Sea lamprey can induce significant damage to an ecosystem by killing large number of native fish species. This allows the lamprey to suction and anchor itself tightly onto its prey for feeding or a rock for resting. During that time, sea lamprey will become mature and it will return back to fresh water for spawning. The sea lamprey is nicknamed the vampire of the sea, and for good reason. Sea lampreys will die immediately after spawning. It is a parasitic nuisance to the various aquatic regions it inhabits within the United States and Canada. (1) The Sea Lamprey scientifically called Petromyzon marinus is a parasitic type of Lamprey which is found in the Northern Hemisphere. The unique thing about the agnathan class is that it’s a prehistoric group that is largely extinct. They have large, reddish eyes and single nostril on the top of their head. These creatures can regenerate their systems, appendages, or bodily fluids in some form. Just like other fish, sea lamprey breathes using the gills. In addition, the proteins in their saliva widen the blood vessels of their prey while their abrasive tongue and piercing teeth damage the skin of its victim and induce blood flow. The sea lamprey has a wide-open mouth that is filled with rows of sharp teeth, formed in a circular setting. Lists about some of the most beautiful, dangerous, and otherwordly creatures that thrive in our very own oceans. It attacks and decreases population of native fish and disturbs natural balance of the ecosystem. Like the … T. Lawrence, Great Lakes Fishery Commission/ NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. They have large, reddish eyes and single nostril on the top of their head. This allows the lamprey to consume more nutrients and nourishment in a short amount of time. They will attach mouth to the prey like a vacuum cleaner. The unique thing about the agnathan class is that it’s a prehistoric group that is largely extinct. Lampreys belong to the family Petromyzonidae. In fact, the lamprey belongs to a superclass of jawless fish known agnathans. Lamprey fish possess the unique ability of regeneration within their bodies. In fact, only two spices of agnathan survive today: the hagfish and the lamprey. Prepare yourself for an underwater expedition to learn some scary sea lamprey facts that will terrify and educate you on this strange and destructive ocean creature. Sea lampreys are jawless fish. They live in coastal and fresh waters, and are found in temperate regions around the world. Sea lampreys are jawless fish. They range from about 15 to 100 centimetres (6 to 40 inches) long. Today, sea lamprey control is the foundation of the $7 billion Great Lakes fishery. While most sea creatures are only terrifying in appearance, there are some ugly ocean creatures that are frightening because of their hostile nature. If a lamprey’s spinal cord becomes completely severed, leaving the creature immobile, they can recover to full mobility again in 10 to 12 weeks. It is native to the Atlantic Ocean, and it can be seen near the coasts of North America and Europe. Among the most primitive of all vertebrate species, the sea lamprey is a parasitic fish native to the northern and western Atlantic Ocean.