Due to some recent buffs, swords in Destiny 2 went from being near-useless to being one of the best weapon types for DPS in the heavy weapons slot. Additionally, the Outbreak Perfected also comes with the Outlaw perk that drastically increases reload speed after precision kills. Full Vi… https://t.co/UmCudaoqkF, The 4 most annoying enemies in Ghost of Tsushima: Legends https://t.co/dAWPCLfAz3 https://t.co/AHHyfzOQRm. Sniper scavenger, dexterity and reloaders will also help. Sniper rifles are a completely unique class in Destiny 2 and therefore have some unique traits to look out for when finding the right sniper rifle to use. These can be earned from Bashee-44 in the Tower, or unique Seasonal Mods can be earned by upgrading your seasonal artifact. Check out every new exotic armor and weapon coming to Destiny 2 Beyond Light and how to earn them. With the Kill Clip perk, this weapon can one-shot enemy Guardians no matter where you land the shot, getting rid of the need for insane accuracy. Hello! This weapon in Destiny 2 is extremely similar to Sole Survivor, which makes it great already, but the main difference is that this weapon is Kinetic rather than Energy. In the Crucible, the sniper rifle's ability to take down other players instantly with a well-aimed head-shot makes the class perfect for holding objectives and stopping sprinting players in their tracks. No Distractions reduces flinch once you’ve been aiming for a few seconds. Enhanced is even better. Thank you for signing up to PC Gamer. To get it, you'll need to hit Rank 45 on the Season of Arrivals Season Pass. If you find landing head-shots to be difficult, the Sniper Rifle class may not be for you. Receive news and offers from our other brands? As with all weapons, there are many different sniper rifles and while they all work basically the same, their minor differences can make a big change in your gameplay experience. One of the best classes of weapons is the Sniper Rifle class and these weapons are essential in both Player vs Enemy (PvE) and Player vs Player (PvP) content. Both of these will return ammo to the magazine for landing repeated precision hits. With this in mind, it is best to find a solid defensive position with good sight-lines: areas with long hallways and high ground will be great for boosting your effectiveness with the Sniper Rifle class. So, what are the best perks on the Ikelos Sniper in Destiny 2? This focused engram will drop either the Falling Guillotine or the Cold Denial with randomly rolled perks — for the Falling Guillotine, the best perk roll is Honed, Jagged, or Tempered Edge, Swordmaster's Guard, Relentless Strikes, and Whirlwind Blade. This Pinnacle weapon is earned from completing the “In Your Sights” quest from Lord Shaxx. The Adaptive Frame means it has some good handling and with the right perks it can feel truly incredible. You'll find him doing reviews, editorials, and general coverage on everything Xbox and PC. The other roll, which had Triple Tap and High Impact Reserves, made a great addition for boss damage when I ran out of heavy ammo. Choose #1 Destiny 2 boosting service. Unfortunately, The Season of the Worthy’s artifact does not offer any unique Seasonal Mods for sniper rifles, so the best ones to equip are the Base Mods. Gosh you're demanding. Bungie Takes the Meta with Shadowkeep Release, Season of the Worthy: Destiny 2 Roadmap Secrets Revealed, The Trials Are Coming: What to Expect in Destiny 2’s Season of the Worthy, Why Destiny 2’s Season of the Worthy Might Be the Most Epic Game You Play This Year, Destiny 2 Returning Exotics in Season of Opulence. This raid reward is capable of rolling with Snapshot Sights and Kill Clip, but its best perk is Rapid Fire Frame. These changes, combined with the sheer size of the … Judgdement, its special perk, causes the weapon to create a special field that envelops enemies when you shoot them with it. The latest expansion for Destiny 2, Beyond Light, will release this fall, September 22nd, 2020, and is now available for pre-order. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and finding his feet, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as a Guides Editor. However, in terms of perks you should be aiming for, there’s really only a couple worth chasing. Top-tier players will carry your character and help you obtain the desired rewards ASAP. The best sniper rifles in Destiny 2? As part of the weekly blog update, the developer revealed Adored, a new snipe rifle that looks a lot like Destiny classic "Beloved". Remember that this article will be constantly updated throughout Year 4 showcasing new exotics and ways to earn them. While Box Breathing is likely only good for PVE (and even then it’s not as good as it once was), it may help you secure a kill in PVP. You may have noticed a theme with some of these great PVP Sniper Rifles. Thankfully, even though there's only a week left before the expansion, you can earn plenty of great guns if you're dedicated. With over 1,000,000 people watching, Bungie shocked the world with the reveal of not just the Season of Arrivals but the next 3 expansions as well. Additionally, some rolls are also great for PvP as well. What's that? As the […], The Future of Destiny 2? This Legendary Destiny 2 sniper is excellent for PvE due to its great perk pool. This Exotic "machine gun" shoots extremely damaging explosive rounds at a slow rate thanks to its Pyrotoxin Rounds perk. This sniper can roll with Appended Mag, a perk that can take this weapon’s magazine size to an astonishing 12 rounds per mag. You can see Year 4's set at the top of the page. However, there’s some exciting…. Quickdraw will help you switch to your sniper faster while No Distractions ensures flinch is drastically reduced. This exotic sniper rifle is incredible for taking down all of your enemies, especially those foreboding raid bosses. Using a Sniper Rifle in Destiny 2 can be tricky, especially in Crucible. Honestly, it felt like absolute trash. In Destiny 2, the sniper rifles are some of the most reliable weapons with some of the highest damage in the game. Between different perks, mods, and stats, all sniper rifles have unique traits to eliminate the enemies of the Traveler. This allows you to take out an enemy with two quick body-shots, or allows you to even miss one of your shots in order to land the perfect head-shot for an instant kill. While this stat is important, it shouldn’t take a higher priority over the other stats mentioned, as you should be far enough away from your enemies to not be in too much danger while reloading. Destiny 2’s Season of the Worthy is almost complete and the threats of the Darkness are as intense as ever. If you can get a roll with Moving Target, your reticle will be exceptionally sticky. The Anarchy is also a strong choice for situations where you need to clear large crowds of enemies, as you can make your "web" of Arc bolts larger by adding more grenades to your trap and properly spacing them out. This versatile set of perks makes the Outbreak Perfected an amazing option for regular enemies as well as more resilient foes, and it can even be a great choice against bosses too. This weapon is great for PvP due to its 140rpm and it can roll with the perks Snapshot Sights and Moving Target. While Warmind may have not been the best Destiny expansion, it brought us some the best weapons, like the Ikelos Shotgun and Sleeper Simulant. There are over 30 Sniper Rifles to use in Destiny 2, ranging from a humble white to the rare Exotics. Perks are intrinsic elements of a weapon that change how the weapon works in very slight ways. You want to talk about MORE hidden exotic perks on both weapons and armor in Destiny? They have the most impact on the fundamentals of that piece of gear and when it comes to weapons, how that weapon works overall. This makes the Whisper a phenomenal option in raids where DPS phases are strictly timed and you'll want to have as much weapon uptime as possible. I would like to receive news and offers from other Future brands. Black Friday deals from $10: Save big on Echo, Fire TV, and more at Amazon right now. This means that as long as your aim is true, you can fire nonstop without needing to reload until you run out of ammo. Let players play however they want. Since the release of the Season of Arrivals for Destiny 2, players have been exploring the new Prophecy dungeon as well as some of the loot it offers. Though if you can land your shots, the recoil doesn’t matter too much. Top 5 strongest Killers in Dead by Daylight, The 8 best foods to cook in Genshin Impact, 7 easy Phasmophobia tips to identify ghost evidence, How to spot the Imposter in Among Us as a Crewmate, The Destiny 2 sidearm buff is rattling the meta, Bungie launches relief campaign for Australia wildfires, How to play the Pusher | Destiny 2 Crucible Guide, Destiny 2 breaks hearts with Crimson Days, How to get Regieleki, Regidrago, Spectrier and Glastrier without trading in Pokemon The Crown Tundra. This video explains how to beat the raid, while this one focuses on the Divinity puzzles. The Whisper of the Worm is a heavy Exotic sniper rifle that has been a fan-favorite for boss damage-per-second (DPS) in Destiny 2 ever since it came out in 2018. PC Gamer is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. The same goes for the Ikelos Sniper. The other roll you can look for is Quickdraw, which bests pairs with Moving Target or No Distractions. Destiny 2 Seasonal Mods are Mods that have a much more impactful effect on your weapon, but they change every season. Check out every new exotic armor and weapon coming to Destiny 2 Beyond Light and how to earn them. There was a problem. Sign up now to get the latest news, deals & more from Windows Central! The first column perks you want to keep an eye out for are Fourth Time’s The Charm or Triple Tap. While they weren’t mentioned above too much, Quickdraw and No Distractions are also fairly decent. Though they’re all great, what really make them good are the perks. © Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved  |  NorthernArena, Ikelos Sniper review and best perks | Destiny 2, Call of Duty: Warzone tips, tactics and gameplay guide, Marvel’s Avengers complete gameplay guide, The 4 most annoying enemies in Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, 5 gift ideas for Mount & Blade players | Gift Guide. This raid reward is capable of rolling with Snapshot Sights and Kill Clip, but its best perk is Rapid Fire Frame. Try to get a feel for all the different archetypes of snipers and see what suits your style. Outbreak Perfected is arguably the best PvE Exotic pulse rifle in the game due to how applicable it is in a variety of situations. Six-player activity called the Menagerie, Destiny 2’s New Menagerie Activity. This is great for taking out enemy Guardians incredibly quickly, or eliminating those extremely high-mobility Hunters. This SMG is arguably the best non-Exotic weapon in its class for PvE thanks to its excellent perk selection and compatibility with Warmind Cell mods (mods sold by the Gunsmith that cause shootable explosives to pop out of enemies you kill) and its strong perk pool. Having a high Stability stat reduces the recoil of your sniper, allowing you to get head-shots on target more often, dishing out the highest possible damage. Players can choose whether to accept a Strike, Crucible or Gambit quest for the gun itself, and will get an additional ornament quest for each to alter its look. Let us know. While some of these snipers can be incredibly difficult to obtain, you can check out our available services to help you in your grinding endeavors. The best Sniper rifles fill a niche role in dealing high damage with precision aiming. With a Rate of Fire stat of 140 rounds per minute, this weapon can be fired incredibly quickly. Pursuit weapons will now offer an element of choice. It drops from the Contact public event and from Assassin-Focused Umbral Engrams. He's relatively new to the writing scene, but he counters that lack of experience with a rock-solid work ethic and a desire to improve at every opportunity. While Multikill Clip is an OK perk option, you won’t be using the sniper to clear minor enemies often, making it hard to activate Multikill Clip. For Crucible, you should aim for Arrowhead Brake, High-Caliber Rounds, Feeding Frenzy, and Unrelenting.