ICanadian Indians have the old Bo-.man habit of alternately gormandizingand sleeping when there is a moose at )the lire. I mighte alarmed and afraid If I had not seen Htmefore and heard His voice. PA not look at him. g:ar.ny, let Cecil bringSir J'ib 'erick li.l enden here. ou know it is so nearthat I can easily tro alone, if Miss Corunna does not care to go with me.U it you will not go, dear: so grannywih "be at home, Cecil, if you bring(.apt. "In ii an the flute is played onlyby rank. FEBRUARY 13, 1895.NO. One minute ahls nil tha children smiling around heiwith their toys and sports and strange quelllonings. Instead of his supporting ber, sherapport ed him. Intwo days young Deschamps had finished a complete model of an artificialleg, with every movement of the natural limb duplicated. It is notevery day that brines out so manythe right sort of people. African-American women were ini- ""How glad I am I have got my I eautiful 'Sir I ancelot ' " pat.ing his neck"Ay, he is quite the right horso tohave. M ngahela means a "river with out isl" ." Thou otthe springtime and summery heavens I Hetnswers t To give all this audience pardonlor guilt, oondolenoe for grief, whole regiments of help for day ot battle and eternnlIfe for the dead 1 What response shall Irive Him? society would long ago have gone to pieoes,ant civilization wouid have been submerged1th barbarism, and tha wheel 01 the centuries would nave turne t back to the darkages. Expectant anbuoyant work will gain the victory. Have it now I Mindr3, I do not start from tha pessimisticI'.andpoint that David did, wben be got madlad said in his bnste, ''Ail men are liars I"Dr Irom the creed of others that every manla as bad as he ctin be. Model calibration with oil concentration data suggests that loss of oil due to sedimentation was important. All heaven knows aboutbiin, for the poor woman whose rent he paidIn her last days, and the man with consumption In the hospital to whom he aent flowersnd the cordials just before ascent Ion, andthe people he encouraged in many ways, after they entered heaven kept talking aboulIt. Is wrongwhen he prints a book for the depreciationof marriage. Her grandmother,still istent on acting ud to Cecil's instructions, waatenign and gracious asever: and neither in his first receptionnor in aught that followed had be anything to com- lain or.And yet Beilenden knew, within thelimits of that brief halt-hour, what hehad and had not to expect. ".u te the swagger young lady,')uoth he to himself, half sadly, hulfamused; "tremendously tine and fashionabel. Learn more, Image provided by: Penn State University Libraries; University Park, PA, It ' T - 'B. and ber face ever and'inon shows slcns of dreams aboutthe heaven she read of before retiring. He did not make the ghastly and infinite and everlasting mistake of sowino"wild oats," with the expectation of sowinggood wbe it later on. Itsonslsts of three parts. Besides Its business features it will contain 2,000 flats for livingapartments. We arenot much encouraged to find that tht greatwork of orrtcial reform In New York City begins by a propo3ii ton to the liquor dealersto break l ne law by keeping tiietr saloonsopen on Sun lny Irom two In the afternoon:o eleven at night.Never since America was discovered bathere been a worse Insult to sobriety and deconey nn.l religion than that proposition.That proposition Is equal to saying t "Letlaw and orderand religion have a chance onSunday forenoons, but Sunday afternoonjopen all the gates to gin and alcohol anScnfe.inm schnapps and sour mash and Jersey lightning, and the variegated swill o(brewi ries and drankenness and crime. lie was not wauhing, he waswarning her. I hear awntspering all through t 'lis assemblage. After awhile sha closetthe book and folds ber bands and thinks oveitax past and se-ms whispering the names o'hr children, some of them on earth an'lome of them in heaven. The model was further validated by comparing the output with the actual time of travel of the oil spill. she could not but own, ofan un-t'brittian temper: wherefore, ifit ha.1 been on that account that heba l met Sir Frederick lie.lenden halfway, she con!d but commend hergrand-on and endeavor to follow hisexample Beilenden should be received in Mount street And the dearold creature actually felt ashamed ofher own fee!'ns. "You will be in at 5, then:-" said hepersevcrins'iv. And he felt that sheiid not" mean him to entrap her.He was, in consequence, somewhatsurprised when the day ana the hourarrived.On thinking the matter over Geraldine hid neiti.er attended the serviceat Berkeley Chapel nor gone to tea inGrosvenor S uare. He has drawn morechecksforcontrl-butions to asylums and churches and schoolsthan any one, except God, knows. He always spoke of thesupposed people of that orb as "thaSelenites. Brooklyn Eagle.Washington's New Museum.Washington is to have a museum forall sorts of curious life-saving appliances, including the earliest kinds oflifeboats, rockets and lifo-preservftrsrv! and was awarethat she durst not let not herattentiorwander for an instant.A glance had .-utrccd to show thatp(f'lnfln was as mu. "Utscharitable" won his grandmother"unso:histicated," his cousin.Ko. "Well, yer honor, I kin see his boots,nnd that's more than he can see at anyMine as he's got 'era on. Tney have familyprayers. My mother oesnot have people in at 5 o clock on Sundays as they do at most bouses, so,thoug ' I know that of eourte theywould always have you, still, you see.if nobody were in. Let tbe ehikdren on their way to Sunday-schools In NanYork nt 3 o'clock in the afternoon meet thiIcobolism that does more than all otbeicauses combined to rob ohlldren of thelifathers and mothers and strew the land withhelpless orphanage. I do not think he hasseen us, so we need not trouble abouthim, and I am tirea of the corner,',oth his companion, turning herhorse's head round; "I should like tot ike another turn up and do.vn, Cecil,if you uo not tn'tirt. By divine arrangement tbe most ottha families ot the earth are at peace, andtha most of those united In marriage havfor eaon o:ner amnity ana aneotlon. Yea ; tha one who at tbe altar be hadtken with vows so solemn they made therange blossoms tremble 1 He struck her 1He made tha beautiful holidays "a reign ofterror."