Report scam, Christopher P. Thornton is Director of NEH’s, Division of Research. In this role, Thornton oversaw the complete restructuring of National Geographic’s grants strategy and process. 7101 Democracy Blvd., Bethesda, MD; (240) 762-4000, Juniper at the Fairmont Washington, DC, Georgetown, archaeological investigations of Jamestown. Previously, he designed an organizational initiative to combat looting and site destruction as the National Geographic Society’s Senior Director of Cultural Heritage, following four years as Lead Program Officer of grants in the earth and social sciences. His father is an amateur opera singer who gave Christopher his first taste of the actor's life when he would have his son accompany him to rehearsals at a local church theatre. He joined NEH in 2018 from the National Geographic Society where he served as acting head of the Grants Program, overseeing a $15 million grant program supporting science, education, and storytelling. where he served as acting head of the Grants Program, overseeing a $15 million grant program supporting science, education, and storytelling. His father is an amateur opera singer who gave Christopher his first taste of the actor's life when he would have his son accompany him to rehearsals at a local church theatre. Discover the city's best in film, food, music, sports and all things entertaining. in archaeology from the University of Cambridge, and a bachelor’s in archaeology and archaeometry from Harvard University. Report scam, archaeological investigations of Jamestown, Standing Together: The Humanities and the Experience of War, Chronicling America: History American Newspapers. He joined NEH in 2018 from the National Geographic Society where he served as acting head of the Grants Program, overseeing a $15 million grant program supporting science, education, and storytelling. Thornton comes to NEH from the National Geographic Society, where he served as acting head of the Grants Program, overseeing a $15 million grant program supporting science, education, and storytelling. NEH’s Division of Research supports scholarly research that advances knowledge and understanding of the humanities. DC Outlook is your guide to staying busy in the nation's capital. In addition to advising National Geographic on issues related to cultural heritage, Thornton sat on the U.S. Commission to UNESCO and is director of the World Heritage Site of Bat in the Sultanate of Oman. Through twelve annual funding opportunities, awards are made to scholars—individuals, collaborative teams, and institutions—working on research projects of significance to specific humanities fields and to the humanities as a whole. The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is pleased to announce the appointment of Christopher P. Thornton as the new director of NEH’s Division of Research. “Chris Thornton is a seasoned grantmaker who brings to NEH impressive vision and experience in the field of cultural heritage,” said NEH Chairman Jon Parrish Peede. A person's point of view or general attitude to life. Christopher P. Thornton is Director of NEH’s Division of Research. The projects that the division supports are as diverse as America itself: editions of the Dead Sea Scrolls, archaeological investigations of Jamestown, and the autobiography of Mark Twain. “Chris Thornton is a seasoned grant-maker who brings to NEH impressive vision and experience in the field of cultural heritage,” said NEH Chairman Jon Parrish Peede Previously, he designed an organizational initiative to combat looting and site destruction as the National Geographic Society’s Senior Director of Cultural Heritage, following four years as Lead Program Officer of grants in the earth and social sciences. He joined NEH in 2018 from the National Geographic Society. Christopher Thornton was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. Standing Together: The Humanities and the Experience of War, Chronicling America: History American Newspapers. WASHINGTON, D.C. — The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is pleased to announce the appointment of Christopher P. Thornton as the new director of NEH’s Division of Research. In this role, Thornton oversaw the complete restructuring of National Geographic’s grants strategy and process. Scam Advisory: Recent reports indicate that individuals are posing as the NEH on email and social media. In addition to advising National Geographic on issues related to cultural heritage, Thornton sat on the U.S. Commission to UNESCO and is director of the World Heritage Site of Bat in the Sultanate of Oman. An expert in the origins of metallurgy and early complex societies in Iran and Arabia, Thornton holds a PhD in anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania, an M. Phil. Christopher Thornton, Director of the National Endowment for the Humanities Division of Research will visit Princeton to present NEH funding programs and to moderate a mock peer-review panel. In this role, Thornton oversaw the complete restructuring of National Geographic’s grants strategy and process. 2. “We look forward to his leadership of the agency’s research division.”. Scam Advisory: Recent reports indicate that individuals are posing as the NEH on email and social media. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker... $15.1M, February 13: Louis Armstrong: American Icon, February 20: Restaurateur Danny Meyer: Bringing Manhattan Style to DC Dining, February 3: Mick Foley: The Nice Day Tour, February 9: Dan Cummins: Toxic Thoughts Tour, February 22: Marc Anthony - Opus Tour 2020, February 28: The Lumineers - III: The World Tour, Enter DCOUTLOOK to earn a free $20 credit. — The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is pleased to announce the appointment of Christopher P. Thornton as the new director of NEH’s Division of Research. March 29, 1967 in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Mini Bio (1) Christopher Thornton was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. “Chris Thornton is a seasoned grantmaker who brings to NEH impressive vision and experience in the field of cultural heritage,” said NEH Chairman Jon Parrish Peede. WASHINGTON, D.C. (August 15, 2018) — The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) is pleased to announce the appointment of Christopher P. Thornton as the new director of NEH’s Division of Research. Previously, he designed an organizational initiative to combat looting and site destruction as the National Geographic Society’s Senior Director of Cultural Heritage, following four years as Lead Program Officer of grants in the earth and social sciences. An expert in the origins of metallurgy and early complex societies in Iran and Arabia, Thornton holds a PhD in anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania, an M. Phil. in archaeology from the University of Cambridge, and a bachelor’s in archaeology and archaeometry from Harvard University. Christopher P. Thornton is Director of NEH’s Division of Research. Director: Christopher Thornton DIVISION OF RESEARCH PROGRAMS Supports scholars—individuals and collaborative teams—working on research projects that advance knowledge and … Humanities faculty and post-docs interested in learning about funding opportunities available from the NEH are invited to this behind-the-scenes look at a panel evaluation of a grant application.