This is Cthulhu in his natural/fully powered state, not immediately after being summoned as well as 2014 Godzilla’s most powerful state. This means that Cthulhu's excess energy is 12 billion joules, enough to power the city of New York for roughly 30 seconds. Toho vs H.P. Most of my childhood toys survived until I could access bb-guns, firecrackers and model rocket engines. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © 2017 Certified Guaranty Company, LLC. This converts to 20 m/s. Godzilla vs Cthulhu fight discussion and possible outcomes. Finally, we can compare the two. Physical battle? Godzilla take out by himself an army of Kaijus, i mean they were not punks, that show that when you face Angry Godzilla you better run. Come join our discussions, post your own battles and kick some ass! However, for the sake of this discussion, I will abide by the assumption that he DOES have a tangible, physical form. (constant)ln(sqrt(2)*1)=0.34(constant)=8.6, ====> Cthulhu Speed = 25(ln(sqrt(2)*750,000))=340. Next, we must determine his top speed. But does Godzilla have that much power??? It's easy! Godzilla vs Cthulhu fight discussion and possible outcomes. Sign up for a new account in our community. We don't know Cthulhu's offensive feats, to my knowledge, so he might be entirely incapable of harming Godzilla, either. While there is no consensus to Godzilla's top speed, in one of the movies he was seen swimming slightly faster than a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier. Wiki Points. I did the math, and this means that he would have a mass of 750,000 kg. Also, Cthulhu's size (height) is usually given as 130 to 160 feet. I don’t think so, Godzilla isn’t human so madness might not even effect the big lizard the same way we go mad, if that’s the case Cthulhu would need to rely on fighting strategy and his reality manipulation like making Godzilla attack a building thinking it’s him and causing him to hurt himself unintentionally. Bonus round: Cthulu has little by way of physical feats or durability, but he does have total immortality. He has bat-like wings, as does a Flying Fox, a large bat. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Side note, would Cthulhu drive Godzilla mad at all anyway? I'm pretty sure Cthulhu blinks Godzilla out of existence. Jun 21, 2018 - Yet another commission for two of my greatest commissioners! This is almost as bad as those failed Alexander Anderson mismatches. " The Nimitz-class carrier has a top speed of 55km/h, so I will assume that Godzilla was going 70 km/h. 1 year ago. The Post-man always rings twice. Accordingly, one claw must be able to hold three men. Godzilla was around during the dinosaurs at least 65 million year ago! All rights reserved to their respective owners!!! 6. The responses in this thread make it pretty clear that either none of you have any idea what you're talking about, or that this is a joke thread. If he is of roughly humanoid build (he isn't, but we're beyond canon here) he would be around 175m tall. But one in particular, Godzilla Earth, at about 1000 feet, dwarfs Cthulhu in size, and I would imagine also in strength. 31 posts in this topic. The width of a flailing, panicked man is roughly 1m, so I think that one Cthulhu claw pincer must have a length of roughly 10m. 7. This means that the entire claw would be roughly 20m long. I think the most accurate way of determining the more powerful monster is to calculate the total kinetic energy that they can achieve, as it is difficult to compare the martial power of Godzilla to the psychic terror of Cthulhu.