The online gaming industry has taken a new step, in working with artists around the globe, to increase the quality of the music, as well as reaching a broader international audience. I'm happy to say that I will be a part of the new Avantasia album scheduled for release early 2016. It's great for an old rocker like myself to be a part of this modern gaming music world, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to work with such a great team of talented people. PERFORMING WITH PENTAKILL IN SAO PAULO, BRAZIL AUGUST 8TH. Devil You Can Drive10. Pentakill is a virtual metal band within the game, and Karthus is not only a powerful warrior, but also the lead singer of the band. I Walked Away8. For those of you not familiar with Nikolos work: he has worked with some of the best singers and musicians around, and in 2001 he released an epic masterpiece, about Nostradamus.This is a fantastic "one of a kind" piece of work that is undoubtably one of the greatest concept albums in the history of rock.
Narum - drums, samples, bass, guitars, melotrone (guest on, Lasse Jensen - keyboards (additional keyboards on, This page was last edited on 9 April 2020, at 16:45. The Avantasia world tour has started and we're all excited. I also wanted to go against the stream, as I'm tired of the political correctness that so many in the rock/metal world are concerned with.This album is all about good songs and to record something enjoyable, making versions that are different, but at the same time a homage to the original artists.
A new upgraded version of Nostradamus The rock Opera with a lot of additional material, will soon be released, and to read more about this album CLICK HERE to check out Niks website.Here's the track "Inquisition", a duet with me and Joe Lynn Turner, can't believe it's already been 15 years : YOUTUBE, I wish you all a Happy New Year, let's make 2016 a year to remember with love. This exciting development is not just about creating an original twist to the online gaming industry, but also about pioneering some groundbreaking new metal!
Hammered To The Cross (The Business)3.
The online gaming industry is in many ways replacing the impact my generation's super channel, Sky channel and MTV had before internet came, so this is an exiting and important arena, and I am proud to be a part of it.- Jorn. Insoluble Maze (Dreams In The Blindness)7. Just thought I'd share a video clip from my backyard, together with my little crow friend.The little fellow is quite clever, and will take off with keys and anything shiny he can carry... Had a blast at the Karmogeddon festival, performing the Dracula "Swing of Death" show.Crowd was great plus I got to see my old friends from Hammerfall and Triosphere again.
The Avantasia World tour 2016 is confirmed and I will do all shows next year.Looking very much forward to see you all and to bring the rock!- Jorn, - I'm on my way to Sao Paulo, Brazil, for the CBLoL grand final.Last year I worked with music producer Christian Linke of Riot Games in LA, on "Pentakill", a heavy rock band within the League of Legends concept.
50 Years On Earth (The Anniversary Box Set), Heavy Rock Radio II: Executing The Classics,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Igor Gianola - guitars (Live, additional guitars on, Jon Berg - guitars (additional guitars on, Jon A . Read more: JORN "HEAVY ROCK RADIO" OUT NOW! The brand new Jorn box set "50 Years on Earth" out now! Dreamwalker5.
Jorn is a Norwegian hard rock and metal band fronted by vocalist Jørn Lande. Album title, more info and artwork will be announced and uploaded very soon.Merry Christmas everyone!- Jorn. Big thanks to Metalholic for their great objective review!You can find the list HERE.
They also played at the Norway Rock Festival in 2010. Stage looks fantastic and is the biggest Avantasia production to date.