Watch Queue Queue. For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation and all other relevant legislation, Travel Inspires (‘we’ or ‘us’) is the ‘data controller’ (ie the company who is responsible for, and controls the processing of, your personal data). The live music started at 9:30, once the soccer game was over. You can even join in if you like!! Since the pub wasn’t packed, I think it gave the bartenders a chance to try to make sure everyone was happy and enjoying themselves. Mainguard Street, Galway City, Phone: (091) 561294. Despite the fact that I’m leaving, I know I’ll be back. Galway has a vibrant traditional Irish music scene and a history of producing some of the most successful traditional Irish musicians. They then proceeded to play a Bob Dylan song as well as a Simon and Garfunkel song. Below is a list of the pubs where traditional Irish music sessions are held on an almost daily basis. 11 Forster St, Galway, Phone: (091) 376 561. 5-7 Bridge St, Galway, Phone: (091) 563 804. Get your tour dates seen by one billion fans: Dott, Katie O'Connor, Secondhand Underpants, Tracy Bruen, Gender Chores, I, Doris, Witchkicker, and 17c. A hidden gem that was originally home to a merchant in the 1830's, today you can find this great live music pub on Galway's Dominick Street. I am in G always late September what would be on live bands or music, on a Saturday or Sunday night? This includes not only talented musicians, but also the rich and famous, that also want to experience that special piece of the Irish music action! A visit to Joe Watty's, located at the crossroads of the Seal Colony and Dún Aengus, really completes this experience! Currently there are 41 upcoming events. I’ve realized that even when I’m in Ireland, I can still receive the strong pull of home. It was where I grew up, and even though it has now become a place that doesn’t hold very much meaning for me, it will always be the place where I first learned about life. De Dannan, were once based in Galway and other figures in traditional music like Dolores Keane, Frankie Gavin and Mairtin O’Connor, also hail from Galway. If you're able to play an instrument, be sure to bring it along and join the session. Although there is a music session almost nightly, it’s not uncommon to find a musician strumming along throughout the day. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. It has a striking church organ sitting behind its stage, where music specials are frequently recorded. Concerts in Galway.