Copyright 2009 - 2020 The Excitant Group, LLC. “It’s lunchtime, we shall now eat lunch, possibly in the presence of Kate McKinnon playing with a soldering gun…blessed be we.” Which really helps pull you in. It’s very good and includes scripture like this: “While Ocean’s 8 is technically a heist movie, it is actually a movie about how men are boring and peripheral and women are fun and should have sex with each other.” Hear, hear! But it succeeds at keeping the ones that matter. – Kate Reed from Fairly Legal I wish they had to work a little harder. I agree with Danny, this is a stand alone movie and there’s no reason to have to see the others first. This is definitely a film not to dismiss- although it may seem like something that you can miss out on, this is one of the best, smartest and most entertaining crime films in quite a while- and primarily due to just how unique it is. There’s almost no conflict, and that’s refreshing. Positively, absolutely The pink dress and cape that Hathaway's character wears to the Met Gala is absolutely stunning and worth the price of admission alone. So yeah, it’s a very good movie! If it was any other (less famous) actor/actress I may agree with you here. Cate Blanchett has gone on record saying she has been approached “in the grocery store” by more fans about Carol than any other film she’s made. Even the way Debbie says “what do you tell your husband” seems pointed. : As the Dust Settles, Here’s What We’ve Learned So Far in the 2020 Election, Monday Roundtable: You and Your Period, Bloody Hell, “To L and Back” L Word Podcast Episode 511: Lunar Cycle, Every Major Female “Star Trek” Character, Ranked By Lesbianism, Love That Looks Like Me: Finding My Queer, Non-Binary Place in the Wedding Industry, Some Answers to Some Things You’ve Been Asking Us #32, Lesbian, Bisexual, Queer, and Trans Candidates Won Big Again in State Elections This Year, The Dyke Kitchen: That Meat Sauce So Delicious. I have now seen Ocean’s 8 twice, and here’s what I saw just beneath the surface both times: Lou and Nine Ball (Rihanna) definitely start fucking shortly after meeting. Seeing them gives more a sense of how much of an unapologetic criminal she is, but not seeing the first shouldn’t take away from this movie (except that Oceans 11 is a good movie you should see). Yes, Priscila T, this was a calculated and deliberate attack perpetrated by Cate Blanchett to devastating effect. Did we really need that? But in Ocean’s 9, let’s see their gayness shine all over the screen like a six-pound diamond necklace, mkay? The Witcher Season 2 Could Use A Little More Street Fighter, Right? Her whole vibe was soooooo gay, it was excellent :), My girlfriend pointed it out to me during the movie, there’s a rainbow sticker, laying on the desk between them at one point in the movie. However, there are some nitpicks to be made- for starters, the film often becomes really jarring and confusing with its plot progression. I didn’t really think that they would’ve made anyone gay in this movie cause it’s only existence is like a victory in itself, to put a gay character would be taking a much higher risk than the one they were already taking while making this film. Undeniably and reliably a lesbian. There are several ambiguous lines that hint at such: “Lou and I were going through a rough patch,” Debbie explains when Tammy (Sarah Paulson) asks her how she ended up dating the pukey ex-boyfriend who put her in prison. are we working to remedy this problem? Eh, it doesn't matter. At the seams, it’s reasonable to think the existence of a Danny Ocean spinoff is a full-on cash grab, with no point other than greed- especially considering 2 of the 3 films in the franchise weren’t exactly the most memorable of films. Ocean’s 8 – A Spinoff With A Reason To Exist. I find her so fascinating and magical. The fashion and soundtrack are out-of-this-world. Rihanna and her fantastic dreadlocks absolutely manages to hold her own against a bunch of award winners. Debbie Ocean gathers an all-female crew to attempt an impossible heist at … However, most importantly, Anne Hathaway as famed actress Daphne Kluger, the target of the heist, has reached her peak here. According to imdb, Ocean’s 8 filming took place Oct. 2016 – March 2017 while the Carol aftershocks were still rocking our world. So what you’re saying is that the character of Lou was flung out of space? Director: Gary Ross The cast was great, but I just don’t think the screenplay was as tight as the original (er, second original?) Iconic! This movie is just okay. The fashion and soundtrack are out-of-this-world. Shadow Mewtwo In Pokémon GO: To Purify Or Not To Purify. Relative newcomer Awkwafina has real screen presence and great comedic timing. Their used-to-bang vibe in the garage is scintillating. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! This is a movie about robbing the Meta Gala, which means we get to see the Met Gala in all of its glory. Ocean's 8 returns to the Ocean's Eleven franchise, this time following Debbie Ocean - but is her brother Danny Ocean really dead?Fans of the franchise will know that George Clooney's Danny Ocean is the protagonist of Ocean's Eleven, as well as its two spinoffs.The conman was the architect of the heist in Ocean's Eleven and assembled the crew that pulled it off. Rihanna deserved so much more. But a good heist movie cannot get by with good characters or good performances alone; the heist itself needs to be a ton of fun to watch, and Ocean's 8 absolutely delivers. So many laugh out loud moments in this article! Just a hump, er hunch. She's a movie star in the making.  That’s how long Debbie Ocean has been devising the biggest heist of her life. If you’ve already seen the movie and are now here on Autostraddle dot com, you probably saw all of the above, too. iPhone 8 review: It looks like every one of its precursors, save for its glass back, wireless charging and a beefier processor, but is that still enough? or is Anne Hathaway in on it? Also I didn’t know Sandra Bullock is half German and speaks it fluently. And like the first, will have you cheering for the antihero. But Sandy B’s! Not a single member of the eight, including was poorly placed, and all of them bring an equally important component to the team. Her pop culture writing can also be found at The A.V. Hmmm I kinda thought that she was running her warehouse theft scam on like a massive level at the end…even though she certainly doesn’t need the money, I think she’s like Debbie and just like can’t resist a life of crime (which is PROBABLY what DREW THEM TO EACH OTHER when they USED TO DATE), I thought she got a warehouse to store all the stuff she steals so now she doesn’t have to lie to the husband. Does anyone know any hot lawyers with hair falling in perfect messy waves like Debbie Ocean’s when she’s first released from prison? There’s a lot of eye contact and flirting amongst the 8 but, regrettably, no kissing. Not to mentioned that they wasted at least 40% of the best face on the planet for some scruffy bangs. Sorry I don’t know any real lawyers). I can guarantee you will see everything I’ve outlined above, because none of this subtext is particularly hard to extract! With Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway, Mindy Kaling. Ocean's 8 or Ocean's Eight? The film often takes shortcuts like this, that only create confusion. Follow her on twitter @katiesmovies and @safaiagem on instagram. ;). They bring up the character of Danny Ocean once or twice but otherwise it stands very well on its own. Ugh the subtext in this movie was everything! Just saw it and that last scene was fake news, the movie actually ended with Lou opening the door onto Debbie making cocktails for their own personal happy hour, motorcycle helmet in hand. Like “is that…it has to be…”. She loves movies, television, and comics. It certainly worked on me. Blanchett******* I tried to save it but I was too late, please forgive me. If you haven’t seen the movie yet and are now here on Autostraddle dot com inevitably wondering whomst of the 8 are gay, the answer is… it’s complicated? Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya is a writer and critic currently living in Miami. The target is a cool $150 million dollars in diamonds–diamonds that will be around the neck of world-famous actress Daphne Kluger, who will be center stage at the event of the year, the Met Gala. Feminist. Yes, please. Listen to it at, twitter   facebook square   instagram   globe, twitter   facebook square   instagram, Ocean's 8 Review: Stylish, Smart, and a Ton of Fun, Halloween Gets Three New Stills, Trailer on Friday, Steve Niles and Marcelo Frusin Take Over Kick-Ass in September, Alolan Marowak Raid Day Is Tomorrow In Pokémon GO, TMNT: The Last Ronin #1 The Remaining Turtle Revealed (Spoilers), Costume Gengar Raid Spotlight: 2 Ways to Get the Shiny in Pokémon GO, Superman: The Man of Tomorrow #18 Review: A Real Accomplishment, Alolan Marowak Solo Raid Guide: It Can Finally Be Defeated Alone, Donald Trump's Kirstie Alley Picks Wrong Day to Call Out CNN: Opinion, Funko Wants You to Chase Waterfalls with TLC Chase Pops, SNL Weekend Update's Colin Jost, Actor Scarlett Johansson Tie Knot, Venom Wants Vengeance With New Sideshow/ PCS Collectibles Statue. It would have been so easy! That's fantastic. Great review Keith – I’m really looking forward to seeing this! Well said, Mayor. They also call each other “honey” and “baby” while at a diner just seconds before Debbie feeds Lou a forkful of food. Sandra Bullock speaking fluent German made me weak in the knees. Follow me on twitter @daniel_azbel and on letterboxd @danthemovieman. There’s just something instantly seductive about watching Debbie Ocean masterfully commit crimes big and small. Saw this yesterday and thought it was really fun and enjoyable! Thank you very much! And that really is the only point of the movie — that these women are super good at crimes! Then the cast list was announced that included Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway, and Mindy Kaling, and people were a little less apprehensive. They strive to create a safer, and more comfortable sex-toy shopping experience for the Queer community and more specifically gender non-conforming, trans and non-binary people. In the current environment, I can understand the tendency for the studios in producing all-female remakes and reboots. I was half tomboy and was known for losing a…, 1. She's also a co-host at The Nerd Dome Podcast. Conveniently also keeps him from knowing when Debbie or Lou come ‘round for a “visit”. When we took a first look at the design of Amazon's new Fire HD 8 and HD 8 Plus tablets earlier this month, we were enamored. Even the surprise extra loot gets shared with the whole group, even though only some of them knew about it. The biggest example of this was how Paulson’s character, a fence named Tammy, manages to get a job with the event where the team plans to execute the heist- with no explanation. We’re off to see the Blanchett enby is your one stop shop for all things lusty. By then, I had been tweeting about this movie for nearly two years. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. If so, thank you. You can catch her on Twitter and Instagram. However, at $699, it is the least expensive 5G phone available today with … But, the way in which these are executed are definitely impressive enough to overlook. SPOILERS for Ocean's 8 ahead.. One of my fave things about this movie is that you see them eating actual food like ACTUAL humans multiple times throughout the film. Nerd. When they put emphasis on being believable for the completely mundane stuff. In terms of the heist film, especially following in the footsteps of Danny Ocean and his crew, one of the things this film does right is the cast. The connection to the characters I think could have been better, but overall it was an entertaining and funny movie. I just assumed it would be super gay because of, like, the radioactive lesbian energy emanating from Cate Blanchett in all set photos ahead of the release. here’s the thing, though… yes i came home and immediately started looking for fanfic, but, like… there’s not much yet i guess?