Christiana and Concord malls were holdouts. © 2020 Christiana Mall is now open from noon to 7 p.m. Occupants with outside entrances may have different hours. A select number of Ann Taylor, LOFT and Lou & Grey stores are also closing, though none in Delaware will be immediately affected. By the weekend, mall parking lots had a Christmas Day look. Posts labeled Special to Delaware Business Now are typically submitted items that are updated and sometimes rewritten in news style. Food courts were closed under an earlier order from Gov. Traffic in the area will grow at the nearby Christiana Fashion Center. Twenty-three stores in 13 states are on the new closings list released Thursday with Florida losing the most locations with four. Food & Drink: Dover’s Hollywood Diner has new owner; BWW franchi... New Covid-19 cases, hospital stays remain at elevated level. John Carney’s order that shuttered “nonessential” businesses. Malls have cut their hours of operation in response to coronavirus and declining business. Penney is going through Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings and announced 154 store closings. Traveling on I-95, take exit 4A for DE-1/DE-7 south toward Christiana. “Demand was unbelievably strong, and the Justice customer clearly understands value,” Schaffer said. permanently closing 600-plus stores this summer, parent company Ascena Retail Group's bankruptcy, Money tips and advice delivered right to your inbox. Individual store hours may vary and some may be closed. At peak times, a limited number of those patrons are let into the store. May 31, 2020 - 5:13 pm Christiana Mall will not reopen on June 1, as originally announced, due to a "safety precaution". WHAT'S GOING THERE: Cavaliers Country Club project years in the making nears finish line seeking final approval Tuesday, "The meaningful progress we have made driving sustainable growth, improving our operating margins and strengthening our financial foundation has been severely disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic," Carrie Teffner, interim executive chair of Ascena, said in a release last week. The Apple Store is in the Nordstrom wing, next to Anthropologie. The store is a major traffic magnet for Christiana Mall and even attracts busloads of customers, thanks to Delaware’s lack of a sales tax. Christiana and Concord malls are now listed as closed after Gov. Carney ends restrictions on bars in coastal Sussex, Dover city offices closed after positive tests for Covid-19, Chamber’s Gilman Cup award presented to David F. Lyons, It’s time to stop tying crime locations to zip codes, Number of coronavirus cases rises to 19 as Kent County gets its first patient, Going beyond loans in responding to the pandemic, BPG marks topping off of Marlette building and leasing success at The Concord, Lending Tree report: Delaware economy 2nd slowest to recover from coronavirus, Working from home and the office vacancy rate, 30th Annual Women’s Leadership Conference, World Trade Center’s Virtual Mid-Atlantic Regional Summit, Carney campaign sends cease and desist over pardon ad from PAC. Hanover: Arundel Mills, 7600 Arundel Mills Blvd. Lane Bryant, a women's plus-sizes retailer, will still have three locations in Delaware: in the Christiana Fashion Center, the Rehoboth Beach Tanger Outlets and on Route 13 in Dover. Tanger Outlets in Rehoboth now operates between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Last week, Bed Bath & Beyond announced 63 more stores will close by the end of 2020 with 200 of its namesake stores expected to close over the next two years. Our Gift Card is the perfect gift for loved ones or yourself. Daily. Several stores in Christiana Mall, including one of its biggest drawing cards, The Apple Store, have closed. Schaumburg: Woodfield Mall, 5 Woodfield Shopping Center. The recent round of Justice liquidation sales moved fast, added Ziggy Schaffer, also an executive vice president at SB360. The state’s largest shopping center has escaped the fate of its counterparts in nearby suburban areas of Philadelphia. Looting and vandalism were reported in downtown Wilmington the pr Come explore Christiana Mall in Newark, where all purchases are always tax-free. One of the key retailers at Christiana Mall will close its doors until March 27. Delaware now has eight cases, including its first case with no ties to the University of Delaware community. Hours are shorter on Sundays. Stores in Delaware still must limit how many people are entering and abide by other restrictions. Months earlier, the company completed a full shutdown of Dressbarn, another brand that offered plus sizes. Initial discounts will be up to 50% off the original price on clothing, shoes, accessories, and toys. They could still be included in the 500 stores Ascena plans to eventually close, in addition to the closures reported last week.