Reporting by Catarina Demony and Victoria Waldersee, Additional reporting by Patricia Rua, Editing by Angus MacSwan. The aim of this is to help boost international business activity in Japan. Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. But only if you do not have. If you develop symptoms of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) while self-quarantining, do not go outside except to get tested by the municipal health service (GGD). If this is not possible, for instance because the travel advisory changed just before you were due to travel, you should self-quarantine for 10 days upon your arrival in the Netherlands. If this isn’t possible, you may briefly go out to do grocery shopping. Portugal set to quarantine arrivals from abroad as streets empty out. Business travellers from those two countries do not have to undergo a 14-day isolation on arrival. If you do not live in the Netherlands, you may not return to your country of origin. The next best option is to book a taxi fitted with a hygiene screen. Once in the Netherlands, you can self-quarantine at home or in temporary or holiday accommodation. Look out for your first newsletter in your inbox soon! “They are not protecting us because we are still queuing. “Today we will announce a new rule. Self-quarantine even if a test shows you don’t have COVID-19. However, if you stop for any amount of time, even just for fuel, you must self-quarantine. If a test shows that you have coronavirus: symptoms of coronavirus disease (COVID-19), Certain travellers are exempted from self-quarantine, get tested by the municipal health service (GGD), Denmark: city of Copenhagen, Faaborg-Midtfyn, Slagelse, Aarhus, Køge, Solrød and Greve, Portugal: all regions except the Azores region, Sweden: cities of Uppsala, Gothenburg and Stockholm. 7 days free Govt/paid institutional quarantine, followed by 7days Home quarantine for asymptomatic international travellers arriving at Gaya Airport. follow the advice of the municipal health service (GGD); your travel companions and/or family members must continue to self-quarantine; you cannot travel. We will update this story as new information becomes available. This also applies if you got tested immediately after arriving in the Netherlands and the test result was negative. Follow live updates on the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic in Tokyo and Japan here. Exempted category asymptomatic passengers as per the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoHFW), Govt of India guidelines are allowed 14 days home quarantine. We already have this email. Doctors have strongly warned that all arrivals from overseas should be under stricter monitoring and quarantine measures to contain any possibility of a further spread of the virus. On Friday, people queued at pharmacies and supermarkets, one meter apart on otherwise deserted streets, stocking up on food and medicine. Until 27 October, people from Canada, Georgia and Tunisia were also exempted from this rule. The following rules apply during self-quarantine: If you do not develop any symptoms that could be caused by coronavirus, you can end the self-quarantine after 10 days. You can sit outside if you have a garden or balcony. If you drive in a private vehicle and without stopping through an area to which the Dutch self-quarantine advice applies, you do not have to self-quarantine when you arrive in the Netherlands. You should only travel by public transport if you have no other options. Other countries across the globe, from Singapore to Israel, have adopted similar preventive measures to stop the spread of the coronavirus. You should self-quarantine if you're travelling from: You should also self-quarantine if you're travelling from a country outside the EU, the Schengen area and the United Kingdom, except for: Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Rwanda, Singapore (as of 27 October) South Korea, Thailand, Uruguay and China. Portugal has 1,020 confirmed cases of coronavirus, with six reported deaths, far below other southern European countries such as Italy and Spain. If you spend time in a country or area to which the Dutch self-quarantine advice applies, always follow the basic Dutch rules (such as staying 1.5 metres apart) as well as any stricter local measures. However, this policy could change towards the end of October. Do not go to your place of work, but work from home. People aged over 70 were urged only to leave home to grab essential goods. This means no hugging, kissing or sex. On public transport, wear a face mask and stay 1.5 metres away from other passengers. If your planned journey to the Netherlands takes you through an area to which the self-quarantine advice applies, try to change your route or flight if possible. You should get tested again if you develop symptoms, even if they are only mild. Certain travellers are exempted from self-quarantine, unless they have symptoms. By Reuters Staff. A test is a snapshot of a particular moment in time. Ask other people to do grocery shopping for you. Déjà vu! Japan has already resumed business travel with Singapore and plans to do so with South Korea from end-October. Japan could reopen to tourists from spring 2021, Shibuya’s new tourist information centre opens in Hachiko Square, New JR East Welcome Rail Pass 2020 for foreign residents offers unlimited three-day travel, Kabutocho in Nihonbashi is named Tokyo’s coolest neighbourhood right now, Gundam Factory Yokohama is finally opening on December 19. Nikkei Asia also reports that those exempted from quarantine will not be allowed to use public transport during their first two weeks in Japan. Even if you do not have any symptoms or if you have tested negative for COVID-19. ARRIVALS at airports will be forced to quarantine for 14 days under Boris Johnson's plan to exit the lockdown. Do not travel or go to another location in the Netherlands. ARRIVALS at airports will be forced to quarantine for 14 days under Boris Johnson's plan to exit the lockdown. 2 Min Read. Travellers arriving in the Netherlands from certain countries and regions should self-quarantine for 10 days. “They are not protecting the elderly at all,” 77-year-old Manuel Vidigal told Reuters. To skip the two-week isolation period, you will have to submit a detailed plan to the airport quarantine office containing all your movements for the following two weeks, including information on your accommodation and workplace. From next week, whoever enters Portugal must stay in isolation for 14 days,” Graca Freitas, head of the DGS health directorate, told a news conference.