Aqua Comms, Bulk Infrastructure, Facebook, and Google, are building the Havfrue consortium cable. This 37,000 kilometer cable will connect 16 countries in Africa and 23 countries overall. So How many cables are there? The combined JGA system will be the first cable on this route since the Australia Japan Cable (AJC) entered service in 2001. Submarine cables are decidedly uncool. The cable—linking the United States, Ireland, Denmark and Norway—is slated to be ready by the end of the year. By using the site, you consent to the use of these cookies. There's a new submarine cable map in town. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(594292, '984cf32e-602b-4ca3-86ba-6ae8df3df6a7', {}); Copyright © 2020 PriMetrica, Inc. All Rights Reserved. TeleGeography’s 2020 Submarine Cable Map has arrived alongside a new interactive experience that includes free map downloads for users. ABOUT. PEACE Cable is slated to launch in 2021 and will span 12,000 kilometers between Pakistan and France, with extensive branch coverage down the east coast of Africa. Alaska United Southeast. AEConnect (AEC) Africa Coast to Europe (ACE) Africa-1. And we'd like to thank our generous sponsor Telecom Egypt for making this map possible. JGA-North will link Japan to Guam, while JGA-South will extend south from Guam to Australia. Network About Us Use of this site constitutes acceptance of this website policy. Your email address will not be published. Our site uses cookies – some are essential to make the site work; others help us improve the user experience. Google operates a data center in Santiago; Curie will augment the capacity and improve resilience for this site. Curie is a Google private cable that will connect Los Angeles with Valpariso, Chile. The map depicts active and planned submarine cable systems, their landing stations, cable length, ready for service (RFS) date, owners, and website. It’s expected to be in service in the second quarter of 2020. Curie is a Google private cable that will connect Los Angeles with Valpariso, Chile. Pop Quiz: Test Your Knowledge Against These Submarine Cable Experts, Webinar: Global Submarine Network Challenges and Opportunities. New Builds of Note. Our 2020 edition has arrived along with a new interactive experience and free map downloads. Bulk Infrastructure owns the associated branch and is the landing party in Norway. Map: The World’s Network of Submarine Cables. Looking forward to 2020!" Interactive Submarine Cable Map of Fiber-Optic Submarine Cable Systems Around the World. FULL MAP . It's expected to be in service in the second quarter of 2020. Aqua Comms, Bulk Infrastructure, Facebook, and Google, are building the Havfrue consortium cable. )This new edition, sponsored by Telecom Egypt, depicts 447 cable systems and 1,194 landing stations that are currently active, under construction, or expected to be fully-funded by the end of 2022. "Submarine Networks World 2019 in Singapore was again the subsea event of the year. Great location, superb organization, and the event really brings together all key industry leaders together in one place. This new edition, which is sponsored by Telecom Egypt, depicts 447 cable systems and 1,194 landing stations that are currently active, under construction, or expected to be fully-funded by the end of 2022. The number of new submarine cables is set to grow by 50% in 2019, as compared to 2018 (source: TeleGeography’s submarine cable map).