Naga (+Eff) Effective against dragon foes. Despite being advised not to follow this line of reasoning, Naga had still put her daughter into a long sleep that was never meant to be broken. Fury is a safe, budget option that gives her a good statboost while Distant Counter expands her defensive turn capabilities. Momoko Ohara (Awakening)Satomi Satō (Heroes) Official developer notes later reveal that Naga transferred her will into Heim with the Book of Naga [1], similar to what Loptous did with Galle, and later Julius, and what Forseti would later do with Lewyn. Naga is the game's fourth Mythic Hero, and as such was added to the game in a dedicated Mythic Hero update, and was made available for summoning as part of a summoning event released on May 30, 2018. Race Her Dragon status leaves her vulnerable to the plethora of Falchion users who, despite the color disadvantage, can make up for it with Naga’s middling defenses. Mela Lee Artwork of Chrom and Naga from Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher) by Geso Umiu. The effect is gimmicky and situational. Voice Actors A female Nāga in deity form is known as a nāgī. Her Skill A is a unique, but inheritable skill, AR-O Atk/Spd which boosts her offensive stats during Aether Raids offenses and increases them based on the number of defensive structures. 1 Units 2 Choose Your Legends placements 2.1 Choose Your Legends 2.2 Choose Your Legends: Round 2 2.3 Choose Your Legends: Round 3 2.4 Choose Your Legends: Round 4 3 Trivia 4 In other languages Naga is the mother of Tiki. 神の龍王 Nagi bestows a weaker version of the Falchion upon Marth, attempting to make up for the original one that he did not possess. This man went on to become the first Exalt of Ylisse, and as with Heim's descendants, his descendants also bear Naga's Holy Blood as made manifest by the Brand of the Exalt present on all of their bodies. She innately carries Luna, an ideal Special Skill for the damage increase as well as Chill Speed reducing the enemy with the highest speed on the enemy team by 7. Ironically, Naga is her own counter as well as an enemy Naga can grant other enemies the means to take her down in her stead through Divine Fang. Weapons HP SP Rng. After Grima's resurrection, Chrom arrives at Mount Prism to perform the Awakening. Its most notable effect is the stat boost when she is within two tiles of an ally who is either a dragon or has dragon effective weapons such as Marth, Legendary Tiki, and Julia. Naga shares her English voice actress, Mela Lee, with her daughter. Though Heroes notes that Archanea's past when covering the Awakening Naga. Standard Bow units pierce through her Flying status such as Brave Lyn, Legendary Alm, and Kinshi Hinoka, though this can be circumvented by taking Iote’s Shield as her Seal which is a highly recommended option. Naga In combat against a dragon foe, disables foe's skills that "calculate damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res" and unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. Chapter 24: Awakening (Awakening) Naga confirms this, calling Robin "Fellblood", due to Robin possessing power similar to Naga’s own, and knowing of Robin's origins. She has historically played a strong role as an ally and defender of mankind in conflicts with earth dragons, and is worshipped as a god in the cultures of Archanea/Ylisse and Jugdral, and she is acknowledged in the lore of Valentia due to her connection to Mila, Duma, and Valentia's Falchion. N/A Artwork of Loptous and Naga from the Super Tactics book. Led by many in the Earth Dragon tribe, many dragons began attacking humanity out of spite for dragonkin's decline. Nagi's ending title in the Japanese version of the series is that of the "Divine Dragon King's Incarnation", further supporting this point. Chrom's will is tested and is accepted by Naga, who unlocks the Falchion's true power, allowing it to become the Exalted Falchion. It is possible the differences about Naga in Awakening is due to not being the original incarnation, as she's never referred to as Tiki's mother in the game and The Art of Awakening specifically says the Awakening Naga's connection to the original Naga is unknown. In response she recruited eleven other dragons, including Forseti and Salamand, and with them travelled to Jugdral. First Seen As a result of this blood bond, Naga's holy blood was passed on through the descendants of Heim, the ruling dynasty of Grannvale. [2] She entrusted the guardianship of the Table to Medeus, the sole earth dragon manakete.[3]. This extends even to the few remaining manaketes, as Nah's supports with Male Morgan declares she's considered a deity to them, with her even praying to Naga and occasionally getting an answer. However some fan translations of New Mystery of the Emblem alter the originally masculine or gender neutral pronouns used for Naga, instead referring to the character as explicitly female. From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. She conferred her power upon this man in a second blood pact, enabling him to defeat Grima and return him to slumber using Falchion. Another potential reason for this discrepancy in gender is revealed via the Future Past DLC storyline in Awakening where Naga may be simply a title, given to a Divine Dragon who has ascended and taken on the role of spiritual guardian of the world. In an alternate future in which Chrom was slain by the Grima-possessed Robin and Grima's reign became absolute, his daughter Lucina and the children of Chrom's allies sought Naga's assistance. However many dragons did not heed this warning, and started degenerating. [view]. While her Atk is on the low side, this is immediately rectified by her exclusive Divine Breath, which gives her an innate +3 Atk, giving her a minimum 46 Atk with a bane and also carries Dragon effectiveness. She also is noted by Nah to have a dry sense of humor. In Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, in the Duma amiibo dungeon, Naga is referred to using female pronouns, though she does not make a direct appearance. Naga also at some point created the sword Falchion from yet another one of her fangs to ensure that humans would have a means of defending themselves against dragons in the future. The divine dragons emerged victorious from the war, and Naga sealed the earth dragons in the Dragon's Table using the Binding Shield, forged from one of her fangs. She granted them passage to the past through the Outrealm Gate, in order to avert the disastrous future; however, Grima caught wind and followed them back in time. After recovering the Emblem and the Gemstones, Lucina is able to perform the ritual. Using the Fire Emblem, he performed the Awakening rite at Mount Prism, and Naga provided both advice on Grima's downfall and granted her power to Chrom, restoring to Falchion the mighty power it had during the era of Marth, as well as the title it had during Marth's time: "Exalted Falchion".