You sure that's enough? Ready for a review-changing 180 degree turn? But no improvised cabbage-firing machines or any of that later-seasons shit. ONE bullet from any of you sends our mangled corpses flying thirty feet backwards. The Editing Room has been around since 1998 and features over 1,000 Abridged Scripts for movies. Of course the evil lawmen FUCK UP their chance to kill DENZEL and are promptly BUTCHERED TO DEATH by the combined awesomeness of the MAGNIFICENT SEVEN, the same way that the GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS crushing a team of DRUNK FIFTH-GRADERS would be awesome and magnificent. Why touch the 1960 version? Well my part of the plan is super sneaky and clever. Arrghh, not even my eerily fluorescent blue eyes could save me! It’s impossible not to compare the two, especially when the bar was set so high with the 1960 version. Here? The Editing Room has been around since 1998 and features over 1,000 Abridged Scripts for movies. Oh come on, we weren't born fucking yesterday. On one hand, it’s a rousingly old-fashioned tale of tarnished heroes who remain courageous under fire. Heh heh, they're in for a surprise when they hit those trenches we dug! If you’re searching for the link between the darkly intense adult westerns of the 1950s and the down-and-dirty spaghetti westerns of the 1960s, look no further than The Magnificent Seven, John Sturges’ immensely popular and enduringly influential 1960 action-adventure film about hired guns who get a shot at redemption while employed to protect Mexican villagers against rapacious bandits. We truly appreciate your support. Against a small army? Hawke and Lee come off best as partners Goodnight and Rocks. This is some bullshit right here, but fuck it, sure, have this open flame, mere feet away from our unstoppable weapon. Whaddya say to that?! Instead, the 7 become cool and stylish — oh, look, Chris Pratt spinning six-shooters! Just don't stick a cartoon of my face on a goddamn sports team and we're good. A tighter story, better developed characters would have gone a long way, but what’s there is pretty good, just not great. That’s disappointing. The lone survivor of the last scene, BAD SHERIFF, reports back to PETER. As promised, PETER SARSGAARD shows up with his bazillion evil dudes, at the exact day and time he told the townspeople to expect him. // ]]>. So now with me, Haley, Denzel, Chris, Manuel, Ethan, and Byung-hun, we've got our new Magnificent Seven! M7 2.016? Right up there with Bernstein’s score is the casting of the original; Brynner, McQueen, Bronson, Coburn, Vaughn, Wallach and others. It succeeds best as an action western. newWindow ='', 'newWin', 'width=650,height=535,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes')
I liked it a lot! Kids, quick, into the cellars! Wishful thinking, but I’d love a prequel there. Year: 2016. Or, if you prefer, luck of the draw. Hm, who else is sufficiently rough and manly to join this squad... oh hey, Vincent D'Onofrio was awesome as Kingpin, is he available? Clearly I want a dumb magic trick to be my last act on Earth, this isn't a staggering obvious ploy to stall for time and turn the tables on you. You know how much star power and Plot Armour I have, I could kill you dead ten times before your bullet even left your gun. That Friday was barely a month away, but Sturges had so far filled only two of the title roles — with McQueen, then best known for portraying a gritty bounty hunter on the TV series Wanted Dead or Alive, and Brynner, one of the first people to recognize that Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai could be successfully remade as a western. Yul Brynner stars in his signature role as Chris Adams, the man in black who is first among equals when it comes to shooting first, and last, and seldom asking questions later. ‘Magnificent’ does its best to bring this group to life. DENZEL and BYUNG-HUN stroll into the middle of town to confront all the evil lawmen. "The Magnificent Seven" There’s some cool, often startling violence sprinkled early before we see what Sam and Co. are capable of as they ride into Rose Creek to tangle with the “deputies” Bogue left behind to watch the town. Who's gonna win this brawl, the cocky burly blundering extra, or the quirky unconventional foreign film star? Do we want to react to this, or is it SO painfully obvious he's coming back, that why bother? Why didn't you just walk up and shoot? ...Yes, I'll help you defeat that Bomer-killer. Meanwhile the evil guys are STILL CHARGING BECAUSE WE GOTTA BUILD THIS UP! His evil army of assholes are gonna take our whole town. I'm just emptying my gun into the ground and killing 10 guys with each shot. What the fuck?!? Joe Leydon, Preview: “Dolly Parton’s Christmas on the Square”. His first recruit: Vin (Steve McQueen), a wisecracking gunfighter who proves he has the right stuff early on by helping Adams brush aside threats by racist rowdies as they arrange a proper burial for a deceased Indian in a small-town cemetery.
Maybe we could try to round up a couple dozen men-. Description BY NICK PIZZOLATTO. But he finds himself moved by the plight of the farmers, who can offer hired guns only a meager compensation that represents “everything” they own. “Unless the casting for a picture was completed by noon on a particular Friday, production couldn’t begin.”. I was entertained throughout and easily recommend it. I’ve got four other slots to fill.”. A PG-13 flick, ‘Magnificent’ racks up an impressive body count, but nothing gets too graphic. As it turned out, Vaughn did indeed know at least one likely candidate: James Coburn, a friend and former classmate who had earned his spurs one year earlier in a supporting role opposite Randolph Scott in Budd Boetticher’s Ride Lonesome. ANOTHER WILD WEST TOWN, AND I'M PRETTY SURE THEY WERE ALL INTRODUCED WITH SUBTITLES BUT REALLY THEY'RE PRETTY FUCKING INTERCHANGEABLE SO LET'S CALL THIS ONE "FRAGGLE ROCK".