In just a handful of years, THE WILD! The Wilds particular brand of hard rock will appeal to a wide variety of fans old and new, and if they continue to make solid records like Still Believe in Rock And Roll, they should find that career longevity will be on their side. I mentioned this this Villain – “That’s really cool, it’s actually the only co-write on the whole record and I co-wrote that song with my good friend Keith Nelson who is the founding member of Buckcherry, so good ear. “I went to catholic school for ten years of my life, and when I was in kindergarten, the first day of school, the priest said to me, I can’t remember what I had done but I was six years old how bad could it be, he said to me ‘you are bad and the devil is in you’. – STILL BELIEVE IN ROCK AND ROLL (2020) Pupilo Dilatado. This reflective track is a great way to finish of this album. Right from the first album, GxDxWxB (2015) to the follow-up, Wild At Heart (2017) and especially, Still Believe In Rock And All (2020). This is another group I will have to see live, as soon as the world returns to normal. When we step out of isolation you should all be listening to the new saviours of Rock and Roll! The fact is, to put this on is to experience a rush of enjoyment. Villain says of the track – “Bad News in my opinion was the song that set the tone for the whole vibe of the record. Volcanic, pure, and crushing. Who hasn’t been in a scenario like that, I know I’ve had several.”, Nothing Good Comes Easy brings out the attitude and on first listen I immediately felt it had that classic 70’s AC/DC meets Buckcherry vibe. In between you get the Buckcherry feel and groove of ‘Crazy For You’ and a slew of other great songs that may even make you feel like that Buckcherry debut did all the way back last Century. celebrate the spirit of rock and roll and flatten everything that stands in their way.”, Adam Thompson postpones Bohemian Rhapsody regional tour, Paradise Lost release new video “Fall From Grace”, Canadian rock outlaws, The Wild!, turn up the heat with a new single, Playing With Fire. But you don’t get too many six minute ballads these days and this I’d argue is far from traditional sounding like Steve Earle when it opens up and bursting and bristling here and there for accent. The Canadian quartet’s third album, Still Believe In Rock And Roll was produced by the band’s own Dylan Villain and A-list producer/engineer Mike Fraser (AC/DC, Metallica, Aerosmith), who has been a massive champion of the band from the start. The group’s latest LP is their biggest and glossiest to date. In addition to that I was playing this other, somewhat of a country song, a traditional country melody I was playing a different rhythm to. That’s how the rhythm was shaped. The best way to kick off any rock record is with a bolt of energy and Bad News has exactly that and more. Still Believe In Rock And Roll by The Wild! But here’s who does understand it perfectly. I’m glad that it is. It was great. and how it shows up in their sound. He looks out for me and I love him for it. Another high energy track full of addictively killer riffs, and a beat set at that perfect pace to hook you in from the start. With a tireless energy they take us on a musical charge that will have everybody dancing, smiling and full of good feels. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. They love their soccer. I don’t know that everybody in the world has been through some of the things I’m singing about in that song. My favourite song is playing with fire because it starts of with a iron man feeling. - Still Believe In Rock And Roll: GetRock: 19-03-2020, 12:32 : 176 : 0 100; Artist: The Wild! Villain’s story of how this one came about takes us back to his younger schooling years. Villain says “It was a song I wrote later into the writing process of the record. Rock, eOne/SPV (10 Songs / VÖ: 20.3.) The spiky, punky title track ‘Still Believe in Rock and Roll’ again brings Buckcherry to mind but with a wonderful soaring chorus that they make their own. It’s in-your-face vocals and belting drums give it that punk rock mindset with a chorus that has a rock anthem feel. Still Believe In Rock And Roll 07. We just wanted to bring it out more in this record and when I wrote it I went ‘OK, this is the vibe, this is the lane in want to be in for this whole record.’ And that’s another reason I chose this song to start the record, because I feel it really kicks things off the right way, puts things in the right gear.”, The second track on the album is Crazy and I dare you to listen to this and sit still. Remember that escapism thing? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. “In a time where our genre has never seemed more lost, we stay the course,” says lead vocalist and guitarist, Dylan Villain. And in doing that I wanted it also to be a message from somebody who was in their shoes and to my son as well, to know that just because you get older that doesn’t have to change. are lifers on the highway paved by the many great bands that came before them with heart, authenticity, and a deep commitment to what they do. You’re stuck in this constant boomerang of fighting and making out. King of This Town 6. , you may also like: Gritty, psychedelic rock, full of crashing guitar riffs and lo-fi percussion. I can remember being so young that it scared the shit out of me. Everything according to these people is a sin. That feeling of personal freedom, that relief, is just a state of mind and it’s important to remember that just because you get older it doesn’t have to change. Faith No More reschedule Australia tour dates for 2021, Primal Fear announce new studio album “Metal Commando”, Taking influence in name and style from Australia’s greatest ever rock outfit AC/DC, Rockin’ Volts pay homage to old school rock music the only way they know how – by rockin’ hard with guitars […], They’re back! They craft a perfect mix of old school rock, punk rock attitude and the aforementioned swagger to create some impossibly catchy tunes. Great start to Still Believe in Rock and Roll. 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