Recently employees and customers revealed their picks to INSIDER. Staples in my pantry! Bluebird Botanicals has a brand new line of CBD lotions, and you can buy them right now from Whole Foods Market locations in the Rocky Mountain region. You won’t find trans fats or high fructose corn syrup in these bad boys. 4. Since product formulations change (and products may contain additional or different ingredients, nutrition or usage information than is presented on this website), you should always check product packaging for the most recent ingredient and special diet information. From the seafood and meat section, body care, dairy, cheese, wine….ahh…pure bliss. Made with full-spectrum hemp extract, rosemary essential oil, geranium essential oil, lavender essential oil, jojoba, and coconut oil. The coconut is nourishing and refreshing to the skin, while the lemon peel oil provides an invigorating aroma. Body care has experienced a recent revolution similar to the food industry, with consumers becoming more conscious than ever about what they are putting into their bodies and onto their skin. Love your blog! All rights reserved. (14) 365 ORGANIC SAUCES – TOMATO BASIL PASTA SAUCE + RED ENCHILADA SAUCE. This shampoo and conditioner combo smells wonderful in the citrus scent and doesn’t include parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, or artificial fragrances. Orange, lemon, pink grapefruit is a favorite flavor of mine, but they have other great options to choose from. I call this dynamic duo my hippie sprinkles. And that's precisely why Whole Foods Market's customers choose this healthy choice as one of the winners. They specialize in creating clean, natural body products utilizing rich, high-quality essential oils. We thought a list of our top 10 favorite things would be fun to choose, but LONG to read, so this was just a taste. PK’s dressings are made with avocado oil, which is super awesome because avocados house some real good fats. Are we boring for choosing frozen fruit for our first favorite Whole Foods item? Our rich CBD lotions were designed to balance and protect your skin’s appearance with full-spectrum hemp extract and whole, natural ingredients. It’s super high in protein and fiber. We love the bread from When Pigs Fly…especially whole wheat and oat honey. The tomato basil pasta sauce is my go-to red sauce (I never make my own from scratch anymore! ), (22) KITE HILL ALMOND-BASED CHIVE CREAM CHEESE. Naturally gluten-free, has a really great texture, and honestly I don’t really mind the subtle beany flavor at all! Meet Our Favorite Whole Foods Beauty Products A lot of us forget, but there’s so much more to Whole Foods than just a wide-variety of vegan cheese, ripe avocados and gluten-free desserts. haha) and I love the red enchilada sauce. Slather this sauce on a hamburger, veggie burger or just about anything else. (17) 365 ORGANIC UNSWEETENED VANILLA ALMONDMILK. Sourcing high-quality dairy is SO important to me – I think you gotta put your money where your morals are, and I like to support dairies that treat their cows (& farmers!) The roasted red pepper is my go-to. She goes bonkers as soon as she sees the container. The 365 brand at Whole Foods offers great options for a very reasonable price. For Rx bars, I love the mint chocolate, chocolate chip, and chocolate sea salt. There comes a time…..(*cough* of the month) when you just need some sweet snacks. . This organic version of something similar to an Oreo is a delicious alternative. Featured Photo: Courtesy of Whole Foods Market, Target's New Loyalty Program Is Expanding (Is Your City on the List? Privacy Policy. And for those busy people out there, many of the recipes include ingredients that are readily accessible in your kitchen. Mmm how do you not love a crispy slice of bacon? Coconut + Lemon. Mmm. (10) BARS – PERFECT, BULLETPROOF, GOMACRO, RX. Here are my 25 favorite things you can find there. I could literally spend hours and hours in Whole Foods just reading labels and admiring all of the products that would put me in the poor house if I really acted on all of my impulses. ... You can find these 30 healthy items at Whole Foods, including name brands we love and products from the store’s own label, 365 Everyday Value. I love the clean, raw taste of Artisana almond butter. It's non-GMO, gluten free and a favorite. 1. and Vermont Bread Co. Sir Kensington's Special Sauce It's non-GMO, gluten free and a favorite. I LOVE THIS STUFF. ** Based on government limit of detection protocols. The company donates a portion of their profits to supporting these communities, which means that every time you buy one of their products, you’re helping someone in need. Repeat as many times as necessary. They specialize in all types of body care products including lotions, skin oil, hair care, body soap, and more. Let me know down below! They also only use organic, sustainably sourced ingredients in their products. Green and sustainable living. Read the full disclaimer here Not a lot of weird ingredients. Mangos are loaded with nutrients and you really can’t beat the price they’ve put on these. For Bulletproof, I love the vanilla shortbread and lemon cookie. Their ingredients are also rich in vitamins E, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, with a 3:1 ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. and Vermont Bread Co. Natural, plant-based ingredients = in. Everyone For Everybody is part of the EO family of body care brands. THESE ARE YOUR SWEET SNACKS. † FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION (FDA) DISCLOSURE This site should not be used to treat, diagnose, or provide medical advice. Also I had no idea about the spices. Why is Whole Foods so awesome? I won’t tell you how much nut butter is in my pantry because it is A LOT!! I’m Lucia. Bluebird’s Favorite Lotion Products at Whole Foods Market Right Now. Yum! Um YEAH it’s my favorite! Andalou offers a line of “CannaCell” body products, which includes proprietary hemp stem cells that serve as naturally occurring antioxidants. My favorite breads in this area are by Nashoba Brooks (all technically ‘sourdoughs,’ meaning they’re naturally leavened & fermented!) I dice them into little squares for her to pick up & eat and she loves it! Fiber, fats, crunch. (23) SIETE FOODS GRAIN-FREE TORTILLA CHIPS (& TORTILLAS). But one loyal customer did note that they make a special trip to their local store just for this superior sammie. This is one of my favorite cookbooks that I own. If you read my Staple Grocery List, you'll recognize a lot of these items. If you're someone who wants to have the highest quality eggs possible, they have an option for you. It does contain dairy and tree nuts. I’ve been tempted to use them as blankets. These are the thoughts and opinions of the authors. This is my faaavorite deli turkey. Joanna and I are not ashamed of our obsession with Whole Foods. Even better, they have a foundation dedicated to empowering African communities through the advancement of Fair Trade, education, sustainable living, and gender equality. Of course, it wasn't the only prepared foods pick. ***Leading competitor pricing and comparable savings percentages are based on the full retail pricing of select competitors and one or more similar product offerings analyzed at a certain date. My favorite breads in this area are by Nashoba Brooks (all technically ‘sourdoughs,’ meaning they’re naturally leavened & fermented!) © 2020 Whole Green Love. It’s great for an everyday drink or for the pregnant woman at your next party who wants something a little fizzy to toast with. (6) NUT BUTTERS – MARANATHA, EAT NUTTZO, & ARTISANA. The Seaweed Bath Co. is our neighbor here in Boulder, Colorado and specializes in body care products guessed it, seaweed. Sophie is SMITTEN with this yogurt. Yep, shoppers picked this condiment as one of the top products. So today I'm going to share the 10 best items to buy at Whole Foods. The information provided on this website should not be relied upon to make health-related decisions. Current Bostonian, lover of food, wife to Brig, and mama to Sophie. I like to choose nut butters with no extra junk or fillers – just nuts. I think that’s a good idea. What I love about them is that I can mix these ingredients lots of different ways (from morning smoothies to dinner) and they're also affordable. Game over. I didn’t know how important organic spices were until maybe a year ago. The 10 Best Items at Whole Foods. My pantry is filled with boxes and boxes of their goodness. Sophie is super obsessed, too, and eats it by the spoonful! They use real, simple, wholesome ingredients and their stuff is freaking delicious! 21 Of The Best Beauty Products That You Can Buy At Whole Foods … Frozen mangos. There is just something about that place. Imagine that?! Bluebird Botanicals CBD lotions are now available in three blends: Hemp Essential - naturally scented and rejuvenating. The traditional Oreo (which I love) can leave you feeling a little guilty sometimes. Hemp Silk - softening and beautifying. Because we are so in love with Whole Foods, we thought it appropriate to take a little field trip there and pick out our top 5 favorite products. But it was the grass-fed steak that truly caught the attention of Whole Foods shoppers. They are unbelievably delicious and made with really amazing ingredients! WEBSITE DISCLOSURE And this box o’ honey toasted cereal goodness has been mine & Sophie’s fave lately. I’m cheating and putting three products into one because they all fall under the NUT BUTTER category. With plenty of varieties to choose from, Whole Foods Market hummus is a spread that shoppers seem to love. In actuality, we could post a top 5 favorite Whole Foods items list every week and never run out of favorites, but here are a few things that we love. 5. I immediately feel better when I pull into the underground parking lot and see the sliding glass doors to the entrance. It’s super hydrating but boasts simple ingredients suitable for most. Refined sugar free, gluten free, dairy free….the whole kaboodle. It's refreshing, it has zero calories and it's naturally flavored!