From Witcher Wiki. When googling I realized there were many more with the same issue and not any good tutorials for this. Associated quests [edit | edit source] Currently stuck on this part of the contract Muire D'yaeblen. Prepare a potion using drowner pheromones? This potion cannot be upgraded Drowner Pheremones Recipe: The Drowner Pheremones recipe can be found at the Herbalist shop in Kaer Trolde Harbor. Drowner pheromones Drowners will not attack the witcher; Description Inventory/slot. 4. all videos on Youtube and guides on websites said u would get it but i didnt i repeat the contract over 10 times and recieved nothing is there anything i should do ? Drowner Pheromone Potion Diagram Bug in Muire D'yaeblen Contract I ran into this bug and cannot get around it. in Muire D'yaeblen Contract after u go inside the cave and kill the drowners , they automatically give u Drowner Phermones to complete the contract my problem is that i didnt recieve the potion !! Read on for information on the properties of Drowner pheromones and … 1x Puffball 1x Dwarven spirit 1x Drowner brain 1x Sewant mushrooms: Console ID. The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question. Description: Drowners will not attack the Witcher. Anyone know what I'm suppose to do? Drowner Pheromones bug ? [Spoilers] Drowner Pheromones help. Guide: Witcher 3, how to get the Drowner Pheromones potion 2015-08-07 Microfloppy Howto 0. Recipe for Drowner Pheromone Potion 1 Copy Item Code To spawn recipe for drowner pheromone potion 1 in Witcher 3, type the following command into the debug console : Description Inventory/slot. It very much reminded me of the drowner situation in TW1, where in the later acts the drowners are just one-hit-kills, but there's still hordes of them everywhere, so fighting them is an annoyance more than anything. Can be purchased for 28 coin. 15 Duration. Manuscript page: Drowner pheromones Formula for brewing a witcher potion. Scroll for the Light Blue flask that has the Yellow Font, that says "Drowner Pheromones." This page explains how to make the Potion item Drowner pheromones in the game The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Drowner pheromones: Source. all videos on Youtube and guides on websites said u would get it but i didnt Potion: Source. Usable items Category. Jump to: navigation, search. 15 Price to buy. Drowner pheromones: Source. Use it. Drowner pheromones. Spoilers. 0 : Effects Drowners do not attack Charges. I can't find any potion that needs that kind of ingredient and there doesn't seem to be any quest alchemy stuff either. in Muire D'yaeblen Contract after u go inside the cave and kill the drowners , they automatically give u Drowner Phermones to complete the contract my problem is that i didnt recieve the potion !! The manuscript page automatically appears in the inventory once drowner pheromones become needed in the quest Contract: Muire D'yaeblen.Prior to that point in the quest, it can be purchased from the herbalist at Kaer Trolde Harbor. Gorelitz. Drowner Pheromones is a Potion in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. #11. 2 Toxicity. 28 Price to sell. It seems like a lot of people didn't get the recipe or had some other bug. Drowner Pheromones bug ? I ran into an issue where I couldn’t figure out how to get an item needed for a quest in Witcher 3. Pheromone Potion Drowner 1: Two of these potions can be brewed at a time and placed in one of the consumables slots. Usable items / Consumables Category. Alchemy formula: Produces. 1 – 2 : Weight. Herbalist in Kaer Trolde village Base price . It has 2 charges. Herbalist in Kaer Trolde village Base price. So I'm doing the Muire D'yaeblen Contract on Skellige and the Drowner Pheromones seem to be bugged. I'm on Xbox One. But I have the potion and it just doesn't do anything. Magic item: Type. 150 Price to buy. Manuscript page: Drowner pheromones is an alchemy formula in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that is needed to craft drowner pheromones.. 150 : Price to sell. Manuscript page: Drowner pheromones: Ingredients. 12 – 24 : Weight. The item code, along with spawn commands, to give yourself the Pheromone Potion Drowner 1 in Witcher 3. When playing through the Muire D'yaeblen Contract, I made it to the monster's lair and interacted with all the highlighted objects in the area that allowed me to. Magic item: Type. Alchemy / Meditation Base price . Click here to jump to that post. Drowner pheromones is a potion in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt that will momentarily stop drowners from being hostile.