Vote for the below, COURT OF APPEALS, Uncontested Unless sports betting is approved in Maryland, revenue from Maryland bettors will flow to offshore sportsbooks or to neighboring jurisdictions. This ballot measure gives the MD General Assembly (the main state legislative body) the ability to alter the state’s budgetary process, provided any additions or removal of items do not exceed the original total budget amount that is proposed by the Governor – this would kick in in 2024. Do you approve the expansion of commercial gaming in the State of Maryland to authorize sports and events betting for the primary purpose of raising revenue for education? Because of the risk of transmitting the Covid-19 virus wherever large numbers of people are gathered, voters are strongly encouraged to vote by mail if at all possible and to use in-person voting only if it is not possible to vote by mail. Currently, the County Council is made up of five district-specific members (one for each district) and four at-large members. FAX: 240-777-8600
Editor’s note: The polls in Maryland are now closed. In the days ahead, as election officials count every ballot & certify each election, we're confident the will of the people will be heard. Amend Section 305 of the County Charter to prohibit the County Council from levying an ad valorem tax on real property that would produce total revenue (not including property tax revenue from certain enumerated sources) that exceeds the total revenue produced by the tax on real property in the preceding fiscal year plus a percentage of the previous year’s real property tax revenues that equals any increase in the Consumer Price Index. This A member of the League has promised to match each contribution received by November 30, 2020, up to $5,000. Early voting centers will all be open on Election Day also. The total number of council members would remain at nine, but they would all be elected by geographical district. Montgomery County Government. Dutch Ruppersberger (incumbent). Don’t be alarmed if you see long lines. Question D is a $133 million bond issue to finance construction and rehabilitation projects at county buildings. October 14, 2020 Capping tax revenue in this manner could limit the ability of the Council to carry out its mandate to maintain public services. For specific guidelines to ensure voter guides are appropriate for distribution by churches and other non-profit organizations, please visit the Legal Resource section of our website. Maps & Directions, HOURS: Monday through Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
2) Do you approve the expansion of commercial gaming in the State of Maryland to authorize sports and events betting for the primary purpose of raising revenue for education? Question B — This measure would continue the cap on property tax revenue increases at the level of inflation but would prohibit the county council from overriding the formula. Property tax revenue is primarily used to fund local public schools. The sooner you request your ballot, the sooner it should come in the mail. Voters may either vote “Yes” or “No” on Question 2. If you are an active registered voter you will be mailed a request form, so you can wait for your ballot request form to come in the mail. Maryland has urged voters to vote by mail this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and more than 1.6 million Marylanders have requested mail-in ballots. (Editor’s note: This section has been updated to correct the designations of the ballot questions.). Details about referendums affecting Montgomery County, Maryland. FAX: 240-777-8600, MD Relay (711): 1-800-735-2258
LWVMC English Voters’ Guide and Spanish Voters' Guide. D.C. and all neighboring states have already legalized sports betting. Scott Farnin EMAIL:, © Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear());. Like WTOP on Facebook and follow @WTOP on Twitter to engage in conversation about this article and others. Question D is the final local ballot measure; it also deals specifically with the makeup of the County Council. If you have any questions, email In 2019, MD lawmakers proposed a bill that would legalize these operations, but it ultimately did not pass. This election, there are six measures that MoCo voters will be able to voice their opinion on; two of them are statewide in Maryland, and four of them are local and exclusive to Montgomery County. There are competing measures on the ballot for limiting property tax increases and for changing the structure of the Montgomery County Council. Voters may vote “For” or “Against” this Charter amendment. Each county (and Baltimore City) will have at least one more vote center than in the primary election. Voters can cast their ballots at any authorized early voting center in their jurisdiction. Adding two Councilmembers will increase the number of voices and help increase the diversity of views represented on the Council. The Precinct Organization met on Wednesday, September 16, to vote on the Party’s position on each question. If a voter has already requested or received a mail-in ballot, the voter will have to cast a provisional ballot. Question B is linked directly to Question A – this Charter amendment would keep the property tax cap calculation method the same, but it would also stop the County Council from being able to raise the cap of total revenue from property tax. You may only vote once. EARLY VOTING TIMES: October 26, 2020 -7:00am-8:00pm Through November 2-7:00am-8:00pm. A summary description of the 2020 process can be found below the ballot questions. Vote for the below, COURT OF SPECIAL APPEALS, Uncontested PHONE: 240-777-8500
D) Amend Sections 102 and 103 of the County Charter to: – divide the County into 9, rather than the current 5, Council districts; – elect all Councilmembers by district, rather than the current 5 by district and 4 at large; and – reduce from 5 to 1 the number of Councilmembers each voter can vote for. Early Voting: Monday, October 26 – Monday, November 2, 2020, Montgomery County, Maryland Ballot Initiatives, Join the Montgomery County Republican Club, Check on Wait Times at Early Voting Locations in Montgomery County. The provisional ballot will be counted, but it will be held until election officials confirm the voter did not also return a mail-in ballot. The BQAC distributed its report to the members of the Precinct Organization, which consists of the appointed Area Coordinators and the Chair and Vice Chair of each precinct. Details about candidates for Judge in Montgomery County, Maryland. Maryland Voter Lookup. Question A — This proposal, which is backed by the Montgomery County Council, would remove an inflation-pegged cap on property tax revenue collected but would instead cap the property tax rate at the previous year’s level unless the council voted to override it by a unanimous vote. A jurisdiction which cannot meet its financial obligations will not be looked upon favorably by the bond rating agencies. Eliot Greenwald The Google Translate Tool is displayed dynamically on Montgomery County web pages using a Google javascript function. Voters may access real-time candidate responses, along with useful election information, online at B) Amend Section 305 of the County Charter to prohibit the County Council from levying an ad valorem tax on real property that would produce total revenue (not including property tax revenue from certain enumerated sources) that exceeds the total revenue produced by the tax on real property in the preceding fiscal year plus a percentage of the previous year’s real property tax revenues that equals any increase in the Consumer Price Index. However, the results won’t be announced until polls close on Election Day. These contributions are tax-deductible. Each county (and Baltimore City) will have at least one more vote center than in the primary election. This amendment would allow revenue to grow as the County grows, so that County services can keep pace with increased population and needs. For those who print out their own ballots off a computer (either because it was emailed to them or they downloaded it online), make sure you also print out the oath that comes on a separate page, sign it, and include it when you return the ballot.