You are so right about the rush out to the Hamptons and the traffic and the b list celebrities. B. is, according to the report by the commission, a matter of universal concern. "Pollution and degradation of the environment are, according to the commission's report, a matter of universal concern." So as rock got more intense, so did these accusations. And they're happy with their ignorance. Minor Nuisance. People will never understand something they do not know, or do not have the open-mind for. I am finding these talent stage managed programmes so utterly tedious these days. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Check out 'L.A. [plural subject] [plural verb] [singular object] doesn't make sense to me. 02-05-2013 03:12 AM. I have just assumed that it was wrong. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. Times Daily' answers for TODAY! Red didn't use the word have to state that he owns something. You gotta take the good with the bad! But if you look at other constructions, it's clear that we describe multiple subjects with a singular term all the time. save. tools. Also remember, that the Beatles bridged Rock and Pop, so many times I hear them considered a Musical Group, or a Band. Was natural convection ever a consideration in orienting expansion cards? Am I missing something here...? I want to eliminate E also! 4 Responses to “The Hamptons…Am I Missing Something Here?” alexandra says: Jul 6, 2009 at 3:31 am. All posts. Want to Solve Crossword Puzzles? What do you think of the answers? Why? It's tiring, all this talk. Darth's right, but to expand, I would also say that even in their time the Beatles had their controversy. Brilliant commentary and on the mark . They are a dying breed anyway. For example: This is equally idiomatic and grammatical. Edit: I still think there a great band though. 100% Upvoted. Purple is being too literal in the concept of obligation. Most frequent English dictionary requests: Suggest as a translation of "i am missing something here". or "Am I missing anything? Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. ? Get answers by asking now. 9 Comments. ", "Am I missing anything if I don't socialize? Your explanation makes perfect sense. 1/2. Really, I'm pretty sure MOST people know who the Beatles are and have had a taste of their music, how does the reputation of rockers being Satanist that live to scream pointlessly coincide? How would you feel if Led Zeppelin became a Grindcore band? I think one of the reasons The Beatles are the most famous rock band though is because they are less irreverent than other bands even of the same era like The Rolling Stones. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary :P. Here is the full text of the question (replace the bolded text with an answer choice): "Pollution and degradation of the environment is, according to the commission's report, a matter of universal concern.". No shit... Who the fuck said anything about giving? Best of all, you can solve any crossword puzzle online! 3 Comments. Because the verb is "to be" you could also say "James and Ernie are a disgrace to this team.". Most people don't want to wrap their head around something as intellectual as the beatles and would rather hear a bunch of sweaty guys scream and beat the crap out of each other. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Jazz is for coffee sipping elitists flipping through Burroughs snapping repeatedly. Press J to jump to the feed. Isn't purple the one that brought up ownership? The translation is wrong or of bad quality. They demonstrated, by this very fact, that there is nothing wrong with the concept of a free trade, Ils démontraient par le fait même qu'il n'y avait rien de mal à l'idée d'une entente de. Top synonym for am i missing something here (another word for am i missing something here) is what am i missing. Why did 60s bands always have “experience” in thier band name? To answer your Q, people are ignorant and always will be. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents. Just as a little help, and curiosity, how would: "Pollution and degradation of the environment are, according to the commission's report, issues of universal concern."? How to change the symbol of time signature in Lilypond. see full image. Chinese. Am i missing something here synonyms and Am i missing something here antonyms. Cookies help us deliver our Services. I totally agree. ? Saying "a matter" is like a way of confirming that the speaker intended it to be a singular object. share. I will provide you with a certain skill if you help me with the ski, Je te fournis une certaine compétence si tu m'aides pour la compétenc. I'm not bashing metal of the Beatles... Ah nevermind, I give up, I'm not very eloquent in these situations :/. Am i missing something here? of action by the government in regard to those three areas. Does pop or metal have a better effect on the brain? I'm confused. Am I missing something here? "A, B, and C are [collectively] a D.". Thank you so much, Justinitforthejokes. What the heck has happened here? Another example, just so this isn't a meaningless post: If you strip away all of the unnecessary language in the sentence, boiling it down to simply subject/verb/object, you are left with this: Pollution and degradation of the environment are~~, according to the commission's report,~~ a matter of universal concern. I can't find any reference to this anywhere, but I do see the phrase "[x] and [y] are a matter of [z]" all over the place. Advanced Search; Show Printable Version; 338. beachhoppr. Is there a rule that allows this? The reality is the process has to reflect that but i. to the dramatic developments in this sector as regards mergers and acquisitions. Nobody said anything about giving) Giving something references ownership (not necessarily literal or permanent ownership). Metal coming along certainly didn't change those people's minds either. 0. Here are 7 Tips to Help you! 1 Comment. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. La gestion de mon temps devient une affaire. ", "Am I missing anything if I don't accompany you to the wedding ceremony?". I hardly hear anyone refer to them as a specific label as they do with everything now. If you want to revert from Crown Levels, here's how to do it. Many translated example sentences containing "i am missing something here" – French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. C. is, according to the report of the commission, matters of universal concern. What that heck am I missing here? "I'd rather have you honk at me then die". "Am I missing something?" New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Is Yellow Submarine (1966) The GREATEST BEATLES SONG OF ALL TIME? When they came out though, those kids' parents were crying out about all this racket being The Devil's Work. Robin says: Jul 6, 2009 at 4:56 am. Each generation I found that Rock has been shedding these ridiculous stereotypes. I'm preparing for the GMAT, and the sentence above is listed as the correct answer to a sentence correction question. He basically said: "I 'do' this. What I'm saying is the connection between the most famous rock band and the stereotype of rock seems to have been lost and I'm wondering where it got lost. I was looking for that and couldn't grab it in my head. Am I crazy? Vous pourriez peut-être me dire si quelque chose m'échappe. Do people with perfect pitch distinguish between equal temperament and just temperament? référence aux développements dramatiques que connaît ce secteur en termes de fusions et d'acquisitions. It doesn't really make sense to conceptualize this sentence as if "a matter" "is involved in the subject's "performance" of the verb". am I missing something here definition in English dictionary, am I missing something here meaning, synonyms, see also 'missing fundamental',missing link',go missing',mission'. thast true..but i dont really think of the beatles as being " rock" i dnt really associate them with any category of music...i think they are so awesome they deserve there on category ..for example when you say the who..i think classic rock...but when you say beatles i just think So I guess there's an implicit "collectively" in there. The CROSSWORD BUZZ team are experts in CROSSWORDS solutions! Where is 3g? But how? Clearly this is about the form of "have" meaning obligated. I think that they were more pop/rock but since back then there was not really anyone like them so they were considered rock. (quotations to mean those who would say that the Simpsons shouldn't be on the air because it's too racey, or those who said that Mick Jagger was too sexual). do u like the bands of the past or bands of today? Joined Mar 2015 Posts: 187. D. are, according to the commission's report, universally a matter of concern. Am I missing something? If you found your way here, you're probably not very smart. Wow, I never knew The Beatles created black metal!". Broken practice, or am I missing something? That leaves E, but I can't understand why it's correct for any reason other than process of elimination. see full image. i am stymmied. He is awesome. Am I missing something here? 37 Comments. It started before The Beatles. The Elvis thing. How should I style my German doctoral title in English documents? Druckles. Luis Plus. 02-02-2013 05:16 AM. I know my Spanish is very basic, but I thought my reading skills were a little better.