Zelda - Gamers aren’t the only ones who love this name. Some families go for the “M” names instead, and there are a world of variations there, too. We can still all get along and raise perfectly healthy, beautiful children. Otis - Much like singer Otis Redding, this name is effortlessly chill and cool. That moniker is quaint and oldfangled, and I am neither. Dexter - Names with an “x” are apparently hipster, and this one is a popular TV and movie character name. Bambi. She can often be found in her apartment writing into the wee hours and trying to read a book in peace. Jo and Rachel first had the idea for 'The Moms At Odds' in 2016 when our babies were turning 2 and we realized that we were very different parents. Lionel - This name hasn’t been popular since the 1920s, unless you count Lionel Ritchie. What are the most imaginative or endearing grandparent monikers you’ve heard? Remy - Not just the character from ‘Ratatouille’, Remy is one of those effortlessly cool nickname names. 50. And Goldie Hawn has reportedly been called both Glam-ma and Gogo by her grandkids. Is Grandma or Grandpa just fine with you, or do prefer something more modern? Stella - Meaning "star," this name always shines bright. Dear. Information on our advertising guidelines can be found. Thor - Like the hottest Avenger, this name is strong, aka the god of thunder. Everyone loves the name! August - This name is quite popular with celebrities and regular folks alike! Bunny. Darling. Ike - This nickname has emerged as a great first name option. Birdie. There is a dreamlike quality to becoming a grandmother. Edie - Sounds a bit like a Nana, but it’s also the name of 1960’s model Edie Sedgwick. Clementine - This super hipster name reminds us of the song, “oh my darling Clementine!”. Kingston - This is a common hipster name, Gwen Stefani named her son Kingston. Granzilla. Edison - Though it was popular in the 1800s, it’s come back in the last 10 years. Watson - This name hasn’t been popular in the last 20 years, but it’s so sophisticated. Glamma. Miller - Hipsters like to make last names first names, and this one is a great one. Cookie. Honey. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Walden - Another poetic name, and the famous pond in New England, very hipster. Gus - This grandpa name can be a nickname, but it stands well on its own. No matter what you choose, if you’re a modern grandma and want a name that reflects your personality, then our list of trendy grandmother names is likely to have it. Names that are a little off the beaten path but sound effortlessly chic are definitely credited to hipsters, as well. They both struggled over getting their babies to sleep and while Jo believed in sleep training, Rachel looked for alternatives like dream feeding and no cry methods. Unique Ideas for Grandparent Names. Blair - Like Blair Waldorf or Blair Underwood, this name is clearly chic and gender-neutral. Bella. Your use of the site indicates your agreement to be bound by our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. And thanks to PBS Masterpiece’s Downton Abbey, it has a cool British vibe. Choosing your grandma name is a big deal, and if you’re searching for cool grandma names you’ve come to the right place. In the same way modern parents are trending towards the unique spectrum for baby names, many grandparents are looking for more hip nicknames. In the same way modern parents are trending towards the unique spectrum for baby names, many grandparents are looking for more hip nicknames. However, it never caught on with Ry and he started calling her “Juju” as a small toddler. Pam-ma: A young grandmother rejected Grandma but okayed this variation on her given name of Pam. Frances - A variant of the name Francis, this name is truly gender-neutral. Rhiannon - Hipsters love Stevie Nicks, and this is one of the most popular Fleetwood Mac songs. Blythe Danner, sexy grandma to Gwyneth Paltrow’s kids, goes by Lalo. Beckett - This name is super popular with hipsters. Others want to be called Granna, Naní, Bobo, G-Ma, GeeBee, Mimi, Meema, MorMor and (my personal favorite) MyTina. Orson - Like actor Orson Welles, there’s a certain Old Hollywood vintage to this name. Ba-nana. Wren - These sweet little songbirds make for perfect hipster names. Van - You don’t have to be a brown eyed girl to name your baby Van. 100 Hipster Baby Names That Are Effortlessly Cool, 75 Native American Names for Your Little One. Gunga. Luca - Hilary Duff named her son this Italian name. This site is dedicated to all of us trying to figure this parenting thing out. Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links. June - This monthly name is hipster due to its popularity a long time ago. Instead of Grandmother, Grandma or Granny, they can become a Grams, Grammy, Gammy or Gran. Stellan - Scandinavian names are very cool, and this one is no exception. Five years and two additional grandchildren later, she’s still Juju. >> Ageless Celebrities: No Way They're 70-Plus! 47. FamilyEducation does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Juniper - This plant name is cute and fun, and totally hipster. Arlo - This name hasn’t been popular in 100 years, but it’s time for a comeback. Ramona - Meaning "wise protector," this is another old name that’s now cool. Ivy - If you’re looking for something hipster, plant names are always a good choice. Tallulah - Like actress Tallulah Bankhead, this hipster name is a little dramatic but very cool. Huck - A shortened form of Huckleberry, from the titular Mark Twain novel. Read more about us here. Where culture was the deciding factor, names like Oma and Opa for German or Dutch backgrounds, Nonna and Nonno for Italian backgrounds, YiaYia and Papu for Greek etc. FamilyEducation is part of the FEN Learning family of educational and reference sites for parents, teachers and students. Leonora - This diminutive of Eleanor is prime for hipster name recognition. ), 10 Fun and Easy Stay at Home Date Night Ideas for Couples, Back to School? Now grandma's name is at the forefront. Zephyr - Meaning "west wind," this is popular with hipster boys, but it’s a great gender-neutral option. I conducted an informal survey that confirmed the trend: Out of 20 current or prospective grandparents I polled, only three say Grandma and Grandpa are their go-to names. Ryder - This name means “knight,” how hip! Oscar - With Norse and Gaelic origins, this old man name is quite hipster. If it’s good enough for the Dowager Countess of Grantham, it’s good enough for me. There is no shortage of hipster baby name lists out there, the names are quite popular in their own way. MawMaw, MeMaw and Mimi are the most common. Waldo - You don’t need to look hard for this hipster name. Bamaw, Bammaw. But it’s not just old-fashioned names that hipsters have brought back and made cool. Instead, we choose to embrace our differences and show you that in many areas there is no wrong answer. Go with Millie instead. Your email address will not be published. We’re here to explore different parenting methods and decisions, weigh the pros and cons, and ultimately help you decide on the best option for your family. Sugar. Lincoln - Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard named their daughter Lincoln . Mamie - Meryl Streep’s daughter, Mamie Gummer, can be credited with an interest in the name. Does your family have any other unique, cultural, or traditional nicknames for grandparents? Mabel - Another one of those names for your grandma but also your baby hipster names. “Babusia,” the formal name for grandmother in Ukrainian, may be tough for little ones to pronounce. Magnus - This name means “greatest,” as in greatest hipster boy baby name. >> Get entertainment and dining discounts with your AARP Member Advantages. “My hairstylist said it’s a Southern thing, and I thought, that’s kind of fabulous,” the actress told the New York Times. Other cute nicknames for grandma include: Abbie or Abba. Zeke - A little bit country, a lot of hipster, this nickname is strong on its own. Hipsters get it right when it comes to choosing innovative baby names. Fallon - Commonly a girl’s name, this name is actually pretty gender-neutral. That moniker is quaint and oldfangled, and I am neither. Flora - This nature name also sounds like someone’s grandma. Prudence - Taken from the popular Beatles song, you can shorten this to Pru or Prue. See our disclosure policy for more details. And I’m in good company. Check out these cool grandma names: Abba. Atticus - This Greek name has become synonymous with the character from ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ . With 100+ ideas, you are sure to find a name to last a lifetime! More: 75 Native American Names for Your Little One, Hipsters are responsible for bringing back a lot of names that had kind of been lost. But the nickname version, “Baba,” is equally charming! What works for one family may not work for another, and that’s perfectly fine. Susan Sarandon said recently that she wants her new granddaughter to call her Honey. Monty sounds like a grandpa’s nickname. Holden - The name became popular thanks to ‘The Catcher in the Rye’. Sadie - This name is a super hip nickname for Sarah that’s become popular in its own right. It’s so old-fashioned that it sounds fresh again, like naming a baby Henry or Nellie. Minerva - Taken from the Roman goddess of wisdom, this name is great for a comeback. How about you? Calvin - Meaning “bald one,” this name peaked in popularity in 1920. Don’t have time to read now? Lennon - Last name of singer John Lennon, it’s becoming a popular gender-neutral name option. But the days when grandma's name might have been the middle name, behind a nice modern name like Brittany or Kaylee, are waning. What Does Your Mother-In-Law Think About Your Parenting? Here are the best ideas for alternative names for that special granddad in your life. They had wanted their names to reflect their Southern roots, and these clearly do. Bea - A shortened version of Beatrice, this nickname stands alone just as well. Many families opt for the standard Grandma and Grandpa, possibly followed by their names. Leonora - This diminutive of Eleanor is prime for hipster name recognition. Elliot - This name is popular with boys, but growing in popularity with girls. Names That Are Mostly Peculiar to Certain Groups . Where the grandparent is not a blood relative, many grandparents are choosing to include the name of the grandparent, for example, ‘Grandpa Mark’ or ‘Grandma Sarah’. Lolly (extra cute with Pop for grandpa) Lovey. Though Jo obviously loved her son as well, she counted the days until she could go back to work and interact with other adults. 46. There's plenty to choose from, including names in different languages (other than English) and names like "Yaya," "Gigi," "Noni," and "Tutu." Sa'iyda Shabazz is a writer and mother to one. Auden, this gender-neutral name has been growing in popularity steadily. Auden - Taken from poet W.H. Roscoe - Another one of those cool grandpa names. Jack - A classic, timeless name that hasn’t gone out of style, but definitely evolved. 48. G-ma. Darling. It sounds absolutely nutty, but it actually makes a lot of sense. Check out these cool grandma names: A really good idea for finding unique grandparent names is to dig into and explore your ancestry. Your email address will not be published. Sullivan - Commonly a last name, this gender-neutral name is ready for its spotlight. For example, the American South is known for its unique names for grandmothers and others. After all, we’ve all seen jokes and articles about “Mommy Wars” over one subject or another. Byron - Last name of poet Lord Byron, it’s really transformed into a popular first name.