The Australian Transport Safety Bureau has released an update from its on-going investigation into the fatal accident involving a Robinson R44 helicopter at Broome, Western Australia on 4 July. Maintenance personnel subsequently conducted a dynamic tail rotor balance on the day before the accident. This information is added by users of ASN. There are currently 558 R44s on the Australian civil aircraft register. A Robinson R44 Raven I, registered VH-NBY, was operated for a local scenic flight in Broome, Western Australia. If you feel this information is incomplete or incorrect, you can. January 30, 2018, Robinson R44 helicopter crash near Newport Beach, California.,,,P95_LOC_CITY_NAME,P95_REGIST_NBR:16-OCT-20,PAHRUMP,N500DL,,, Spring Mountain Motor Resort and Country Club, Pahrump, NV -, Spring Mountain Motor Resort and Country Club, Pahrump, NV, Updated [Aircraft type, Total occupants, Source, Narrative], Updated [Aircraft type, Damage, Narrative], Updated [Aircraft type, Registration, Cn, Operator, Phase, Nature, Source, Damage, Narrative], Updated [Aircraft type, Operator, Phase, Nature, Source, Damage, Narrative], Updated [Aircraft type, Operator, Phase, Nature, Destination airport, Source, Damage, Narrative], Updated [Destination airport, Source, Narrative], Unless otherwise stated: copyright © 1996-2020 Aviation Safety Network (ASN). The Robinson R44 was certified in December 1992 and the model involved in this accident, the R44 Raven I, was introduced in January 2000. Neither ASN nor the Flight Safety Foundation are responsible for the completeness or correctness of this information. Narrative: A Robinson R44 Raven I, registered VH-NBY, was operated for a local scenic flight in Broome, Western Australia.,,,,,, Updated [Total fatalities, Total occupants, Other fatalities, Location, Source, Narrative], Updated [Aircraft type, Operator, Total fatalities, Phase, Nature, Narrative], Updated [Registration, Cn, Operator, Location, Nature, Source], Updated [Aircraft type, Registration, Cn, Location, Source, Narrative], Updated [Nature, Departure airport, Destination airport, Source, Embed code, Narrative], Unless otherwise stated: copyright © 1996-2020 Aviation Safety Network (ASN). This information is added by users of ASN. The ATSB has released an update from its on-going investigation into the fatal accident involving a Robinson R44 helicopter at Broome, Western Australia on 4 July. As the investigation progresses, the ATSB will continue to liaise with the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, the US National Transportation Safety Board, and the Robinson Helicopter Company. On board were the pilot and three passengers. Baum Hedlund represents all … “Based on CCTV footage and examination of the wreckage, ATSB investigators have been able to determine that the helicopter’s tail rotor gearbox, tail rotor and tail assembly separated from the helicopter soon after take-off,” said ATSB Chief Commissioner Greg Hood. Another passenger was seriously injured and one person on the ground was also injured. If you feel this information is incomplete or incorrect, you can. “While the investigation is on-going, the ATSB urges any R44 pilot that experiences unusual vibrations through the tail rotor pedals to land as soon as possible.”. The aircraft submerged in lake waters, sustaining unknown damage, and the sole pilot onboard was not injured. Narrative: An incident involving a helicopter has been reported at the Spring Mountain Motor Resort and Country Club in Pahrump, Nevada. The Robinson R44 is a four-seat light helicopter produced by Robinson Helicopter Company since 1992. “At this stage the reasons for the in-flight breakup, and the significance of the reported vibrations through the tail rotor pedals, are not known, and the ATSB will provide further advice when relevant information is available,” Mr Hood said. On January 30, 2018, about 1350 Pacific standard time, a Robinson Helicopter R44, N7530R, was destroyed when it impacted houses near Newport Beach, California shortly after takeoff. R44 pilots who experience unusual vibrations through the tail rotor pedals are urged to land as soon as possible The Australian Transport Safety Bureau has released an update from its on-going investigation into the fatal accident involving a Robinson R44 helicopter at Broome, Western Australia on 4 July. Read the update AO-2020-033: In-flight breakup involving Robinson R44 Raven I, VH-NBY, 2 km north of Broome Airport, Western Australia, on 4 July 2020, AO-2020-033: In-flight breakup involving Robinson R44 Raven I, VH-NBY, 2 km north of Broome Airport, Western Australia, on 4 July 2020, Australia's national transport safety investigator, Human Factors for Transport Safety Investigators course, Information Publication Scheme - Agency Publication Plan, Aviation safety investigations and reports, Investigation procedures, terminology and deciding whether to investigate, Hazards at aviation accident sites: Guidance for police and emergency personnel, Mandatory - Aviation accident or incident notification, Voluntary - REPCON Aviation Confidential Reporting Scheme, Terminology, investigation procedures and deciding whether to investigate, Mandatory - Marine accident or incident notification, Voluntary - REPCON Marine Confidential Reporting Scheme, Investigation procedures and deciding whether to investigate, Railway accident guidelines for operators, police and emergency personnel, Mandatory - Rail accident or incident notification, Voluntary - REPCON Rail Confidential Reporting Scheme, AO-2020-033: In-flight breakup involving Robinson R44 Raven I, VH-NBY, 2 km north of Broome Airport, Western Australia, on 4 July 2020, Submit an accident or incident notification, Helicopter’s tail assembly separated in-flight, Cause of the separation is currently unknown, R44 pilots who experience unusual vibrations through the tail rotor pedals are urged to land as soon as possible, Aviation and Marine accident and incident notifications, Telephone ATSB (toll-free, 24 hours): 1800 011 034, Tel International (24 hours): +61 2 6230 4470.