This is perfect time to sit down right? She intervened on her husband’s behalf after he sinned against God’s anointed – King David and King David and his men were about to wipe out her husband and all her household. Our husbands expect us to just grit our teeth and bear it. I don’t even think it would be wrong for male members of Hope’s family to exhort him and even confront him if this went on as long as it was. I really love him as I said, but I really need him to change his lazy attitude. I am TIRED because I am married but live like a single mom. We can’t stop submitting to a husband who has problems like drug or alcohol addiction in other things, but we can appeal to him to seek treatment and refuse to enable him to continue to damage his physical health. It sounds a little like parenting, doesn’t it? All rights reserved. If you love him stay ,but it is extremely tiring to continue like this year after year. We don't get a hug. He gets in from work, grabs the tv remote and sits on his arse for the night - his weekends consist of the same, sitting on his arse, watching whatever sport is in season at that time. We fail to draw any distinctions between different types of bad situations that is where I think the problem comes in. “I’ve had it up to here with my husband” she said. They do these things because they can. The problem with housework is your man doesn't understand how it important it is to you that he helps. ?-Well, the magic elf is in school now and now he's the one who needs some schooling on what it takes to run a home. i hate divorce. Tips on how to deal with a break up and move on with your life. She says that I will work, work, and work, and NEVER get anything accomplished. Table gets set, food gets served. I have been with my husband for 20 years, married for 18. My husband has been on & off working since the economy went down & the pressure was always on me because my job is stable & consistent. Finaces. Here, in no particular order, are six thoughts about men and housework. I do not feel that it is my job to raise him from a child to a mature man. At least once a week at work, I hear my coworkers say something like “God never intended for you to have to………..” insert whatever issue they are currently struggling with. No. " I thought you were doing these things because you enjoyed doing it! What the hell did I do that was so wrong? My mother in law is a complete slob and I feel he is just like his mother when it comes to keeping a clean environment. You forgot the rest of the story...then Adam said, "You're right Eve, this is boring, we're way too old to still be living in our Parent's house." Im still hoping he will be motivated if i have a job here but without pr im stuck but i have 2 interviews i managed to get in 1 day of searching.