Court managers are responsible for the important topic of workforce management. A Lesson on Keeping a Positive Attitude, Court Leadership – the Competency of Caseflow and Workflow Management. I hope you enjoy a review of this important competency. Over at the Supreme People’s Court Monitor blog, Susan Finder has an excellent post on a recent speech by Liu Guixiang of the Adjudication Committee of the Supreme People’s Court. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This posting provides a summary of the National Association for Court Management competency of workforce management as published in the NACM CORE®. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Kip says: "If I let my job upset me, I will ruin my day.". The revised International Framework for Court Excellence is an excellent resource for courts as we continue to respond to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. One perception sees systemic bias, mostly centered on law enforcement, with problems that need institutional change. ( Log Out /  Courts and the “absolute leadership” of the Party. We’ll notify you when we launch. Part One, Kip, the Moving Guy is an inspirational story about how keeping a positive attitude and taking ownership of your circumstances get great results in life. Part Two. In thinking about leadership of the workforce and the role that communication plays in carrying it out, my next posting will be on “court leaders as coaches.”, Janet has over 35 years in court leadership including service in general and limited jurisdiction courts. Amir Ghannad is a leadership development specialist with over 30 years of hands-on experience in leadership and organizational development all over the globe. On The Court is a community of leaders who are committed to being on the court, at work, at home, and in life. Part Two. Amir is an internationally top-ranked speaker, consultant to Fortune 50 companies, and author of The Transformative Leader, which has been purchased and used by leaders in over 30 countries. Court Leaders Should be Masters and Maestros of Caseflow Management. Workforce management is an area that any court manager, from first line supervisor to executive level leadership must be conversant with and carry out. Caseflow management is at the center of what courts do. Part One. This post shares information about caseflow management practices. This competency illustrates the importance of linking staff work to the purposes of courts, analyzing jobs, recruiting, and employee performance management. Can’t wait to see you On The Court! Email us at View all posts by Janet G. Cornell - Court Leader Contributor and Consultant. Court managers are responsible for workforce management – the oversight of all human resource activities. Discover and apply the universal principles behind creating cultures where everyone feels valued and fully engaged in achieving a common vision, regardless of your circumstances. Experience unprecedented success and fulfillment as you expand your influence and credibility as a leader. Unlock your innate potential as you master the simple and proven methods for building leadership capability in yourself and others. The goals of … Continue reading Diversity and Inclusion: Why Is It Even More Important Now? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Make the most of the training and development (tools and skills) you already have by cultivating the mindset necessary to boldly declare, courageously pursue, and abundantly achieve the extraordinary, at work and in life. Court Leaders Should be Masters and Maestros of Caseflow Management. Consider, as equally important, both structural and cultural aspects to design the governance and administrative model of the court. A place for court leaders, by court leaders. NCSC has assembled a team of expert practitioners and scholars to brainstorm and make recommendations to help courts more effectively provide justice for all, including for society’s poorest, weakest and most disenfranchised people. Courts operate through the contributions of all court employees. Court Leadership – the Competency of Workforce Management Courts operate through the contributions of all court employees. Leadership & Culture Transformation On The Court is a community of kindred spirits who are committed to supporting one another, sharing victories and challenges, and keeping each other accountable on their journey to becoming Transformative Leaders. Court Leader’s Advantage Video Podcast: August 2020 Episode Part Two Brought to you in cooperation with NACM Welcome to part two of the Court Leader’s Advantage podcast on Courts and Systemic Bias.