To be honest, the current isn’t strong and the guide is in the water to protect you should you start to panic, I felt safe, until my mind started to wander and I started thinking about hippos and crocodiles, wondering if I would rather be eaten by a croc or go over the edge. Getting to Devil’s Pool from Livingstone FYI I did get word from Tongabezi / SafPar that they are allowing people to swim in Devil's Pool now. But it was worth the effort!! By this point in my journey, I was very used to this method of transport and how it all works. but looks incredible. So – would you like to jump with The Devil? Wading across the river just above the Falls, to reach the Devil's Pool, a few minutes in the pool literally p, Mosi-Oa-Tunya Road Victoria Falls, Livingstone 20100 Zambia. A haunted swimming hole (pictured) aptly named Devil's Pool south of Cairns in Queensland has claimed more than 17 lives could be Australia's most haunted spot. It starts on the normal paths but then you veer off toward the river. Kudos to you. That certainly wouldn't stop me, but flowing over the edge would! . No fences or anything and was a great view to where we were about to walk to and across to Zimbabwe where we could see everyone looking at falls totally jealous of what we were doing! . I’m sure you would be able to do it. Note: The guides carry waterproof bags with them so you don’t have to worry about valuables getting wet. Cookie Policy - Was interesting and not that great, but was all part of the experience - Bit of a walk (not too far) to where we dropped our gear off and they locked it all away in a secure box. Sept is the beginning of the "safe" season. annoying little fish before it was time to head back. Ich zeige euch den gefährlichsten Pool der Welt, den Devils Pool in Sambia. Das Becken erinnert tatsächlich an einen Pool. Holy Moly! The hike over the falls was pretty epic. I was in the Devil’s Pool. Tragischerweise ist sogar schon einmal ein erfahrener Guide bei der Rettung eines Touristen über die Kante der Wasserfälle in die Tiefe gestürzt. The other five were cheering as I strode confidently to the edge, but then the fear kicked in. var s = d.createElement(sc), p = d.getElementsByTagName(sc)[0];
Fortunately, the African sun had ensured the rocks were dry and grippy as about seven metres to our left was a fall to certain oblivion. I wonder if I will sit on the edge like the guide did. My gosh this is such and amazing experience!!!! Never dreamt with before! Well, they were obviously discovered way back by the indigenous population. diseases. Not very hard. Devils Pool should be closed by: Anonymous I have been to Victoria Falls Three times. The jump wasn’t big, but if you get it wrong, you could be swept over the 108-metre drop of the Victoria Falls straight into the to the crocodile-infested Zambezi below. To be sat in a pool, staring down from the top of one of the biggest waterfalls in the world was a true bucket list moment. ... Devils Pool Victoria Falls, Zambia Another excursion we did was the ultimate infinity pool, Devils Pool. Hi Niha, I was there at the end of October, just at the end of the dry season so the water levels were relatively low. They are very good at it and it really pulled at my heartstrings, making me feel really guilty. Thank you Perfect guide for anyone planning to traveling to Victoria Falls. They run tours. Your photos are great! I’m long overdue. It is a short speed boat ride to Livingstone Island followed by a short swim across Zambezi before plunging into the cliff-edge nature-made ultimate infinity, This is a great thing to do. Archive - It is the closest town Devil’s Pool on the Zambian side of the border, with the distance from Livingstone to the Victoria Falls being just a little over 7 miles. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. But, just to make things a little confusing, there is also a town named Victoria Falls on the Zimbabwe side of the Zambia Zimbabwe border. Suddenly it was all worth it. The other five were cheering as I strode confidently to the edge, but then, . Would be awesome with a group of friends, although, by the end we were all friends anyway. However, I did find out you can’t visit the Devil’s Pool when the falls are raging as it’s too dangerous, so I got over my disappointment pretty quickly. more, Comprehensive Guided Tour of the Victoria Falls on the Zambian side
Take you to a nearby restaurant /lodge for you to buy your own lunch.
Comprehensive Guided Tour of the Victoria Falls on the Zimbabwean side
The two tours complement each other as Zambia is full of "nooks and crannies" and Zimbabwe is very panoramic, Boat Tours, Safaris, Nature & Wildlife Tours, Taxis & Shuttles, River Rafting & Tubing, Adrenaline & Extreme Tours, 4WD, ATV & Off-Road Tours, Adrenaline & Extreme Tours, Sightseeing Tours, Kayaking & Canoeing, Continue your visit to, "Life on the Edge" it definitely is. As I was on a tight budget I had decided to take a bus from Lusaka to Livingstone. . This looks awesome. On my first day in Livingstone I visited the craft market. It is open every day from 6am – 6pm and has an entrance fee of $20. The hike takes you across Livingstone Island which is a great spot to take photos. … Read more. In truth, when I first set eyes on them I was a little disappointed. Thanks for sharing. Guided tours to Livingstone Island have a 100% safety record and our guides will be with you at all times to offer a hand, share fun facts, or simply take photographic evidence to bring home to the family. In higher water we visit Angel's Pool. One of the most astounding natural pools to be found anywhere, Devil’s Pool has a reputation for attracting thrill-seekers from the far corners of the earth. But where’ the fun in that? straight into the to the crocodile-infested Zambezi below. But what a sight to see! Date of experience: January 2020. Is Devil´s Pool safe? Wow, this was so much fun to read Matt, I like how you described your feeling after the jump. 6 – You have to book a tour to Devil’s Pool, you are not allowed to hike there on your own. Africa was amazing, I hope I get to go back soon, and yes, Devil’s Pool is worth doing 100%, Awesome experience, for sure. The falls look and sound epic. Meinen Namen, E-Mail und Website in diesem Browser speichern, bis ich wieder kommentiere. The Devil's Pool is usually open between mid August and mid January - depending on Zambezi water levels. Ob dieser allerdings die Gefahren wert ist, muss wohl jeder für sich entscheiden. Gesund, gefährlich und vom Austrocknen bedroht? As you’d expect from a place so close to the Victoria Falls, it is a little bit touristy, but it still holds on to its authentic small-town vibe. As we returned, the water had been re-diverted to the power station again so most a lot of the hike was now dry. Not cheap but well worth it for a very different experience. It’s almost like they get the same stock and just carve their own name on it, but they wouldn’t do that, would they? The crossing would have freaked me out! Probably naive of me, but I did it. Der so verursachte Sprühnebel steigt bis zu 30 Meter in die Höhe. Does that count? Der Sambesi Fluss, der Ursprung der Victoriafälle ist, führt nur in den Monaten September bis Dezember so wenig Wasser, dass das Baden einigermaßen ungefährlich ist. Trotzdem ist genau das sogar bereits mehrfach passiert. s.src = u + '?v=' + (+new Date());
We. And I love that you had time to play with the kids. The jump wasn’t big, but if you get it wrong, you could be. Just as awesome as before. There is a plaque that marks the spot that he first set eyes on the falls and the views are spectacular. You can find them located in a sky blue little hut and have a clearly displayed timetable for the Lusaka to Livingstone bus route. The Devil’s Pool is about three metres deep, and right on the cusp of the falls, with a natural wall to stop you from getting swept over the 100-metre drop.
Fortunately, the African sun had ensured the rocks were dry and grippy as about seven metres to our left was a fall to certain oblivion. I wonder if I will sit on the edge like the guide did. My gosh this is such and amazing experience!!!! Never dreamt with before! Well, they were obviously discovered way back by the indigenous population. diseases. Not very hard. Devils Pool should be closed by: Anonymous I have been to Victoria Falls Three times. The jump wasn’t big, but if you get it wrong, you could be swept over the 108-metre drop of the Victoria Falls straight into the to the crocodile-infested Zambezi below. To be sat in a pool, staring down from the top of one of the biggest waterfalls in the world was a true bucket list moment. ... Devils Pool Victoria Falls, Zambia Another excursion we did was the ultimate infinity pool, Devils Pool. Hi Niha, I was there at the end of October, just at the end of the dry season so the water levels were relatively low. They are very good at it and it really pulled at my heartstrings, making me feel really guilty. Thank you Perfect guide for anyone planning to traveling to Victoria Falls. They run tours. Your photos are great! I’m long overdue. It is a short speed boat ride to Livingstone Island followed by a short swim across Zambezi before plunging into the cliff-edge nature-made ultimate infinity, This is a great thing to do. Archive - It is the closest town Devil’s Pool on the Zambian side of the border, with the distance from Livingstone to the Victoria Falls being just a little over 7 miles. This is the version of our website addressed to speakers of English in the United States. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. But, just to make things a little confusing, there is also a town named Victoria Falls on the Zimbabwe side of the Zambia Zimbabwe border. Suddenly it was all worth it. The other five were cheering as I strode confidently to the edge, but then, . Would be awesome with a group of friends, although, by the end we were all friends anyway. However, I did find out you can’t visit the Devil’s Pool when the falls are raging as it’s too dangerous, so I got over my disappointment pretty quickly. more, Comprehensive Guided Tour of the Victoria Falls on the Zambian side
Take you to a nearby restaurant /lodge for you to buy your own lunch.
Comprehensive Guided Tour of the Victoria Falls on the Zimbabwean side
The two tours complement each other as Zambia is full of "nooks and crannies" and Zimbabwe is very panoramic, Boat Tours, Safaris, Nature & Wildlife Tours, Taxis & Shuttles, River Rafting & Tubing, Adrenaline & Extreme Tours, 4WD, ATV & Off-Road Tours, Adrenaline & Extreme Tours, Sightseeing Tours, Kayaking & Canoeing, Continue your visit to, "Life on the Edge" it definitely is. As I was on a tight budget I had decided to take a bus from Lusaka to Livingstone. . This looks awesome. On my first day in Livingstone I visited the craft market. It is open every day from 6am – 6pm and has an entrance fee of $20. The hike takes you across Livingstone Island which is a great spot to take photos. … Read more. In truth, when I first set eyes on them I was a little disappointed. Thanks for sharing. Guided tours to Livingstone Island have a 100% safety record and our guides will be with you at all times to offer a hand, share fun facts, or simply take photographic evidence to bring home to the family. In higher water we visit Angel's Pool. One of the most astounding natural pools to be found anywhere, Devil’s Pool has a reputation for attracting thrill-seekers from the far corners of the earth. But where’ the fun in that? straight into the to the crocodile-infested Zambezi below. But what a sight to see! Date of experience: January 2020. Is Devil´s Pool safe? Wow, this was so much fun to read Matt, I like how you described your feeling after the jump. 6 – You have to book a tour to Devil’s Pool, you are not allowed to hike there on your own. Africa was amazing, I hope I get to go back soon, and yes, Devil’s Pool is worth doing 100%, Awesome experience, for sure. The falls look and sound epic. Meinen Namen, E-Mail und Website in diesem Browser speichern, bis ich wieder kommentiere. The Devil's Pool is usually open between mid August and mid January - depending on Zambezi water levels. Ob dieser allerdings die Gefahren wert ist, muss wohl jeder für sich entscheiden. Gesund, gefährlich und vom Austrocknen bedroht? As you’d expect from a place so close to the Victoria Falls, it is a little bit touristy, but it still holds on to its authentic small-town vibe. As we returned, the water had been re-diverted to the power station again so most a lot of the hike was now dry. Not cheap but well worth it for a very different experience. It’s almost like they get the same stock and just carve their own name on it, but they wouldn’t do that, would they? The crossing would have freaked me out! Probably naive of me, but I did it. Der so verursachte Sprühnebel steigt bis zu 30 Meter in die Höhe. Does that count? Der Sambesi Fluss, der Ursprung der Victoriafälle ist, führt nur in den Monaten September bis Dezember so wenig Wasser, dass das Baden einigermaßen ungefährlich ist. Trotzdem ist genau das sogar bereits mehrfach passiert. s.src = u + '?v=' + (+new Date());
We. And I love that you had time to play with the kids. The jump wasn’t big, but if you get it wrong, you could be. Just as awesome as before. There is a plaque that marks the spot that he first set eyes on the falls and the views are spectacular. You can find them located in a sky blue little hut and have a clearly displayed timetable for the Lusaka to Livingstone bus route. The Devil’s Pool is about three metres deep, and right on the cusp of the falls, with a natural wall to stop you from getting swept over the 100-metre drop.