Why? Comment on the symbolism in the picture at the bottom of page 9. They were seen dancing at the 2014 Teen Choice Awards. Refusal to accept peaceful terms by the Iranian government. This resulted in the conquering of Karbala, a Shiite holy city in Iraq. What is your opinion of her behavior? What did Satrapi learn about the government in her new school? Even though Mrs Nassrin's comments on page 106 bring humor, how are her actions also symbolic? What is one of the country's rituals? Why? 111. Why? God finds out that Marji doesn't want to be a prophet anymore as she wants to be a revolutionary. There isn't an exclamation point, he's wearing black, and there even seems to be something "off" about his hair. 57. Who was Ali Ashraf Darvishian? 103. 199. 75. This shows the patriarchal/male dominant culture that they live in and the mother's expression reveals that she is very angry with the sexist ideas set in her daughter's mind. Likely, the war is going very poorly but they want to pretend like they have everything under control. It was a sad time for her mother and her because she had to pretend that she was cooking due to the fact there they had nothing to eat. How did the students try to ease the tension of a very serious situation? Basically "keep your head down and wait for the wave to pass". 192. But what else is revealed? tactfully. His only wish is to see his son again, but he can't because Iran's borders are closed and he doesn't have a passport. She wanted to be friends with the 14-year olds, so to make them like her she went along with ditching. Where is Khosro's family? What is your opinion of justice? 21. Who are Che Guevara? Mehri is compared to the subjects of Darvishian's books. What seems to be the underlying theme of this chapter? Why? She has been hanging out with older girls. Some part of it could have been to further spite God. This is significant as it demonstrates a somewhat typical reaction of peoples' reactions when a loss occurs in their life. Iraq offered a peace settlement. Virgins weren't supposed to die so it was a way for unmarried men to "know carnal knowledge". The first consequence could be complete dominance by another more intelligent or more powerful group of people. According to Marji, how was a king chosen? What is she really planning to do? What was its reputation? How does Marji discover the truth? Why? She provides excellent advice on how to live. She is angry because she doesn't care about the war she just wants her husband to be treated. 121. A mom-to-be on Reddit is upset when her unborn child's grandmother assumes she gets a say in choosing the baby's name. Which restriction is particularly ironic? Retired Reza's original political motive was to create a republic. Describe the efforts made toward bringing an end to the war between Iran and Iraq. Family traditions in the Philippines have been somewhat altered by the phenomenon of Filipinos going to work in other countries. Filipino culture places great importance on family ties. The irony is that Marji and her friend/maid are going to the demonstration when Marji's parents think that their daughter and and her maid are safely at home while the two of them go out and join the protests. 143. How did the government delegate positions of power? She paid off the guard in order to have a conjugal visit with him. This suggests that everyone fighting against each other becomes more of one mass against another instead of one individual against another individual.