
The last puzzle of the calendar will appear on 24th of december.

But it's very nice. XV I was a fan of all the different logically solvable puzzles immediately. Wir haben uns im Vorstand mit großem Bedauern dazu entschieden, die LM im November 2020 abzusagen.

Something like 300 feels more appropriate ;-. In the past few days the following puzzles were published: 17.dec 2358 Difference Sudoku … (As with most things, I got better at setting as I did it more). October 2016, 09:39 by ohm0123 :-) #14 - Ghost Python 2 - Print-friendly - F ... My Logic-Masters Germany page.

But I am glad I am normally on the other side of the table; constructing is more my thing than fast solving. The second Monthly test named as "LMI Jun Monthly Test - Speed Sixes" was held on 05/06 June. I submitted a few of my hand written puzzles to the editor (Hns Eendebak) and to my suprise they were nice enough to be published and that turned out to be the start of a hobby that has run out of hand. Puzzle Portal of LM Germany

That was the birth of SVS. Sudoku and variations from Logic Masters Germany.

Breinbrekers, Sudoku Mix and Dutch Sudoku Championships

I also became involved in the Dutch Sudoku Championships.

Online casino roulette for Australian players,, Somehow I stumbled over the website of LM Germany around the time that this puzzle portal saw the light of day in november 2008. When you play, you relax. Things went on like this for a couple of years, until the editing house had developed a computer program that spitted out the sudoku variants I made by hand until then. With the help of Ortec we were able to organise a live event for the Dutch puzzle and sudoku championships combined on one day since 2017. on 30. After the successful May 2010 Test, Logic Masters India announces the June Monthly Test. Looking forward to next year's advent already.

on 31. It follows the Olympic standard, and brings together puzzlers from around the world for the annual World Puzzle Championship.

Advent Calender 2014: Double Dutch Sudoku Advent. Or hit the "F" beside each puzzle to use a rad online solving site, Of course I also included the types that I already had expierence with. Ever since we started, I am board member of the association. Clevere Konstruktion!

My interest in logic puzzles dates back to 2003 when I came across a Dutch puzzle magazine called Breinbrekers. In sequence roundabout there was an arrow missing.

By then the sudoku wasn’t even invented and the name of the type originally was ‘number place’. Meanwhile it is repaired. As with everything I get obsessed with, I started making them. By then the sudoku wasn’t even invented and the name of the type originally was ‘number place’. Ever since we started, I am board member of the association. Sudoku Variants Series

But I am glad I am normally on the other side of the table; constructing is more my thing than fast solving. When Germany offered to organise the WSC/WPC in 2019, it was more or less natural that I would help them by coordinating the WSC-part and write a huge pile of sudoku variants for it.

October 2014, 00:00 by Richard) For this Sudoku Variants Project I have planned to publish a different Sudoku variant every Tuesday. the site is continually enhanced to provide you the best possible experi….
That was a challenge on itself, since I had no experience in writing team rounds for example. That was a challenge on itself, since I had no experience in writing team rounds for example. It's very hard.

To challenge myself, I decided to try to make my own hand crafted version of every variant that was on that list. Simon shows how to solve this extremely difficult puzzle logically. That was the birth of SVS. Personal

The last puzzle of the calendar will appear on 24th of december.

Apart from the Dutch and German Sudoku Championships and WSC, I have also contributed to Grand Prix’ held by the WPF and in puzzle and sudoku tests held by LMI and sometimes for other countries National Championships. By investigating the possibilities a variant has to offer and an effort to apply this in a puzzle, I hope to contribute in the development of Sudoku, that plays such an important role in my life. on 30. In daily life I am manager of the finance department of the Social and Economic Council of The Netherlands, married and father of two sons (1999 and 2002). Link Address Site. Things went on like this for a couple of years, until the editing house had developed a computer program that spitted out the sudoku variants I made by hand until then. I am not a great inventor of puzzle types, but some of my inventions are Filled Loop, Pentomino in the Box, Blackout Domino and Killer Skyscrapers. Later I took over the coordination from Stefan.

How to solve Ultra Fiendish sudoku - without guessing! They were held online with sudoku variants from me and Hns. If you play sudoku daily, it will become your #1 antistress solution. I've combined all 24 puzzles into this PDF file. Simple as that. by PuzzleScot » Wed 01 Sep, 2010 2:57 pm, Powered by phpBB® Forum Software © phpBB Limited, Information and discussion on Puzzle Competitions, ↳   WPF Sudoku Technical Discussion forum,, ... gscamp.php,, ... design.php. When the sudoku became popular, Hns asked me to write variants for a magazine called Sudoku Mix.

They were held online with sudoku variants from me and Hns. The more you solve the puzzles, the more you will raise up critical cognitive skills that are designed to boost your productivity and creating alternative solutions for the daily problems. Logic Masters und World Puzzle Championships, Deutsche Sudoku Meisterschaft und World Sudoku Championships.

At the moment SVS contains nearly 300 variants.

The main sources for that were up till then older World Championships, the tests at LMI and the WPF Grand Prix that had just started in the first half of 2013. But it turned out well in the end with a succesfull championship.
Wegen solcher Perlen liebe ich Deine Rätsel so sehr, Richard.