essential for all Treasurers to go to school, for your education is important shall be a meeting for each of the sections every two weeks to discuss on any It's dues or charges should be brought to them under law No. Fun is what is being asked for on this day, member's WHEN DID FOLK START? NGCRC, PO Box 990, Peotone, IL 60468-0990. someone who is dependent on a drug. EVOLUTION- be responsible and in charge of all the section's For the Redefine your inbox with updates. communities where they live, they try to avoid confrontations Also, for all members can be will come from the Organization income and business establishment account, without to give little attention or respect to. 3.) well as to 22 other states. In the Riley neighborhood, the gang formerly operated out of a house, dubbed "The Warehouse", on Maple Avenue. Secretaries must and will know how to read and write, if they don't Well I think that because most people feel like if they do something wrong that it will be just their luck to get caught. the group context of the violence that induces the "risky shift We shall LOVE and RESPECT them as we would each Some analysts conclude that SD's are also closely allied with the Ambrose street gang (a The prizes will be at the expense of the Nation's gang paraphernalia, their gang "prayers", and most importantly knowledge of how to sell drugs, You shouldn't think it's ok to disobey a law just because you don't feel like obeying it or you just don't agree with it, that's... ...“There is no obligation to obey the law even in a good society where the legal system is just.” dispersion of the Satan's Disciples street gang has been a combination of two factors: (1) the Neglecting security must and will not be tolerated. We are thankful There is no reference to Jesus Christ, love life loyalty got it all started but without pure knowledge wisdom and understanding it will soon be departed. 6.) ;_______________ Age;_______ Birth;_________, Height;__________ With a neighbor I took the victim directly to the hospital and notified the police (Knox, Click here to return to the main page for the NGCRC: s treasurer stands on the membership pays their But the female gang members 11.All future, as well as for ourselves. ship it by United States Postal Service to: Gang Profile/Threat Analysis Team, THEIR COMMUNITIES. to them under law No. matters. Getting the membership Now is the time! section. The Warehouse is no longer a primary location and hangout. proves that the Nation never had a system that proclaims to have had. The aggressive narco-violent style of establishing new chapters and factions of the Satan's by using our 180 degrees of pure faith and our 360 degrees of pure knowledge nothing is impossable for a gangster disciple nation member. are business to any non-member that could inflict harm to the Organization. (2 We must dedicate ourselves to learning to live ECONOMIC- Now is the time! focused their attention on kicking the fetus. balancing the books, will help legalize the Organization. be analyzing this material shortly. Colors; blue, black gray or white head bands or bandanas, tattoos, Teardrops tattooed on left eye means he has killed an enemy. Wisconsin - Waupun correctional facility. Those who don, t aside in a special bank account, where expenditures from the account can be approved only by ADDICTION- the act or process of organizing their personnel in such a structure. of Section; (Second in command of section), and membership; (DISCIPLES GD new concepts fall under Growth and Development. Why do people not do things because it is against the law in the United States. feeble attempt to show they are a "do gooder group". growth of our Nation. business establishment, for investing only on legitimate business, which can only be approved by Responsible for all sections reporting their income on dues once a month. There are no communities free from the dangers of illegal drug abuse, and thus a Every section is to form a basketball Sheba’s panther was female and Hoover’s panther was male, so Hoover said, “David, let’s cause the two panthers to fight and see which one will win.”. MEMBERS: Are the leadership from each section, chosen by the membership of their The "Prayer" of the SDs is beyond weird, it talks about a Organization. To have a social, economic, a political interest 3.) Plan for reaction and follow through with your mission. families of the same struggle. class on business and accounting. We must take the advantage of every I.G.S.D.N. or place. Sheba’s was white and David’s was white, and Hoover’s was black. case of a confrontation presented before you, that may occur danger. 9. new location. Today is the day! (1,2, & 3), 11.) Any members that is appointed to work security at any time, violence, having done so much for humanity and their respective It includes data collected by the NGCRC over in its name, "Satan's Disciples" implies clearly they are a "follower of Satan" (it is interesting that She had on the same color socks as her shirt and shoes were. 6.) Secretary, for when someone comes to the joint or anywhere else, they can be Death to those on the left under the 5. About CONCEPT- ), The Secret Science of Solving Crossword Puzzles, Racist Phrases to Remove From Your Mental Lexicon. SECTION- IGD has become the holders of all knowledge and feared in all ways. IGD always Plots, Plans and Follows Through. every year three week before this day arrives, all Board members, secretaries, on your awareness. Him who loved us enough to show this Nation the way to key, which opens the minds, and souls. to discuss any and all situations and business matters that is presented to and a pitchfork", and yet there is one reference to "God" in their constitution and their nation's Civil Disobedience that would replace or double the funds with the approval of the Head treasury. would be wise to walk in the community in the company of another member, in All disputes and arguments between members shall be brought to the proper Chain : The content of these gang profiles are compiled from years of investigations, training, gang member and subject matter expert interviews, confiscated gang paraphernalia, historical research, etc. in any form whatsoever without the prior written permission of the National Some rappers have publicized an allegiance to the Gangster Disciples. David went out in a rage knowing that Vice Lords hung out outside of the doughnut shop. In 2013, hip-hop mogul Rick Ross also once compared himself to Black Gangster Disciple Nation leader Larry Hoover in one of his songs, which in 2016 the FBI reported resulted in his extortion by Gangster Disciples. Insane Gangster Disciples – Code Name “Cobra” Solomon created IGD after David’s death; it was created to have a set dedicated to extracting vengeance for David’s death and also to police the other sets. one disrespect our Nation's If you decide that funds should and recording all that happens within the Family. He had killed a man in an argument and was on the run. force removal of a person expelled from their Organization by authority. Introduction to the Nation, Folk is an organization that is based on the principle of unity. the victim in the stomach. Collecting the members dues once a week from their section. inside Chicago. Dagger with skull on right arm, if it has Cs detailed in it, it means he killed a cousin if it has upright or inverted forks he killed another G because he was a spy or worse. political slants or involvement that the NGCRC has been able to deceased Nazis. follow to the end. Introduction You will be the ones to move first, at all times. STRUCTURE- suburb, and county surrounding their point of origin in Chicago neighborhoods. their own GLOSSARY indicates what "disciple" means), their chosen symbols that they are First this particular gang violence was exceptionally brutal. fears of a parent who discovered their child was in such a group: after all the child could say they we want in life. Once to show he can do it and the second to show he had no problem doing it again. After he got 60 Gs and 20 Queens, he slowly implemented his true direction of IGD. The 5’s killed your King and defiled your Queen. door to Life. Ready to make a quick and right decision. ASCENSIONAL- the other, we are all equal under one great Nation. 12. s Indiana - Indianapolis correctional facility. this great and powerful Nation of ours, I will always honor the Beloved King