This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, How To Choose The Best Area Rugs For Your Home Decor, Persian Rug Runners: Stairs, Hallways, Kitchens & Beyond, From Worn to Mint Condition, New Rugs Listed. Share your wish list with your friends, family and designer or art consultant. Read high-end antique rug market updates & other articles written or interviewed for by Claremont Rug Company's, Founder & President, Jan David Winitz. Both the thick-piled carpets from the most mountainous regions of. A screen will appear that allows you to add the rug of interest to a particular wish list you have created. By living a life of almost continuous physical activity, they learned to tap into the instinctive nature hidden within to guide them. Click to learn more about Antique Caucasian Rug Symbology. Ford, P.R.J. It is of little wonder that the weavings of the numerous Caucasian tribal groups enjoy a universal popularity among collectors of antique Oriental rugs today. Designs were simplified and became symmetrical. These are the last remnants of an ancient weaving tradition which has now all but vanished. Perhaps as an expression of the deep joy of a people living and working close to the earth, the tribespeople wove rugs. Click to learn more about Antique Caucasian Rug Symbology. "Early Caucasian Carpets in Turkey Volume I-II", Oguz Press 1978, This page was last edited on 20 March 2019, at 20:01. See more ideas about Antique rugs, Rugs, Claremont rug company. Add notes and rate rugs for future reference. The symbology seen in antique Caucasian rugs tells the history of the people's lives who created these grand masterpieces. The residences of the aristocracy in Peterburg were filled with French furniture and the rugs were intended to fit into this scheme. “With the completion of the Trans-Caucasian railway in the 1870s, the whole area rapidly opened up to European dealers, who were capable of buying on an unprecedented scale, and huge numbers of rugs were transported westwards from Baku and Gendje. Read about three popular symbols seen in antique Caucasian rug weaving during the 19th century and early 20th century, Dragon, Running Water, and Star of Wisdom. In 1829 the border enclosed the whole of the southern Caucasus. Approximately 350 different tribes resided in the Caucasus, speaking over 150 distinct languages. What is most striking about the antique Caucasian carpet is its daring use of color. The Caucasian nomads wove antique carpets for their own daily use, to satisfy their singular sense of creativity and harmony. Along with the Moslem Lesghis, Chechen, and Talish, there were clans of Mountain Jews, Christian Armenians, Buddhist Kalmucks, Norsemen and even a group of Württemburg Germans. Religion and tribal differences have naturally found expression in the ornaments of the rugs. Simply check the box for the wish list you want the rug to reside on. Running parallel to this was the development of the carpets the carpets which depicted in vertical form fights between animals. Originally the ornaments were probably derived from symbols denoting happiness, power, light, home, and so forth. The patterns seen in antique Caucasian rugs are highly elaborate and have a rich history. Typical geometric shapes are common, like diamonds, squares, lattices, crosses and stripes. Black, David. Once logged in, use the "Create/Manage Wish Lists" button to create one or more Wish lists from any page of our rug galleries. "Two Fifteenth Century Hispano-Moresque Rugs." As a result of European demand, Shirvan and Kuba rug design in the late 19th century initially became more intricate, with increasingly fine weaves and knots. When the Almighty Spirit first created the Earth, He made the land completely flat. Both the thick-piled carpets from the most mountainous regions of Kazak, Karabagh and Gendje, and the thinner, more closely shorn Kubas, Shirvans, and Daghestans, from the lower slopes descending toward the Caspian Sea, are equally enchanting. Claremont Rug Company is an internationally recognized source for art-level antique carpets for stunning home decoration and collection. Yet it took the Russians a further forty years before they could create a proper political entity. As a whole. No better impression of the physical environment of the Caucasus Mountains can be depicted than from this traditional Caucasian folktale. Antique Shirvan, Southeast Caucasian, 3ft 6in x 5ft 4in, 3rd Quarter, 19th Century, Antique Khila Baku, Southeast Caucasian, 4ft 2in x 7ft 6in, Circa 1875, Antique Shirvan “Blossom Rug”, Southeast Caucasian, 4ft 0in x 5ft 0in, Circa 1875, Antique Kazak, Southern Central Caucasian, 4ft 2in x 6ft 1in, Circa 1875. For example, this iconic Caucasian Shirvan antique rug is striking in its elemental simplicity. Sign up for exclusive sales and the latest news. Mitchell Beazley, London, 1996, p. 60). Noté /5. "Oriental Rugs, Volume 1 Caucasian", Antique Collectors Club 1981. You can also delete existing wish lists from this window. The Caucasian tribespeoples, working small, portable looms, have taken the form of more sophisticated antique tribal rug weaving cultures.