continue” to continue. Hierin worden de basics besproken van het online lesgeven met…, Polling in Blackboard Collaborate with the Ultra…, Polling in Blackboard Collaborate with the Ultra Experience, Polls are great to engage your attendees and keep them interested. Practicing plagiarism can destroy your personal, academic, and professional reputation. SafeAssign helps promote originality and creates opportunities to help you identify how to properly attribute sources rather than paraphrase. Click on "Password requirements" to see what the password must comply with. However, anything published on the web is considered an original expression of an idea, which is protected by copyright laws. If you can't read it, click on “Generate another code”. There is no message in this instruction…, Introductie vooraf aan een Collaborate sessie:…, Introductie vooraf aan een Collaborate sessie: variant - geen melding dat de sessie wordt opgenomen, In deze korte instructie van een minuut, worden de deelnemers welkom geheten, krijgen ze een korte instructie over gebruik van browser en meest gebruikte knoppen van Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. on September 27th, 2019, From Saxion Video-unit Read our cookie-statement. You can find the following on MySaxion: Want to learn more about MySaxion? Cite your sources. - If you want to get in touch with IT quickly, call Tel: +31 88 019 3600 Start a discussion by asking your attendees their opinion on something. Blackboard Inc.             E: servicedesk.ic@saxion.nl Assignments are compared against several databases containing millions of articles dating from the 1990s to the present. ATTENTION! Click on "Log out" to finish. Learn what plagiarism is.             T: +31 88 019 3600 Click here to go to password reset page. Service desk IC Hanze University students Username: Your e-mail address Hanze University ID Password: Hanze University Password If you receive the message "The changes have been successfully saved", your password has been successfully changed.