Speed is going to be your friend here. Two, as a top stack false shuffle. You know that with any craft, your hands and muscle memory begins to get extremely comfortable with handling cards over time. Wanna be a card sharp? Just position it upright ever so slightly, at about a 45° angle. Must be willing master all these shuffles with the new deck of cards, as they can be slicker & stiffer, Making the deck easier to deal with. But wait! Tilt it downward so that the other end moves up, and eclipses the top half of the deck. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. There are many different ways to shuffle a deck of cards. Start by doing this shuffle very slowly. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. The fingers of the right hand rest lightly against the back of the deck, thumb on top. When you’re done pushing them together, just use your hands to grip and straighten out the single deck. Keep in mind that over time, this will warp your deck, so if you see slight bowing in the back after a few dozen flourishes, retire them as playing cards only. Continue this until there are no more cards in your hand. Riffle Shuffle Split the deck in half. I didn’t make a YouTube video or a separate page for the regular shuffle, because even if you didn’t know how to do it, just read this paragraph one more time and I’m sure that you’ll be able to shuffle a pack of cards. If you have been a member of any group that does anything related to cards, you might have some shuffling card tricks. Then on one side of the pile grip it with your thumb, and hold the other side of the pile with the rest of your fingers. To waterfall it, slowly release the pressure, moving your hands slightly apart. Those will be holding it up. As I said, this is just a really quick explanation. You want your thumb, middle, ring and pinky finger on the cards. To start this out, you’re going to have to split the deck in half. You can either push the two packets together and square up….or…. Bend the cards with the palm of the left hand and then release the pressure. First, hold the deck with your thumb on one of the short ends, your pinky, ring, and middle finger on the other short end, and your index finger curled in the middle so that the knuckle is pushing down on it. Continue to use the left hand to pick little chunks of the card from your right hand until little chunks remain on the right. Log in to Reply. To do this, first make sure you have a good surface with some grip to it, like the felt on a blackjack table or something along those lines. If you want, you can just push the remaining cards together and square the deck. And your index fingers on the other corners (the two corners of the card facing each other). I prefer the open style because it is handled in a more open manner. If you did it right, you should now have to loosely interlocked decks of cards. This is banking directly off of that last trick, so you can transition from that right into this one as you get better with card shuffling. You’re going to split your deck, and then place the two halves of the deck next to each other. You can learn some basic shuffling tricks without too much practice, but once you get into more complicated movements, you need to put in the hours to really make something of it. Position that smaller central deck against the middle finger on your left hand, which has been mostly idle this whole time. 62+ Card Tricks for Beginners and Kids - Card Tricks. Place the deck on the table and place the thumbs of each hand on the back edge, fingers at the front. Shuffling card tricks can look hard at first but I can assure you that it will become easy with practice. Practicing these two card shuffling tricks & begin the perfect beginning to set up all card tricks that you plan to share with your audience. Now "riffle" the cards off of your thumb by moving it up the deck. And anyone can be a pro, it only takes some practice and a good attitude. There are a lot of things you can do to make yourself look impressive, but the first, most basic thing is shuffling, or mixing the cards.