You can continue to equip and use all gear in these activities. This means Recluse will only be able to go as high as Season 11’s Max Power Level. The weapon list above is my take on how sunsetting will impact the most popular (and some of my favorites) weapons in Destiny 2. Pick up my new sci-fi novel Herokiller, and read my first series, The Earthborn Trilogy, which is also on audiobook. Destiny 2 Confirms End of Season Event Before Beyond Light, Destiny 2: Trials of Osiris Loot and Map This Week (November 6 - 9), Genshin Impact Wish Trick May Increase Chances of Getting 5-Star Characters. Is Spare Rations getting Sunset? Also, from a pure cosmetics perspective, the effects of armor sunsetting should be somewhat limited by the upcoming ability to transmog the looks of your favorite armor pieces into newer gear. This means all the armor pieces you spent massive resources on to Masterwork will also only have a one-year lifespan. Picture all the Forsaken gear leaving once Shadowkeep hit. The Max Power Level for these items will be set at the player Power Cap attainable 3 Seasons after its release Season (4 Seasons total). By “leaving” we only mean “cannot be used in pinnacle activities” which includes new raids, Trials, Iron Banner, high-end Nightfalls and whatever seasonal event might require high power. Great article thanks for the insight into how sun setting works and the list of things going by the side of the road. Destiny 2 PC PS4 Xbox One Bungie’s May 14, 2020, TWAB is a must-read if you want to know everything there is to know about weapon retirement, but these are the key “rules” you need to know: If you had the perfect Gnawing Hunger before, you now have to farm a re-issued version. It’s an experiment. It will include every raid weapon minus Last Wish and Garden of Salvation year. This will be the “hard transition,” as after this, things will become a bit more logical and we will not have these massive erasures every season. Mass Effect Remastered Trilogy Announcement Reportedly Coming Tomorrow, Minecraft Speedrun Tournament Ruined by Twitch Ads, Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Elevates Breath of the Wild's Material Collecting, Godfall is Only a Limited-Time PS5 Exclusive, Genshin Impact Reputation System Explained, PS5 Slower Than Xbox Series X in Game Startup Time Comparisons, Take-Two Interactive 'Skeptical' of Subscription Services Like Game Pass, AOC Confirms That She's Doing Another Twitch Stream, Last Minute Destiny 2 Checklist Before Beyond Light Releases. This will be sunsetting for next season’s slate of weapons. This definition comes from Bungie’s May 14th’s TWAB, a post that also gave us more information about their plans for the game. The decision to sunset weapons has been criticized. Destiny 2. This remains confusing. Let’s continue the conversation on our Discord. Gr8Achilles if you want to. You may opt-out by. Can I still use gear that has reached its Max Power Level? Granted, other legendary hand cannons have appeared, but the best alternatives will be exotic hand cannons. ricmcgamer | 2d ago | Opinion piece | 3 | Info; Add Alt Source; We finally know how weapon and armor retirement will work in Destiny 2. All of this stuff, everything listed here, should still be able to be used in 80-90% of the content in the game, just not the highest power stuff, requiring shifting and adapting metas. What I am less clear about are weapons like Dire Promise and Last Hope which were brought back into the loot pool this season. You can go to the site and see that the biggest wall is obviously going to be season 12, this fall expansion season, which will sunset eight full seasons of gear. Thank you for the kind comment, always great to hear from you guys! Weapons and armor from the Last Wish and Garden of Salvation raids, will be granted exceptions and will have a higher Max Power Level”. However, the loot pool will likely get a hefty injection of new items with the launch of Beyond Light so the website will surely look different in a couple of months. lists it as 3,664 items that will no longer be able to be infused up to the max power at that season. Forcing people to buy the new expansion to raise their light cap.. You can still do Powerful and Pinnacle activities to get armor with higher power level. A Masterworked piece of armor down the drain. Yes, it will be sunset on November 10, 2020, with the release of Beyond Light. Keep in mind, however, this contains multiple sets of armor across three classes, which is inflating that number, and also all year 1 fixed roll stuff that never got brought forward, along with random roll versions of those same items for stuff that did get reissued. Armor sunsetting in Destiny 2: The exceptions. Loved the MoonFang-X7 as well… that armor looks kick-ass… Again, we’ll have to see what the caps say once we start earning this gear. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Gear from Seasons 9, 10, 11, and 12 will all be infusible to new player Power Caps for 1 year after their release. The topic of sunsetting in Destiny 2 will continue to be controversial at least until we actually see it implemented, and probably for a while thereafter. Yes, it will be sunset on November 10, 2020, with the release of Beyond Light. More importantly, all armor from Season 1 to 8 will suddenly become obsolete with the release of Beyond Light this Fall. Season 13 Sunsetting (December 2020). I do hope this was an exception and that Bungie will indeed surprise us with amazing new weapons this Fall…, Some of our favorite Legendary weapons will be retired soon, but fortunately, Exotic weapons will not be subject to sunsetting. To offset this we are hoping to see a huge amount of guns and armor dumped into the game between next season and the fall expansion to expand the loot pool significantly, as well as whatever voodoo Bungie is working with the rotating world loot pool which will “reissue” old gear in time. Pinnacle weapons: The ones we will miss the most…. It has a “short” lifespan at only 10 months, given that it arrived at the end of the season. © 2020 Forbes Media LLC. Not directly, but gear can be re-issued in future Seasons. What complicated things is that some loot gets reissued (refreshing its life cycle) or is treated differently if it's from activities such as the Last Wish and Garden of Salvation raids. The major victims here are a huge slate of pinnacle weapons: Revoker, Recluse, Mountaintop, Breakneck Loaded Question, 21% Delirium, Randy’s, Luna’s Howl, Not Forgotten, to name most of the significant ones. I think its so they can get away with adding 6 hours of content and marketing it as a new game…. If I did miss your favorites, or weapons you consider S Tier, let me know in the comments section below. Unfortunately, Sunsetting will also impact armor. This includes suggestions about which resources to farm based on the player's stock and stored XP regarding the player's completed and saved bounties. I’m not excited to see armor getting sunset. By excluding Exotics, Bungie is telling players that they somewhat respect their time and dedication. The chart below should help you better visualize when some of the best weapons in Destiny 2 will be affected by this. Bungie keeps saying weapon sunsetting will give them more freedom to create amazing weapons without having to worry they’ll need to keep them balanced forever (and then be forced to nerf them, as was the case for several Pinnacle weapons). Subscribe and receive all the Weekly Reset challenges, essential loot, farming tips, and more! They need to remember what they said about valuing players time. The game doesn't filter out outdated items, so user wobow on Reddit created the Sunset Power Caps website to assist players in the creation of their future endgame arsenals. Is there a Destiny 2 Beyond Light sunsetting list? This is not what weapon sunsetting should be. Same for MIDA Mini-Tool. I’m not one to rant, but the way Bungie keeps re-issuing weapons is worrisome. Today we will answer that question as we dive deep into Weapon sunsetting. News and opinion about video games, television, movies and the internet. But you may have additional questions, such as: The community keeps pushing Bungie to answer more questions, namely: Will we need to pull out armor from the Collections Tab or should we keep our Vault cluttered with stuff we are not using? When gear drops after its debut Season, what will its Max Power Level be? The same goes for hand cannons. I think this means the 30 weapons listed in the loot pool for next season will all be sunset a year from their “reissue” date here, though again, this portion of things remains confusing, given that Bungie says the world pool will constantly see stuff added and leaving every season. They simply slapped a different logo to the thumbnail and increased the Power Cap. Not yet at least…, Anarchy shall remain one of the best PVE weapons for a little longer. This makes the Top Tier Exotics even more relevant, and a priority, if you don’t have them yet.