Well worth the effort. I am based both in the small village of Belleau in Lincolnshire and the smaller village of London! It was given to me by an old photographer friend called Sandro, whilst we were driving home from a photo-shoot in Paris. Coat the courgette slices first in the flour and then dip them in the egg. I’ve always loved this time of year, the cusp between Winter and Spring when there’s so much promise in the air and just occasionally you get one of those cold but sunny days where everything seems to be popping with the joys of life. Already have an account with us? By entering your details, you are agreeing to olive magazine terms and conditions. Add the chopped tomatoes and basil and cook down until thicker. Oops! Thanks C… the parmesan is layered with each layer and on top… I’ll clarify in the recipe now. You need time to make a good tomato sauce (something never to take lightly) and then it’s a process of flouring the courgette slices, shallow frying them and then layering the dish. A ubergine parmigiana (aka melanzane alla parmigiana, or parmesan aubergine, for the sake of linguistic consistency) is that rare and glorious thing: Mediterranean stodge. Heat on a medium setting until the vegetables have softened (about 10 mins). In a greased baking dish alternate the courgettes, passata, thinly sliced ​​scamorza cheese and the grated Parmesan. New! Once you’ve fried up all your courgettes you should be ready to layer your pie. Transfer the vegetables to an oven proof dish so the the dish is close to full. ), 1 large free-range egg beaten with a little milk, 200g Parmigiano Reggiano  – finely grated. Top with more parmesan. Good Food Deal In a pan of boiling salted water, parboil the courgettes for 2-3 minutes, then drain well and pat them dry with paper towel. Once all the courgette is cooked, turn heat off griddle pan and move cooked courgette from the baking dish back to the griddle pan. Bake courgette for 10 minutes and let cool. start with the sauce because it needs at least 3 hours cooking time. Add passata and season generously with salt, pepper and a little fresh basil. Cover the baking dish with aluminium foil and bake for 20 minutes. – set aside on paper to drain. Heat and add the courgettes and onions. For the top, put a layer of creme fraiche under the cheese. It has the classic nutty, salty taste of parmesan but the 24 months maturity adds a depth of flavour that is particularly moorish and is rather fabulous in this rustic dish. Mix together the mustard and creme fraiche in a bowl. meanwhile… slice the courgettes, though not too thinly… I usually get 5 slices from each courgette. This version substitutes the aubergine for courgette and mozzarella or ricotta for a fresher taste. Filed Under: Vegetarian Tagged With: cheese, courgette, parmesan, parmigiana, pie, rustic cooking, tomato sauce, vegetarian. I adore my 50’s style stand mixer, I genuinely can’t think what I did before I had it. It works really well as part of a sharing menu. Prepare the flour and egg/mil mix in bowls and when you’re ready dip the courgette into the egg/milk, then the flour and shake off any excess. Avec une mandoline couper très finement les courgettes lavées et essuyées. Crecipe.com deliver fine selection of quality Courgette and aubergine parmigiana recipes equipped with ratings, reviews and mixing tips. Look how gorgeous the Roasted Parmesan Courgettes (zucchini) look when it has just come out of the oven. Please try again. Pour a layer of the tomato sauce into the baking dish, then layer courgettes on top. For the basil and ricotta pesto, put all the ingredients in a food processor, season, add a splash of warm water and whizz until smooth, then set aside. My name is Dominic, I am a cook, food writer and creative event producer. It works really well as part of a sharing menu. Preheat oven to 180C. Meanwhile start the sauce. Season with black pepper and a little salt. Enjoy cooking, eating and exploring! Huiler un pirex à four et faire une première couche avec les courgettes, saler et poivrer. Bake courgette for 10 minutes and let cool. The farm itself sits inside a nature park within the Guastalla region and benefits from the protection given to the land. The cheese has melted into the courgette and has a caught a little to give crispy bits which were everyone’s favourite. Choose the type of message you'd like to post, 4 - 5 medium courgettes, sliced thinly length ways, 2-3 handfuls parmesan cheese or similar, grated finely. Learn how to cook great Courgette and aubergine parmigiana . Heat and add the courgettes and onions. Heat 4 tbsp olive oil in a wide frying pan over medium heat, and fry the courgette for about 3 minutes on each side. Remove foil and bake for a further 15 minutes. … i have to say, the cheese is stunning. You can unsubscribe at any time. Griddle courgettes until soft and place into baking dish when cooked. Beat the eggs in a bowl. In a 20cm square or round baking dish, put a layer of courgette slices, followed by half the basil and ricotta pesto, half the sliced boiled egg and half the grated pecorino. Member recipes are not tested in the GoodFood kitchen. Start with a layer of courgettes, then add tomatoes, followed by 1 of the balls of mozzarella which you need to tear up and place onto the layers and a large handful of grated parmesan… add salt and pepper each layer and continue till it’s all gone. I also run creative event production company The Persuaders, producing global events for brands since 1997. Répéter le procédé jusqu'à la fin des ingrédients. Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. In a greased baking dish alternate the courgettes, passata, thinly sliced scamorza cheese and the grated Parmesan. It’s not a fast make… so only make this when you’ve got a long afternoon to relax in your kitchen… although you can freeze it perfectly well. Heat in the oven at 180°C for 20 minutes. The recipe was taken from Sharing Puglia: Simple, Delicious Food From Italy's Undiscovered Coast (£25, Hardie Grant). £5 off a Clifford James 3-in-1 Blower, Vacuum and Shredder! I am making this Courgette/Zucchini Parmigiana with courgettes/zucchini rather than Aubergines/Eggplant because a) we love courgettes/zucchini and b) I really don’t like the taste of Aubergines/Eggplants! Avec une mandoline couper très finement les courgettes lavées et essuyées. Tick and slice lenghwise the courgettes into thin stripes. Once mixed, transfer to the vegetables and mix in thoroughly. Distribuer un peu de sauce tomate, saupoudrer avec origan et caciocavallo, basilique et mozzarella en morceaux. 30 mins in a medium oven and you have a glorious, golden, molten dish. Fry the onion until soft and translucent. Aubergine (and courgette) – traditionally Baked Aubergine Parmigiana only uses aubergine so feel free to do so as well.Instead of using one, use 2 large aubergines and follow the recipe as normal. https://realfood.tesco.com/recipes/courgette-and-aubergine-parmigiana.html Heat a little oil in a frying pan and fry onion till translucent. The day before dice the mozzarella and place it in a colander to lose part of the whey. … back at the cottage this weekend and the sun is finally shining and temperatures are beginning to rise (although we’re told to expect another cold ‘Beast from the East’ over the Easter weekend.) Baked zucchini recipes. Season well with salt and pepper. Arrange them in a baking dish lined with greaseproof paper and drizzle with a little oil. I write the food blog Belleau Kitchen and also write a monthly recipe column for Lincolnshire Life Magazine and Good Taste Magazine. Pour a layer of the tomato sauce into the baking dish, then layer courgettes on top. Add the mixed herbs, fennel seeds and season with salt and pepper and fry for another 30s. If you like aubergine parmigiana, try this variation with courgette. Recettes de gratin de courgettes au basilic, Gratin de blé aux tomates, courgettes et parmesan, Tranches de courgettes grillées au jambon cru, mozzarella et pesto, Gratin ultra léger courgettes poivron du fermier, Gratin de tomates courgettes et mozzarela, Les recettes de gratin de courgette au four, Nos meilleures idées de gratins de courgettes, Coronavirus : les idées recettes pour réaliser plusieurs repas. Good Food Deal https://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/aubergine_parmigiana_57566 The farmers haven’t put the lambs out into the field opposite the cottage yet but to be honest this is a godsend – they can be noisy buggers when you’re trying to get some sleep… but light days are longer which gives me more time to cook later into the day ad still have light left for photography…. Privacy policy. Alternatively, you can do as I did and use one large aubergine, one large courgette. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©2020 Allrecipes.com, Inc. 300g scamorza cheese (mozzarella can be used instead). The cheese comes direct from the brand’s family-owned farm, Montecoppe, found in the centre of Italy’s rustic Guastalla province. I try and go for 3 layers of each. In a pan, heat the oil…enough so that you’re shallow frying and fry 3 slices at a time… don’t be tempted to overcrowd the pan as they wont turn golden and they’ll go soggy. Looks absolutely delicious. Will have to give this a go! So pleased to find another great veggie recipe. Heat on a medium setting until the vegetables have softened ( about 10 mins). Add a layer of cheddar and parmesan and repeat until near the top of the dish. New! Once all the courgette is cooked, turn heat off griddle pan and move cooked courgette from the baking dish back to the griddle pan. Cover the baking dish with aluminium foil and bake for 20 minutes. Cover with foil and bake in the oven for 20–25 minutes, then finish under a hot grill for 8–10 minutes until golden. Season with black pepper and a little salt. Huiler un pirex à four et faire une première couche avec les courgettes, saler et poivrer. Add a layer of cheddar and parmesan and repeat until near the top of the dish. Thanks! This version substitutes the aubergine for courgette and mozzarella or ricotta for a fresher taste. Add the oil to a large frying pan. Continue layering the courgette, pesto, egg and pecorino, finishing with grated pecorino on top. Parmigiano Reggiano is world-famous for its aromatic taste and fragrance. Read More…, © 2010 - 2020 | All rights reserved | Website by Peckish Digital, « creamy onion, broccoli and mushroom pie with a ruff puff pastry crust, Yes I know it’s early but I’m recipe testing f, Chestnut & Mushroom Soup for this autumnal evening, Say helloooooo to my Halloween Spider Monster Cupc, We made toffee apples! Does all the Parmesan go on the top? Slice the courgettes lengthwise and remove seeds.