Puoi usarlo anche per tenere traccia delle tue missioni completate, ricette, cavalcature, mascotte e titoli! Praise you, brave . The location of this NPC is unknown. Many lives will be spared so long as the torch is kept lit. Per favore, quando invii un commento tieni in mente questo: Il tuo commento deve essere in italiano o sarà cancellato. The flame will not burn for long without oil, . Captain Grayson is a level 30 human ghost located at the Westfall Lighthouse in Westfall.30, 86 He is faction-neutral, and will give out his quests to both Horde and Alliance players. Your … Non sei sicuro di come scrivere? I watched, helpless, as Old Murk-Eye led the attack. But what's done is done and now my concern is for the lives of the sailors on The Great Sea whose ships come close to the perilous rocks of the coastline. Murlocs are all along the longshore, so kill murlocs heading up the coast to the chasm, collect the oozes, then return down the longshore, killing murlocs along the way, past the lighthouse to the southernmost murloc camp, where Murk-Eye awaits. My afterlife plight is to see that no others follow my destiny. Full routes for Horde and Alliance (Orc, Tauren, Troll, Undead, Human, Gnome, Dwarf, Night Elf) and all classes (Mage, Shaman, Warrior, Druid, Rogue, Hunter, Paladin, Priest, Warlock). The flame will not burn for long without ooze, . Keeper of the Flame - WoW Quest overview - World of Warcraft, Wrath of the Lich King, Burning Crusade, WoW, maps, guides, items, quests My afterlife plight is to see that no others follow my destiny. The night the Lighthouse Keeper's family died was horrible. I died needlessly on this very shore. But what's done is done and now my concern is for the lives of the sailors on The Great Sea whose ships come close to the perilous rocks of the coastline. We used to use oil back in the day, but it was hard to come by! Help me keep the torch lit by bringing me 5 flasks of oil from the Harvest Monsters. Many lives will be spared so long as the torch is kept lit. The rocks of the Westfall Coast shall be lit thanks to your hard work. I watched, helpless, as Old Murk-Eye led the attack. The night the Lighthouse Keeper's family died was horrible. Grayson was once a pirate captain of a ship until his life was ended upon the perilous rocks of Westfall's coastline because the Lighthouse was black that night. /way The Storm Peaks 40 86 Flame Keeper (The Storm Peaks) /way Grizzly Hills 19 61 Flame Keeper (Grizzly Hills) /way Borean Tundra 51 12 Flame Keeper (Borean Tundra) /way Sholazar Basin 47 62 Flame Keeper (Sholazar Basin) /way Zul'Drak 43 71 Flame Keeper (Zul'Drak) /way Crystalsong Forest 80 53 Flame Keeper (Crystalsong Forest) I watched, helpless, as Old Murk-Eye led the attack. The rocks of the Westfall Coast shall be lit thanks to your hard work. Cerca il tuo screenshot usando il modulo qui sotto. With no one to keep watch on the flame the responsibility has fallen upon me. Flask of Oil (5) Description The night the Lighthouse Keeper's family died was horrible. Le schermate che contengono gli elementi dell'interfaccia utente sono generalmente rifiutate a vista, lo stesso vale per le schermate della schermata di visualizzazione di modelli o di selezione dei caratteri. The night the Lighthouse Keeper's family died was horrible. But what's done is done and now my concern is for the lives of the sailors on The Great Sea whose ships come close to the perilous rocks of the coastline. Così, cosa stai aspettando? This page was last edited on 28 March 2020, at 23:36. I watched, helpless, as Old Murk-Eye led the attack. I watched, helpless, as Old Murk-Eye led the attack. Flask of Oil (5) The night the Lighthouse Keeper's family died was horrible. Bring 5 Flasks of Oil to Captain Grayson at the Westfall Lighthouse. Optional breadcrumbs:  [10] Furlbrow's Deed,  [10] Hero's Call: Westfall! Bring 5 Chasm Oozes to Captain Grayson at the Westfall Lighthouse. Help me keep the torch lit by bringing me chasm ooze from the slimes in the Raging Chasm to the northeast. My afterlife plight is to see that no others follow my destiny. Per favore, scrivi le tue domande sui nostri. Objectives. But what's done is done and now my concern is for the lives of the sailors on The Great Sea whose ships come close to the perilous rocks of the coastline. In the NPCs category. Scrivere semplicemente l'URL del video nel modulo sottostante. Il Client di Wowhead è una piccola applicazione che usiamo per tenere aggiornato il nostro database, e per per fornirti alcune funzionalità extra sul sito! https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Quest:Keeper_of_the_Flame?oldid=2699055. I died needlessly on this very shore. The in-game information in this article is kept purely for historical purposes and may not need to remain under any other categories. Use: Increases the target's Stamina by 4 for 30 min. Keeper of the Flame Bring 5 Flasks of Oil to Captain Grayson at the Westfall Lighthouse. Praise you, brave . The night the Lighthouse Keeper's family died was horrible. Please keep the following in mind when posting a comment: Your comment must be in English or it … But what's done is done and now my concern is for the lives of the sailors on The Great Sea whose ships come close to the perilous rocks of the coastline. With no one to keep watch on the flame the responsibility has fallen upon me. Upon completion of this quest you will gain: "neutral" is not in the list of possible values (Both, Alliance, Horde, Neutral) for this property. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Scarica il client per iniziare. I watched, helpless, as Old Murk-Eye led the attack. The flame will not burn for long without oil, . Shadowforge Flame Keeper is a level 54 - 55 NPC that can be found in Blackrock Depths. Pick up  [15] The Coast Isn't Clear and  [15] The Coastal Menace before heading out. [Chasm Ooze] x5 Description. Controlla la nostra. Kill him then head back to the lighthouse. I watched, helpless, as Old Murk-Eye led the attack. Free Classic World of Warcraft 1-60 Leveling Guide by Navak, Egregious, Ayle, Defcamp & Kargoz. Many lives will be spared so long as the torch is kept lit. The rocks of the Westfall Coast shall be lit thanks to your hard work. But what's done is done and now my concern is for the lives of the sailors on The Great Sea whose ships come close to the perilous rocks of the coastline. With no one to keep watch on the flame the responsibility has fallen upon me. https://wow.gamepedia.com/Keeper_of_the_Flame?oldid=5688351. Bring 5 Flasks of Oil to Captain Grayson at the Westfall Lighthouse. With no one to keep watch on the flame the responsibility has fallen upon me. Use: Increases the target's Intellect by 4 for 30 min. 3x [Minor Mana Potion] or 3x [Minor Healing Potion] and  [Scroll of Intellect] and  [Scroll of Stamina]6, [15] The Legend of Captain Grayson (optional). Potresti voler rileggere i tuoi commenti prima di inviarli. Praise you, brave . The night the Lighthouse Keeper's family died was horrible. Bring 5 Chasm Oozes to Captain Grayson at the Westfall Lighthouse.