(GRAPHIC-ARTS), Art Painting and Drawing, B.F.A. B.A. “I mostly do digital art right now, because of my classes,” Velazquez said. (Bachelors of Fine Art) is offered in six concentrations including: 3D, Graphic Design, Painting and Drawing, Printmaking, Sculpture, and Photography. In the fifth year graduate credentialing program, students are immersed in education classes and have opportunities to student teach with excellent Master Teachers in Humboldt County. days and times LISTED and the room has a LOCATION on the HSU campus, your class has a face to face portion from September 8 to November 6. Theatre Arts ; Watershed Management Wildlife Women's Studies ; Zoology *** A percentage of seats are reserved for new students in lower division GE classes. Students have a number of opportunities for getting involved and for professional development in the art program at HSU: Internships The Art Department offers a degree in Art with concentrations in Studio Art, Art History, and Art Education. The art program is a member of the Texas Association of Schools of Art and the Texas Art Education Association, and has a student chapter of the Kappa Pi National Honorary Art Fraternity. General studio classes beyond the freshman core are provided to sharpen problem-solving skills in terms of more specialized media. The best way to really experience Hardin-Simmons University is through a campus visit. Click a logo to follow the HSU Art Department on social media! HSU Art Department Video of HSU Art Department Our mission is to provide students with a thorough grounding in the practice, language, theory, and history of the visual arts in order to prepare them for careers in art, museums, education, business, and daily life. These private studio spaces are competitively awarded to our high achieving undergraduate art majors and are used to give them dedicated space to privately work on projects, keep personal project supplies, and hone their artistic craft. Opportunities include organizing and participating in special art events, exhibition opportunities, field trips, and more. Schedule a visit today to learn more about HSU and the exciting experiences we have for you. The mission of Hardin-Simmons University is to be a community dedicated to providing excellence in education enlightened by Christian faith and values. Fall 2020 semester information. We host a variety of visit opportunities throughout the year. The curriculum provides many of the same skills that our BFA degree offers but is designed for students who have other interests beyond a studio practice that wish to also pursue a minor,  double major, or cross-disciplinary form of study. Department of Art 1 Harpst St Arcata, CA 95521 Phone: 707-826-3813 Fax: 707-826-3628 arts@humboldt.edu Our mission is to provide students with a thorough grounding in the practice, language, theory, and history of the visual arts in order to prepare them for careers in art, museums, education, business, and daily life. Art Majors taking art minor may replace ART 1301/1302. Our goal is for students to flourish within a Christian environment, participate in a visual arts curriculum that examines historical context, contemporary issues, and multimedia technologies, while balancing both theory and practice. or B.B.S degrees at HSU. Our Art students have a variety of opportunities for locally presenting and exhibiting their work through juried exhibitions with other local universities, at businesses and coffee shops, and at the Ira M. Taylor Memorial gallery at HSU. We offer our art majors 6 private student studio spaces, a privilege normally available in graduate study MFA programs only. With her recent courses, however, she’s been focusing a lot more on class related artwork. Art Graphic Design Concentration, B.F.A. degree (Masters of Fine Art). Art History is taught in a variety of ways based on the visual and historical context in which the art was created. Art 4360 professional Seminar (Capstone). HSU Student Art Competition and Exhibition The art program at HSU offers a variety of BFA and BA degrees, as well as a minor. Summer Study Abroad in Italy program Join the web’s most supportive community of creators and get high-quality tools for hosting, sharing, and streaming videos in gorgeous HD with no ads. The class will be online for the first two weeks and the last five weeks of the term. B.F.A. The Minor in Art is offered to any student pursuing B.A. The Art Museum and Gallery Practices Certificate of Study is comprised of an array of courses that provide the student with experience preparatory to working in art museums and commercial galleries. Unused reserved seats are released to continuing students on July 1st. HSU Campus Ready The Art Education curriculum is a combination of Studio, Art History and Museum Practices, and service learning opportunities that prepares students for more advanced training to become an art educator either in schools or museums. Humboldt State Universitya California State University. Our work-study program gives students opportunities to develop professional skills by working in our computer lab, the front office and gallery, photography darkroom, digital printing lab, and shooting studio. The ART 4389 Internship course has been used by various students to work in local businesses and gain professional work experience. (PAINT/DRAWING), Art Photography Concentration, B.F.A. Kappa Pi National Honor Art Fraternity Our degrees have concentrations in General Studio, Graphic Design, Painting and Drawing, Printmaking, Photography, 3D, and Sculpture. If you have any questions, you can call Admissions at 877-GO-HSUTX. The BFA degree offers students the opportunity to further their studio art practice and to prepare for graduate school or professional art careers through a rigorous and focused course of study in the visual arts. To promote a philosophical harmony of artistic theory and practice undergirded by an informed Christian faith. (PHOTOGRAPHY), Art, Graphic Design Concentration (B.F.A.). in Fine Arts and a Certificate in Art Museum and Gallery Operations. Studio Art Electives (6 credits upper level). The art program at HSU offers a variety of BFA and BA degrees, as well as a minor. All courses and course descriptions for each degree type can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog: Art majors in the Photography concentration are required to purchase their own digital camera kits: HDSLR or mirrorless system with 4K video recording, raw still image capture, and external mic connection. Click the button below and get started on your application. The Art Department offers a degree in Art with concentrations in Studio Art, Art History, and Art Education. We emphasize individualized attention and preparation of our students to be competitive in the visual arts job market and exhibition circuit. Undergraduate Private Studios We also offer a Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) Our degrees have concentrations in General Studio, Graphic Design, Painting and Drawing, Printmaking, Photography, 3D, and Sculpture. We offer:BFA in Fine ArtsBA in Art StudioBA in Art HistoryBA in Art EducationCertificate in Museum and Gallery PracticesMinor in Art StudioMinor in Art History, Department of Art1 Harpst StArcata, CA 95521Phone: 707-826-3813Fax: 707-826-3628arts@humboldt.edu, Certificate in Museum & Gallery Practices, Museum & Gallery Practices Certificate of Study (Art), Museum & Gallery Practices Certificate of Study (Anthropology), Museum & Gallery Practices Certificate of Study (History), Museum & Gallery Practices Certificate of Study (Native American Studies), Certificate in Museum and Gallery Practices. There are several class options at HSU for the Art Therapy Specialized Track. There are travel courses which in recent years have focused on major exhibitions or collections in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco or on Native American sites and collection on the North Coast. A further emphasis is placed on the development of a uniquely personal relationship between idea and execution. Students in the Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) Electives (3 credits): Upper level elective course. The areas of curatorship, registration, exhibition design, and art preparation are studied and practiced first hand in the production of actual art exhibitions presented in the Reese Bullen Gallery and the Native American Gallery (both on-campus facilities) and the First Street Gallery, located in Old Town Eureka.