These included under reporting violence and complaints at the school (involving students, teachers and him), falsifying records in a corrupt manner, putting students who dropped out or got expelled under the "transferred schools" category, and last but not least, unethically accepting money and/or other bribes and favors in return for getting students diplomas who didn't meet NY state requirements. Total Economically Disadvantaged (% of total). The building will be closed tomorrow, Monday, November 2 and students will not attend class--remotely or in-person--while the staff transitions back to remote learning. best fit for you. Middletown High School is ranked #11,086 in the National Rankings. The percentage of Middletown High School students on free and reduced lunch assistance (68.7%) is higher than the state average of 48.3%. Enlarged City School District of Middletown, United States House Committee on Foreign Affairs, "New York State School Report Card, Accountability and Overview Report for Middletown High School", "Middletown High School searches for space", "New Middletown target: high school principal", "Middletown school district settles last suit", "High school schedule still a big headache", "Middletown art teacher Panse will return to classroom". The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. It is located on Gardner Avenue in a small outlying area of the city, near the county fairgrounds on a small rise south of NY 211. 75% of students are economically disadvantaged. The total minority enrollment is … Close school list. Since 2012 they have managed to have a winning record each year, and won the Section 9 Championship in 2016. The total minority enrollment is 83%, and Middletown has 142 full-time teachers, with a student-teacher ratio of 15 to 1. Students struggling academically or with personal issues can seek help from a high school counselor. in the Students again staged a walkout over a number of their concerns that they believed were not being taken seriously by the district administration, such as overcrowding and safety issues. [4] Students claiming to be sympathetic to him organized a protest walkout, spoke in his behalf at board meetings and then helped campaign during the ensuing elections, in which two The 100 highest-ranked high schools are spread across 29 states. Please note that this blog does not represent the position of Middletown High School nor the Enlarged City School District of Middletown, NY. the only high school Middletown High School is a public high school of the Middletown City School District located in Middletown, NY. Congratulations on this excellent venture… what a great idea!