Think about it did anyone else even see or interact with this john foster apart from effy(yes i know freddie appears to meet him in hospital just before he gets "killed")but as i said after cook dropped effy off at freddies i think everything we saw was taking place in effy's head as she has mental disorder.I personally think freddie took effy to hospital then did a runner as he could not cope with situation .As for john foster i think he is one of the demons in her head who she can hear. She tells Freddie where they are, who takes JJ with him and travels there. I'd assume Freddie is dead, yes. Still have questions? Which alien tv show was better Falling Skies or Colony? I think Freddie is dead, and cook will find out he went to see Foster and will go there and see Freddie dead and kill Foster in rage. They discuss where Effy had been before she leaves, stating she missed Freddie the most. I picked yes because I thought the question was if Effy ever found out that Freddie is dead.I think that Cook killed that crazy doctor and then got to others and told them what happened or something similar.The point is that I believe all the others will eventually find out the truth about Freddie's death. Radu Spinghel Height Weight, Is there a table read for every episode of a TV show? Damit Verizon Media und unsere Partner Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeiten können, wählen Sie bitte 'Ich stimme zu.' Press. I didn't see the end but apparently he got splattered by a baseball bat. What tv series since the 1940s do you think will be remembered in 2100? Skins Did Effy found out about Freddie's dead? =( not looking forward to the next series at all. Some people have said he could have taken the bat and killed the psychiatrist but he was in the preview so I highly doubt it. No, she didn't and I find closure in that. Since the series is pretty much over i would think so. The series four finale of Skins airs tonight at 10pm on E4. Either way, it is likely that someone will die, like the shock last time when Chris died :'(, He better not be dead! Is this normal? Starting from the second episode in series 4, Freddie is in a relationship with Effy, which becomes troubled when the latter develops psychotic depression. In the series finale, Freddie gets a call from Effy, who states her concern for Cook and how his father manipulates him. No. i honestly think we have been hoodwinked by writers.I don't believe freddie was murdered by john foster as i don't think john foster even exists outside of effy's head.I think after cook left effy at freddies everything we saw happen was not real. He was the only fit one there lol. I actually think that was the worst thing on tv I've ever seen. Azure Redis Cache Documentation, chris was main character too and he died. His death was foreshadowed multiple times in series 3, such as when he asked Cook "Do you want to die?" I have fair skin. But cooks going to find him some how and then Foster and COOK will fight and Cook will kill foster and be a hero ... That was the worst way possible to end the series, it made no sense at all. if he isnt dead, well thats just stupid. His relationship with his father is also poor, as he believes Karen gets preferential treatment over him. The town host an annual race which the boys enter, stating the winner takes Effy. and launches himself at John as the season ends. How do you think about the answers? word of advice dont watch it before you go to bed. Frederick "Freddie" McClair is a fictional character from the British television series Skins. In “Effy”, Effy returns home from hospital with a new schedule and a new reserved personality. Think about it did anyone else even see or interact with this john foster apart from effy(yes i know freddie appears to meet him in hospital just before he gets "killed")but as i said after cook dropped effy off at freddies i think everything we saw was taking place in effy's head as she has mental disorder.I personally think freddie took effy to hospital then did a runner as he could not cope with situation .As for john foster i think he is one of the demons in her head who she can hear. That episode scared the hell out of me and I cried soo much it was way too brutal and unnecessary   and cruel and disturbing. © 2006-2020 Fanpop, Inc., tutti i diritti riservati. Cook breaks into John Foster's basement where he finds Freddie's blood stained clothes and shoes. JJ surprisingly wins the race using his intelligence and uses the occasion to take charge and demand Effy picks one of them. Yes he is probably dead. In the third series, he is involved in a love triangle with Effy Stonem and his best friend James Cook. We Paid Lyrics Genius, When Freddie next sees her and they argue, Effy's personality changes as Dr. Foster's psychological work makes her forget everyone she has loved. There is no reason to use any other leasing company. After seeing Cook getting attacked, Freddie berates JJ for being careless, though the two eventually manage to rescue Cook. Hillstone Phoenix, In “Emily”, Effy returns to college and speaks to Freddie. So sad they killed Freddie. He is portrayed by Luke Pasqualino. Is DS Dodds, from ITV's detective series 'McDonald and Dodds', on the autism spectrum. Also I have very small boobs, they are developing. Freddie reveals this when he goes to see Cook having been concerned about his recent behaviour, and feeling sorrow for Cook being expelled from college. In series three his friendship with Cook deteriorates. What does the phrase party in your mouth mean. Ca Plane Pour Moi Cover, Thuppakki Mp3, Furniture Company, Still have questions? He dislikes how his sister, Karen McClair uses her mother's death as leverage to win sympathy and popularity in a talent competition. 2013 Baltimore Ravens Roster, Freddie is portrayed as a sensitive character that falls in love with Effy Stonem. As it is later revealed in Series 7, Cook killed Foster avenging Freddie’s death. it will be better him off dead, bc then effy wont have to worry about killing herself, lol. I was also kinda surprised Tony didn't come back when effy tried to kill herself. I doubt it though :(. After a confrontation with his father and Karen, and feeling that his father has a point, he eventually offers Karen his support through the competition finale. The “Cassie” episode was followed by “Final Goodbyes”, an episode which contained Chris’ funeral and saw the gang split up and go their separate ways. Help! DUN. Though it might just be a trick to keep viewers, seeing as it'd be too predictable as the next episode is everyone searching for him- if he was dead for sure, then that episode would be totally pointless and boring. In “Thomas”, the suicide of Sophia plunges the gang into mistrust. He's probably dead, but what I am curious about is that no-ones angry at the shrink who beat him to death. That was sick though when freddy was getting hit, made me feel really sad no w! Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. They all thought freddie had left for a little while like he planned to. Their relationship spanned throughout Series 3 and Series 4. Lets just wait till thursday. Who are your top 5 or 10 favorite TV Show Moms? She visits Freddie and they talk about her psychiatrist Dr. Foster (Hugo Speer) who has removed Effy's bad memories and forbids Effy from seeing Freddie as part of the treatment. I hope Freddie took the bat off the guy and killed him instead, not the other way round, Freddie was the best! And we know nothing of a rape with effy and dr foster? That was a bit extreme. Can Anyone Offer Similar Symbols In Books? Kellogg's Chocos Canada, Joan Sutherland Youtube, They take Effy to Norman's but after being left alone, Effy attempts suicide by slitting her wrists, only for Freddie to find her and take her to hospital. Kids UK TV show character help! Yep. He confesses he loves her. I have light blonde underarm hair, light blonde hair on my legs (I don't need to shave) and I don't have my period yet. however hopefully its just a tactical ploy to entice more viewers to watch the final episode and hence increasing there final ratings for the season. Relevance. Freddie is doubtful when he sees her hugging Cook. But, he is one of the main characters, so, in my opinion, he is being held prisoner at John T. Foster's home. Yes. Sql Server Get Execution Plan Of Running Query, Yeah I think he is dead. Shame :(. BUT PERSONALLY I AM HOPING HE IS NOT DEAD! I can see the scene where Cook is handcuffed, and all his friends in tears, looking at him being taken away into the policecar, as they realize what a good person Cook is - for killing Foster, who dies in pain of unimaginable proportions -- thereby saving Freddie's life. I really hope he isn't dead I love him man he is the only reason skins is worth watching :|! in the latter's central episode when criticising his reckless behaviour, and during his own central episode when Naomi tells the story of Hamlet while looking at him, finishing with "somebody has to kill him". Old Fashioned Peanut Butter Rice Krispie Treats, Sql Server Get Execution Plan Of Running Query, A Branded Lease Program for Small-Mid Ticket Transactions, 100% Prefunding available! However, Freddie notices Effy's psychotic tendencies and after a talk with his grandfather Norman, Freddie is motivated to look after her and not make the mistakes his father did with Freddie's deceased mother.