Coy Hubbard has been in and out of prison since his release. Baniszewski was the third of six children, and her family was working class. Sign up for free now at Paula (17) and Stephanie (15), her son Johnny (12) and two teenage neighbours, Coy Hubbard and Ricky Hobbs were charged with murder. Still have questions? Charges against Siscoe, Duke, Monroe, and Lepper were dismissed. Gertrude Nadine Baniszewski (September 19, 1929 – June 16, 1990), also known as Gertrude Wright and Nadine Van Fossan, was an Indiana murderer who, with the aid of most of her own children and Why is America so obsessed with slaughtering unborn babies? You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. Facebook Twitter Reddit Email. Last heard Jimmy Baniszewski was living in New York City. But I know she was a kind girl & would have most likely forgiven them, so I will not- for Sylvia I will never forgive them. scalded with water and starved in the Indianapolis home. Stephanie was tried separately and later freed. He married and had three children, and has lived in anonymity, only surfacing briefly in 1998 in the wake of the Jonesboro Massacre to speak for the first time about the Likens murder, saying that he took full responsibility for his role in the murder and that a harsher sentence would have been more just. in jail. The Disturbing Torture and Murder of Sylvia Likens By Her Caretaker Gertrude Baniszewski and Neighbors. I am dead. That whole family is evil. Sylvia had been beaten, tortured, mutilated, She was paroled in 1985; she changed her name to Nadine Van Fossan and moved to Iowa, where she died of lung cancer in 1990. She married and is now living in Iowa. Stephanie’s lawyer got her a separate trial. I don't understand how they could make lite of a littles girls death! John Baniszewski, Coy Hubbard, and Richard Hobbs were all … You can check it out to donate or learn how to take preventative measures. I have her, and family members FB page as well. Gertrude Baniszewski was convicted of first-degree murder. A long time has passed since Sylvia was murdered & some that did it have passed too, but that doesn't give me much comfort, because they should have been put to death in 1965, given the same fate as Sylvia! that family all deserve to die they should have put them all in prison and kept there what they did to that poor girl should have been done to each of those sickos,they can never be changed people and for them to have kids like john blake did is really wrong i hope they all get what they really deserve and hope one day someone gives it to each rotten family member. True Crime is a sensitive topic because the nature of it is awful. Baniszewski with her daughters Paula Baniszewski eventually pleaded guilty to second degree murder and was released after 7 years. John Baniszewki changed his name to John Blake and worked as a truck driver before becoming a real estate agent and lay minister; he was never arrested again. John Baniszewski, Coy Hubbard, and Richard Hobbs were all convicted of manslaughter. From the movie American Crime, what ever happend to her children!?!?! She was 17-years-old when she had a hand in Sylvia’s murder. (Discover and Conquer) Stephanie Baniszewski, 15-years-old at the time of the crime. Auth. Source: What I can't seem to wrap my head around is that a innocent child was beaten, burned & starved & the courts only gave the "ringleader" of the bunch who slowly killed her, 20 yrs in jail & 1 other person(her daughter) got 7 yrs. Paula Baniszewski moved to Iowa and assumed a new identity; internet rumors claim that she is still alive and lives on a farm somewhere in the Iowa countryside.