New Mexico Office of the Secretary of State
If you’ve been registered for a long time, try 01/01/1900 as your birthdate (Some voter registration records do not have a birthdate, so 01/01/1900 is entered by default.) Disclaimer - A Word of Warning
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday through Friday, Business Services Division Any registrations submitted via this portal after October 7, 2020 will not be processed until November 9, 2020. Phone 505-827-3600 (Option 1) Santa Fe, NM 87501, Hours of Operation Last 4 of SSN: Locality. Start on The North Carolina State Board of Elections Page--> Click the Registering --> Find the Checking your Registration box and click --> Use the Voter Search Tool--> Fill in your information --> Click your name when it pops up on the next screen--> Select VOTER HISTORY--> You’ll see the past elections and 2020 will be right at the top. How did the US get the Electoral College and how does it work exactly. File UCC's, AG Liens, register a trademark or other commercial filings. Information on Voting and Elections in the State of New Mexico. Learn about New Mexico Government, History, State Symbols, State Songs and other important information about our state. Find Legislative information to include Signed & Chaptered Bills and Legal Resources. Same-Day Registration begins only at county clerk’s offices, October 6: First day that absentee ballots can be mailed to voters and first day that voters can cast their vote in person at their local county clerk’s office, October 17: Early voting at alternate early voting locations begins, October 20: Last day to request an absentee ballot, October 27: Recommended last day to return an absentee ballot by mail, October 31: Early voting ends and Same-Day Registration ends. For registered voters who are senior citizens, disabled, or will be out of the country an absentee ballot is available. Email, Bureau of Elections Contact your municipal clerk. Start a business, maintain a business or get general information on registered businesses in New Mexico. Everyone’s party registration and voting history are a matter of public record. Arizona. This link may not work if you are overseas. Track your absentee ballot status at 1) Verify your voter status Check to see if you're already registered or see if your voter registration information is current. Voting and Election Laws and History; Find My State or Local Election Office Website. You can use this site to register to vote or update your current voter registration, request an absentee ballot online, find a voting location, view important election dates, request a military or overseas ballot, or look up third-party voter registration agents. Follow the prompts below. Get yourself ready for the next Texas election with these simple steps. 325 Don Gaspar, Suite 300 If you want to double-check the status of your vote, here are your options by state and the District of Columbia: Alabama. I’ll keep looking for ways to improve the voting process in New Mexico so please feel free to contact my office if you have any ideas or suggestions. Whether you voted mail-in, early voting or on Election Day, you can see if your vote was accepted. Whether you voted mail-in, early voting or on Election Day, you can see if your vote was accepted. Visit your state’s election office website for state-wide voting guidance. If you have further questions, contact your local election office. The online registration search tool is powered by the Secretary of State. Phone 505-827-3600 (Option 3). An official postage paid voter registration form can be requested by filling out this online form. GREENSBORO, N.C. — You hear, ‘Every vote counts’ but what you really want to know is,‘Did my vote count?’ as in, was it accepted? Learn about how we protect your voter and business information. Skip Navigation Voter Name and Address Change, If you have changed voting counties then contact your new county voter registration office to complete your voter address change. Please note: This feature will not populate data until the county clerks have processed ballots. Email:, Receptionist Date of Birth. Phone: 505-827-3600 (Option 2) In some cases voters who are serving a jail sentence and have not lost their rights to vote are also eligible. Email:, Ethics Division When will the election results be official? Variations of your first name, or the name printed on your driver’s license; Remove spaces or special characters like commas and hyphens. If you voted by mail or early voting, it is considered absentee because you're absent from the polls on Election Day. List of Voting Official, New voter registration forms can be completed in a variety of ways. Texas Public Voting Records . Last Name . To log in, please fill out the following: First Name. Voting hours extended at polling places in Guilford, 3 other counties. Check to see if you're already registered or see if your voter registration information is current. I certify and affirm that the information provided to access my voter registration is my own or I am expressly authorized by the voter to access this information. Voter Registration Form Request. Body Language Expert Blanca Cobb: Why You Should Love Being Single, Homes underwater as Eta flooding prompts rescues, Williams scores four TDs as Tar Heels rout Duke 56-24, 'Really pleased with our team. Information on how to become a candidate and about complying with campaign finance disclosure and reporting requirements. Click, Find voter registration agent information, October 6: Voter registration closes. Become a notary, renew your notary commission, or obtain information about apostilles or certification of official documents. To find a polling location near you, go, Election Challengers, Watchers & Observers Information, Guidance on Voter Intimidation and Discriminatory Conduct, Native American Election Information Program, 23 NM Federally Recognized Tribes in NM Counties, 2020 New Mexico Public Financing Information, 2019 Local Election Candidate Information, FAQs for Primary & General Election Candidacy, How To Become A Political Action Committee, Candidate & Political Committee Contributions & Expenditures, Campaign Finance Random Examination Report-2016 Election Cycle, Recommended Harassment Policies for Businesses, International Schedule of Classes of Goods and Services, Official State Song – “O Fair New Mexico”, Spanish Language State Song – “Asi Es Nuevo Mexico”, State Bilingual Song – “Mi Lindo Nuevo Mexico”, Official Cowboy Song – “Under the New Mexico Skies”, Click here for the 2020 General Election Unofficial Results, Find My Registration & Election Information, View 2020 General Election Candidates, Ballot Questions/Bonds & Proposed Constitutional Amendments, 2020 General Election Provisional Ballot Lookup, Job Openings at the Secretary of State’s Office, Your absentee application and ballot status, Find out where there are Same-Day Registration polling locations, Enter a street number and zip code to find data on the voting location that is nearest to a specific address. You can use this site to register to vote or update your current voter registration, request an absentee ballot online, find a voting location, view important election dates, request a military or overseas ballot, or look up third-party voter registration agents. Online registration is now closed for the 2020 General Election. The online registration search tool is powered by the Secretary of State. Alaska. Phone: 505-827-3600 (Option 2) New Mexico Capitol Annex North Find your polling place. Check your voting history. This is a important game for the University of North Carolina.' Please email us immediately if you notice an error. New Mexico’s statewide address confidentiality program administered by the Secretary of State to assist victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking or similar types of crimes to receive mail using the Secretary of State’s address as a substitute for their own.