After starring together in Rust and Bone (2012), Marion Cotillard recommended him for a role in her boyfriend's Guillaume Canet directorial debut in Hollywood: Blood Ties (2013). You have to follow your own heartbeat. I'll watch The Hangover, that's fine (laughs). Marie waited years for her father to return, after he left with the words: "I'll call you"; then she met Mattias. The weather is great and country roads are perfect for cycling. His performance as Jacky Vanmarsenille in Rundskop (2011) and Tom Hardy's performance in Bronson (2008) were Steven Ogg's inspirations to play Trevor Phillips in Grand Theft Auto V (2013). He also played one of the leads of Luca Guadagnino's A Bigger Splash (2015), opposite Tilda Swinton and Ralph Fiennes, and played the art-dealer Hans Axgil in Tom Hooper's The Danish Girl (2015).He will reteam with Michaël R. Roskam in Racer and the Jailbird (2017) and also with Thomas Vinterberg in The Command (2018), in which Schoenaerts will play the Captain of a Russian submarine. Of course, I loved The Deer Hunter and Taxi Driver, and American Sniper had some good bits to it, even if it has a propaganda feel at some points. When you feel ready, that's when you can go there, but you shouldn't do something just because other people consider that it's the time for you to do it. I hate it when people try to make you look like a pretty boy, I really don't like that. It will be intriguing to see how Saul Dibb’s long-awaited adaptation of Irène Némirovsky’s novel deals with a problem that has often confounded British film-makers: how to portray French characters played by English-speaking actors in Nazi-occupied, wartime Paris without slipping into ’Allo ’Allo!-style caricature. The on-site Kenshō Spa includes a Jacuzzi, Moroccan hammam chamber, massage rooms, spa facilities and gym. And furthermore I am better alone that badly accompanied. Stated that if he could be anything in the world other than what he is, he would be an architect. Exactly! When Manuel's biggest deal goes terribly wrong, the two men meet again and come to realize they both need each other to survive in their worlds. I don't want to be pinned down as just a physical actor. It's because they are more fun to play, and you can see that onscreen. In addition, he also studied the Limburgish dialect to ensure he was performing with authenticity, so he wouldn't offend the natives. Thomas is reworking the screenplay with Robert Rodat, and I'm going to go through it with him pretty soon. Trump escapes to the golf course again after tweeting that the election was 'stolen', as Don Jr. and Eric... UK daily Covid cases DROP by 11.5 per cent from last Sunday's with 20,572 compared to 23,254 - as deaths... Dominic Raab warns 'mutated version of coronavirus' linked to Danish mink farms could undermine Covid-19... Covid kills a FIFTH of all cancer patients - with lung and blood cancer sufferers the most at risk. One fireman and one resident of the other apartment suffered minor injuries.