The midCaste know only work and they dedicate all their waking hours to striving upwards because there will always be someone ready to take their place should they relax, in which case they will be downcast and even made outCaste and thus lose their hard-earned rights and benefits. Jace and Clary share a moment of intimately described passion after the destruction of Wayland Manor. When they find the warlock’s house, Clary is surprised to see her friend Magnus Bane posing as Fell. CC Corp has been instrumental in refurbishing the entire city into the pristine pinnacle of reflective beauty which greets all citizens every morning. To make things worse, she learns that Jace does not want her there, and Simon has been t Mirror's Edge Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Last but not least Glass stands as a model city for the ongoing reconstruction effort launched in FY36. Of course, this often means that they are replacing midCaste who for different reasons were downcast. The Spanish word Dios is also used as an exclamation. Though there is a large urban loCaste population in all cities most are Greylanders and they live in the massCondos connected to the foodDomes, factories, and mines. When freed from its prison, the angel stabs himself. Though located to the far south of Cascadia Prime, the coastal city of Glass is the exact opposite of the sleepy fishing town many Cascadians believe it to be. They plan to address this by building three more massive desalination plants but these will require vast amounts of energy. When Jace admits his love for Clary, while still believing she is his sister, he says he feels like God was spitting on him. He desired their speed, strength and magic. For my mother. It describes the code of conduct, safety rules and other regulations affecting an employs life. According to the FY47 census, Glass boasts close to 14,000,000 citizens, making it the third largest city in Cascadia. To save her mother's life, Clary must travel to the City of Glass, the ancestral home of the Shadowhunters - never mind that entering the city without permission is against the Law, and breaking the Law could mean death. by Cassandra Clare.City of Glass is the third novel in Cassandra Clare’s The Mortal Instruments trilogy, which follows the adventures of Clary Fray, a once-ordinary girl who discovers she is a Shadowhunter, a human-angel hybrid created to destroy demons. But make sure that you have obtained permission from your HR-manager before going on an extended leave (i.e. All The Data From The Network AND User Upload, If Infringement, Please Contact Us To Delete. Although the vampires won’t kill him for fear of being cursed, it is unclear what consequence the mark will have on Simon’s future. When Clary creates a new rune to release the angel, the angel kills himself, causing the mansion to disintegrate around them. The Corporate Houses have entrenched themselves firmly since the founding and most mid- and loCaste believe the current system to be the best one imaginable. The Shadowhunters believe the angel Raziel gave his blood to Jonathon Shadowhunter to create the first Nephilim centuries ago. Valentine secretly fed the blood of a greater demon to Jocelyn while she was pregnant, hoping to create an invincible Shadowhunter. H— is also used in reference to the place. Learn about how the two regions relate to each other. ], [This document has been screened and approved in accordance with Conglomerate Publication Directive #3958-3 – FY20:M09]. The eXecs are those directors and executives who have yet to be adopted into the Corporate Houses but still wield considerable power and influence. To save her mother's life, Clary must travel to the City of Glass, the ancestral home of the Shadowhunters—never mind that entering the city without permission is against the Law, and breaking the Law could mean death. Last but not least Glass stands as a model city for the ongoing reconstruction effort launched in FY36. Sebastian’s battles with the other Shadowhunters are described in graphic detail. The Seal of Solomon carved into the door of his prison burns Simon’s hand. Bane freezes Sebastian and tells Clary that Fell was killed when he wouldn’t tell the location of a powerful spell book. Then there the even fewer outCaste who rather consider themselves offGrids, rare individuals who for different reasons have decided to remove themselves completely from the Conglomerate while still living in the cities. Luke brings Clary to his estranged sister’s house. To make things worse, she learns that Jace does not want her there, and Simon has been thrown in prison by the Shadowhunters, who are deeply suspicious of a vampire who can withstand sunlight. The book is told from several points of views, namely: Clary, Jace, Simon, Isabelle, and Alec's. The adults will meet with The Clave, the ruling order of the Shadowhunters, to discuss what they’ve discovered about Valentine’s plan to destroy them. 4 0 obj With its mix of peculiar SSSC influences, relaxed beach-resort attitude and highly educated and discerning citizenry, Glass remains an attractive location Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. What to Buy the Shadowhunter Who Has Everything, The Course of True Love (And First Dates), "I wanted them on the cover of City of Glass but they said "No two guys on a cover, not ever. General surveillance is mainly handled by automated camera systems where advanced algorithms constantly scan for deviant behaviour, and this is combined with the gridLink – a wristband biometrically connected to the wearer and linked to his personal gridPrint and financial status. Raziel kills Valentine and tells Clary she can compel him to do one favor. The geographic location of the Cascadia highly resembles southeastern Australia and Tasmania after 60 meters of simulated sea level rise. Many serve forced labor sentences in the mines or most dangerous factories, but some simply leave society behind, to go live on their own or with fellow outCaste in the struggling Greyland villages. Any use of an author photo must include its respective photo credit. Everdyne has since stepped up its research efforts, but it's a case of too little too late and they lack the know-how to make any significant progress. It is also intimated that a demon tried to rape one of the Shadowhunters. You can request a review of a title you can’t find at [email protected]. There are small villages and hamlets in the Greylands, but they have no entry in the official database, and the outCaste living there matter little to the Conglomerate except as target practice on occasional KrugerSec outings or as test subjects for different corporate projects. Their faith in their power to protect the city is what convinces them they are better than ordinary humans. Once you’ve witnessed a sunrise splinter into a cascade of light in the Crystal Gardens District or seen the myriad of avant-garde buildings in “The Anchor” glitter like polished gems you’ll never quite be the same again. In a vision, he shows the teenagers how Valentine stabbed him and used his golden blood to heal Jocelyn of her depression.